Recommend me some headphones

Recommend me some headphones



Original Poster:

19,837 posts

293 months

Wednesday 18th October 2023
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Preferably not the £200+ ones

Use: CD's and plugging into a guitar amp so the rest of the family can't hear me.

In ear or over ear? think over ear but open to suggestions.

My hearing isn't perfect due to loud bands and open top cars, I actually prefer to listen to a pair of speakers but the rest of the family don't like my musical preferences.


2,291 posts

208 months

Wednesday 18th October 2023
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What for?? My sony wx noise cancelling stopped me from getting divorced while home schooling


9,199 posts

104 months

Wednesday 18th October 2023
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Audio Technica make some decent reasonably priced headphones.


15,379 posts

202 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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If going wired then these are pretty good value - I have the predecessor the SHP9500 & they are lovely!


Original Poster:

19,837 posts

293 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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As I delve deeper into this and will probably go for on/over ear rather than in ear "buds", could anyone confirm the sound quality of wireless/bluetooth ones are as good as hard wired?
I've an old set of Sony wireless headphones which sit on a "transmitter" when not in use, think they'll be older than Bluetooth. Do modern Bluetooth sets come with a transmitter to fit a 3.5mm jack socket or do I need to buy one of these as well?


1,187 posts

130 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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Bought these 3 months ago

They are exceptional, not too pricy. Comes with a lead to plug in should you need it. Reasonable noise cancelling for the price and really comfortable. Comes with an app to adjust the equalisers.

Percy Cushion

1,248 posts

231 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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Sony MDR-7506 headphones £90


5,448 posts

292 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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AKG K371-BT?

I bought a pair of these about 12 months ago and am happy with them. Have been used totally on wired for watching TV late at night so as not to wake / keep awake the wife. Read lots of reviews of different headphones before I decided on them. Used as wired as my AV amp isn't Bluetooth, else I'd use that facility. They are paired with my phone but I seldom use them with that.

Edited by S6PNJ on Friday 20th October 12:42


1,456 posts

245 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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Beyerdynamic DT 770, Used extensively in broadcast, they are very good.

For home use you'll need the lower impedance version.

Mont Blanc

1,789 posts

54 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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A few people have mentioned Sony and I would agree, especially given the OP doesn't want to spend a fortune.

Sony headphones offer really decent quality for price. You can obviously get much better quality headphones, but for a much bigger price.

For the OP's needs of CD player, Guitar amp, and also for wireless/bluetooth listening for the TV, music streaming from Phone, watching movies on iPad and whatever else you can think of, I would recommend some Sony headphones which have both Bluetooth and a wired option:

£99 with noise cancelling, wireless, 50 hour battery life, and a 3.5mm jack socket. These will do everything:

Edited by Mont Blanc on Friday 20th October 13:44


2,155 posts

61 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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If you wanted in ear Sony's, there's the WF-C700N, £99 from Amazon at the moment but they have been cheaper.

The reviews are great and for a fraction of the price of the WF-1000XM5's (I have the 1000XM4's and they're brilliant)

Mont Blanc

1,789 posts

54 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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nordboy said:
If you wanted in ear Sony's, there's the WF-C700N, £99 from Amazon at the moment but they have been cheaper.

The reviews are great and for a fraction of the price of the WF-1000XM5's (I have the 1000XM4's and they're brilliant)
Problem is the OP wanted to be able to use them with his guitar amp and CD player, which would require faffing about with buying an additional bluetooth sender unit if he wanted to use anything purely wireless.

Totally do-able of course, but I get the impression from the OP that he wishes to have something plug and play.


19,566 posts

216 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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Sony WH-H910N are noise cancelling, Bluetooth and have 3.5mm jack. Available for ~£100.

I use them when travelling all the time. I prefer open back headphones for extended listening though.

Vsix and Vtec

848 posts

29 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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I find Sennheiser products to be pretty solid, although it's hard to argue against Sony unless you're going closer to the top of the price range.


Original Poster:

19,837 posts

293 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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Mont Blanc said:
Problem is the OP wanted to be able to use them with his guitar amp and CD player, which would require faffing about with buying an additional bluetooth sender unit if he wanted to use anything purely wireless.

Totally do-able of course, but I get the impression from the OP that he wishes to have something plug and play.
Thanks MB, yes plug & play helps us old gits. The guitar amp I can plug in hard wired to the guitar amp, the CD player hasn't as far as i know Bluetooth, Can I buy a bluetooth "thing" to stick into the 3.5mm jack socket then pair the headphones to that?

I have old Sony headphones at present but they link to a "station" plugged into the TV 3.5 socket and the headphones sit on the "station" to charge when not in use. Had them a long time.


2,155 posts

61 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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Skyedriver said:
Mont Blanc said:
Problem is the OP wanted to be able to use them with his guitar amp and CD player, which would require faffing about with buying an additional bluetooth sender unit if he wanted to use anything purely wireless.

Totally do-able of course, but I get the impression from the OP that he wishes to have something plug and play.
Thanks MB, yes plug & play helps us old gits. The guitar amp I can plug in hard wired to the guitar amp, the CD player hasn't as far as i know Bluetooth, Can I buy a bluetooth "thing" to stick into the 3.5mm jack socket then pair the headphones to that?

I have old Sony headphones at present but they link to a "station" plugged into the TV 3.5 socket and the headphones sit on the "station" to charge when not in use. Had them a long time.
Yes, there's loads on Am azon from about £8.


592 posts

211 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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nordboy said:
Yes, there's loads on Am azon from about £8.
Don’t you get lag though? I’ve tried multi-track recording on the iPad and the lag on the headphones made it impossible. Maybe down to my kit though?


1,704 posts

201 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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Skyedriver said:
As I delve deeper into this and will probably go for on/over ear rather than in ear "buds", could anyone confirm the sound quality of wireless/bluetooth ones are as good as hard wired?
I've an old set of Sony wireless headphones which sit on a "transmitter" when not in use, think they'll be older than Bluetooth. Do modern Bluetooth sets come with a transmitter to fit a 3.5mm jack socket or do I need to buy one of these as well?
Bluetooth doesn't have the transmission capacity to relay even CD quality never mind the higher resolutions available, but they do sound good - they won't sound better than a wired connection with a decent source though. They're about ease of use and not strangling yourself, and you'll never notice the quality difference out and about with external noise, but they have downsides for TV/video due to latency issues causing lip sync issues (having the AptX LL codec capability is a must for that)


21,788 posts

283 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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Bluetooth bandwidth is +1Mb/s so shouldn't have any problem transmitting uncompressed CD quality, I'd have thought? If you've got a digital source, I'd have thought Bluetooth could transit it without loss.

If you've got an analogue source, I'd hazard a guess that an analogue-to-bluetooth converter/transmitter that only costs a few quid is not going to contain the world's greatest A2D, and when you convert that back to analogue in the Bluetooth headphones you've got another opportunity to lose fidelity. A cable with a 3.5mm jack is going to be a lot cheaper and likely sound better, but obviously means your trailing a cable around.

808 Estate

2,325 posts

102 months

Sunday 22nd October 2023
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996owner said:
Beyerdynamic DT 770, Used extensively in broadcast, they are very good.

For home use you'll need the lower impedance version.
I would concur. These are closed back so you can scream your guitar as much as you like without disturbing anyone else. biggrin