More 'Audiophile' bullsh*t

More 'Audiophile' bullsh*t



4,485 posts

213 months

Wednesday 7th February
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theboss said:
Gary C said:
cirks said:
robinessex said:
So much of a bargain, I think I'll have two. Amazing device - electric device plugging into the mains but uses no power.
MainsARAY noise reduction devices, providing a low-impedance path to ground

or in other words, capacitors smile
I thought I'd seen it all before but that really is sinking to new depths. (The travel adapter thing specifically)
I'd love to see bigclivedotcom (youtube) to take one of these things apart and examine what's inside it.


11,558 posts

257 months

Wednesday 7th February
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I came very close to buying two different sets of travel adapters yesterday, to take apart and make into one of these quantum do-dahs.
I could sell it ebay for the bargain price of £1000 smile


5,716 posts

230 months

Wednesday 7th February
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robinessex said:
Love this bit. : If connected to a power socket with a switch, please switch the socket on to get the full performance from your PowerARAY Professional.


8,140 posts

29 months

Wednesday 7th February
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Some of these snake oil websites seem to be irresistable to many hifi enthusiasts.
I suspect they make more money selling your data than they do from flogging the odd gadget to gullible rich people.


1,272 posts

51 months

Thursday 8th February
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eliot said:
if you google image search you will see that it’s just a universal travel adapter with a uk either side.

But my bass is deeper, sound is brighter yada yada

Edited by eliot on Tuesday 6th February 13:01
I thought this was a joke until I actual clicked through to see they’re charging thousands for an adapter plug!!!

The sales guff is hilarious:

These processes dramatically improve phase detail, this encompasses a whole host of sonic benefits: more low level information, better and more seperate harmonics, complicated musical passages rendered with more intelligibility, plus improved bass detail and slam and finally an overall sense of ease and naturalness even at high listening levels

It’s a plug!!! How can a plug do these things???


6,557 posts

67 months

Thursday 8th February
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Boom78 said:
It’s a plug!!! How can a plug do these things???
Expectation bias.

Also, if you do a before and after "test", the physical exertion if getting up, crawling behind your hifi, plugging this in, and returning to listening position will up your heart rate a tad, changing blood flow to the brain. That can be enough to slightly shift your perception of sound.


2,870 posts

29 months

Thursday 8th February
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Sporky said:
Boom78 said:
It’s a plug!!! How can a plug do these things???
Expectation bias.

Also, if you do a before and after "test", the physical exertion if getting up, crawling behind your hifi, plugging this in, and returning to listening position will up your heart rate a tad, changing blood flow to the brain. That can be enough to slightly shift your perception of sound.
Any test needs to be done "blind" and repeated.


6,557 posts

67 months

Thursday 8th February
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That too.

Ideally double blind so the person running the test can't give it away.

I seem to remember a famous quote from one of the hifi forums, to the effect of "I don't trust double blind testing, because differences I know exist are no longer apparent in double-blind tests".

Mr Whippy

29,177 posts

244 months

Thursday 8th February
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Sporky said:
That too.

Ideally double blind so the person running the test can't give it away.

I seem to remember a famous quote from one of the hifi forums, to the effect of "I don't trust double blind testing, because differences I know exist are no longer apparent in double-blind tests".


57 months

Thursday 8th February
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6,557 posts

67 months

Thursday 8th February
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pocketspring said:
"Please note: fuses are directional"

Someone needs to explain AC to them.


19,130 posts

208 months

Thursday 8th February
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Sporky said:
pocketspring said:
"Please note: fuses are directional"

Someone needs to explain AC to them.
You'll notice that there are no photos in case competitors try to copy the closely guarded trade secrets yes


7,941 posts

220 months

Thursday 8th February
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Sporky said:
pocketspring said:
"Please note: fuses are directional"

Someone needs to explain AC to them.
You'll notice that there are no photos in case competitors try to copy the closely guarded trade secrets yes
Plenty of pictures on their home page

I wouldn't dare suggest that they've wrapped their own stickers around a standard fuse nono


19,130 posts

208 months

Thursday 8th February
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RustyMX5 said:
Plenty of pictures on their home page

I wouldn't dare suggest that they've wrapped their own stickers around a standard fuse nono
You can contact them at 101 KING FUK Street for more details....



6,969 posts

222 months

Thursday 8th February
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Looks like they do MCB's as well. You could have a £250k consumer unit with this stuff. You'd have to buy one for each of your neighbours as well, to get the real benefit.


1,987 posts

133 months

Thursday 8th February
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I wonder how much an audio grade fuse for my local substation would be? My soundstage is a little muddy and I’d like my noise floor to be lower.
Perhaps I should put these concerns to my DNO? Although they’d probably want to put me on a smart meter which won’t do my mains jitter any good….


838 posts

34 months

Thursday 8th February
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pocketspring said:
They describe the negative effect of "bottlenecking" where all the current to various devices has to flow through the same fuse... I suggest they rename this phenomonon to "turtle heading' which is probably more accurate and at least engages the correct part of the body for this thought process.


140 posts

133 months

Thursday 8th February
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pocketspring said:
£8K for a fuse with a 1 year warranty! I'd love to see the sales figures.


2,020 posts

135 months

Thursday 8th February
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BiggestVern said:
£8K for a fuse with a 1 year warranty! I'd love to see the sales figures.
I read a 'customer' review of one of these audiophile fuses, where it was said the difference was more profound than upgrading 'a box' in the system.

I don't know what's more worrying, that somebody somewhere believes this or that such claims go unchallenged.

Gary C

12,732 posts

182 months

Thursday 8th February
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Sporky said:
pocketspring said:
"Please note: fuses are directional"

Someone needs to explain AC to them.
love this bit

" If you are unsure of the correct direction, simply try it both ways. You should hear a difference "
