Front Row



Original Poster:

1,302 posts

193 months

Sunday 8th February 2009
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Does anyone know how i can get advanced settings in Front Row on my mac? All i get in the settings is where to get my media from and only one option. Ideally id like to select my external HD only so it doesnt show the stuff i have off from my camcorder in iMovie.

Also there's a lot of files with just random numbers/letters as files but it says no media found when i click them, any idea what they could be or how i can get rid of them from the list?


Original Poster:

1,302 posts

193 months

Wednesday 11th February 2009
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No-one uses frontrow?


72,857 posts

249 months

Thursday 12th February 2009
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If you cant be arsed researching why expect other people to do it for you? Arse hat.