Apple TV



Original Poster:

67,280 posts

280 months

Wednesday 4th February 2009
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Will the Apple TV play files from network sources or is it only the stuff stored on its internal harddrive?


13,330 posts

240 months

Wednesday 4th February 2009
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That is why they only put a tiny drive in it. So you have to own more stuff, preferably Apple!

There is a hack to put a larger drive in but it is a big fiddle. No external drive support either.


Original Poster:

67,280 posts

280 months

Wednesday 4th February 2009
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So you can run content directly off an SMB share with it?

No need to mess about with iTunes etc?


6,869 posts

255 months

Wednesday 4th February 2009
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For once, this would appear to be heading down my route Plotty - drop me a mail if you want, I owe you a beer or two anyway...