More 'Audiophile' bullsh*t

More 'Audiophile' bullsh*t


Deranged Rover

3,511 posts

77 months

Thursday 9th November 2023
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anonymoususer said:
Astonishingly I found a pair of the original speakers that came with it for sale it will be nice to hear how it sounds after 36 years. I know I can get better speakers but hey
I wouldn't dismiss the speakers too readily, as I'm pretty sure you'll find they are made by Goodmans - that tweeter certainly is.

Goodmans and Hitachi did have some sort of tie-up in the 1970s - Goodmans made speakers for several of the UK market Hitachi music centres, and the Goodmans MCD-100 music centre was simply a very thinly disguised Hitachi SDT-7675


12,997 posts

267 months

Thursday 9th November 2023
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anonymoususer said:
Astonishingly I found a pair of the original speakers that came with it for sale it will be nice to hear how it sounds after 36 years. I know I can get better speakers but hey

There is something about that era of hi-fi speakers which I love. I suspect there was a lot more 'try it and see if it sounds OK' in that era's designs than today's hardcore calculations and engineering, but they have a very nostalgic sound for me. Decent ones, anyway.

When I went to university in 1991, a friend had a 70s set of speakers for his stereo which always sounded way better than the new Wharfedales, B&Ws and Missions that I worked my way through, trying to find something which sounded as good laugh


2,897 posts

29 months

Thursday 9th November 2023
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Deranged Rover said:
I was talking about the Kharma Enigma Veyron speakers, not the fan subwoofer.
I looked kharma's claimed specs for their amplifiers. There are a few claimed measurements written down and seem to be simply made up. They claim infinite damping factor, based on a output impedance measured to 1 decimal place and -120dB thd.


6,227 posts

51 months

Thursday 9th November 2023
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Deranged Rover said:
anonymoususer said:
Astonishingly I found a pair of the original speakers that came with it for sale it will be nice to hear how it sounds after 36 years. I know I can get better speakers but hey
I wouldn't dismiss the speakers too readily, as I'm pretty sure you'll find they are made by Goodmans - that tweeter certainly is.

Goodmans and Hitachi did have some sort of tie-up in the 1970s - Goodmans made speakers for several of the UK market Hitachi music centres, and the Goodmans MCD-100 music centre was simply a very thinly disguised Hitachi SDT-7675
Hi, I looked up that and it looks almost exactly like the Hitach version
They had some pretty radical ones around that time. My dads was probably one of the more conservative versions.

I'm collecting the music centre Saturday and ive got the speakers here which have been hooked up to a denon mini and they sound great.
I will have to get the soldering iron out as the hitachi speaker terminals are screws (I remember the cables had rings on them )
All being well it will be set up at the weekend


2,897 posts

29 months

Friday 10th November 2023
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robinessex said:
They spin in a helical pattern, so travel equal distances. But, They spin clockwise in the + lead, and Anti-clockwise in the - lead. Just saying.
The point where they reverse spin direction must be very busy.

I always thought the crossover network was a HP an LP filter and EQ etc.... Perhaps it's real purpose is to reverse the electron spin direction.


Original Poster:

13,042 posts

171 months

Friday 10th November 2023
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911hope said:
The point where they reverse spin direction must be very busy.

I always thought the crossover network was a HP an LP filter and EQ etc.... Perhaps it's real purpose is to reverse the electron spin direction.
No, silly... The point of the crossover is to prevent electron collisions when they meet at the speaker, and ensure the right electron reaches the right drive unit.


10,917 posts

187 months

Friday 10th November 2023
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Don't we have electron roundabouts here?


2,897 posts

29 months

Saturday 11th November 2023
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Bullett said:
Don't we have electron roundabouts here?
Inductors are multi lap roundabouts.


5,477 posts

58 months

Friday 26th January
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I'm going to offer an anti-dote to audiophile BS...wasn't worth starting a new thread over.

I've always wanted to buy a pair of planar magnetic headphones as they're supposedly the dogs danglies. I've never tried a pair as I know if they're as good as reviewed, then I'd end up buying a pair and I really don't need new cans at the price they are, no matter how good.

Google has obviously picked up on my occasional searches for them and suggested that I'd be interested in a pair of Hdiz MP145 which are a planar magnetic in the ear.

At about £150 delivered to the UK - and some stellar reviews - I thought it worth a punt.

They are arrived this week and I have to say that it is simply astonishing how good they are. The clarity and ability to resolve individual instruments on a busy track is quite remarkable. I also don't have to worry about losing them like a previous pair of expensive Shure IE that were stolen.

They also come with tuneable buds and filter so you can play with sound curve.

Anyway...worth a punt if you want a cheapish set of IE headphones, and the absolute antithesis of a thousand quid kettle lead.

Harry Flashman

19,570 posts

245 months

Friday 26th January
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I use a phone as my personal listening device, and it doesn't have a headphone jack...


5,477 posts

58 months

Friday 26th January
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Harry Flashman said:
I use a phone as my personal listening device, and it doesn't have a headphone jack...
USB DAC. That's what use.

Mojo chord or a dragonfly.


2,020 posts

135 months

Friday 26th January
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TGCOTF-dewey said:
I'm going to offer an anti-dote to audiophile BS...wasn't worth starting a new thread over.

I've always wanted to buy a pair of planar magnetic headphones as they're supposedly the dogs danglies. I've never tried a pair as I know if they're as good as reviewed, then I'd end up buying a pair and I really don't need new cans at the price they are, no matter how good.

Google has obviously picked up on my occasional searches for them and suggested that I'd be interested in a pair of Hdiz MP145 which are a planar magnetic in the ear.

At about £150 delivered to the UK - and some stellar reviews - I thought it worth a punt.

They are arrived this week and I have to say that it is simply astonishing how good they are. The clarity and ability to resolve individual instruments on a busy track is quite remarkable. I also don't have to worry about losing them like a previous pair of expensive Shure IE that were stolen.

They also come with tuneable buds and filter so you can play with sound curve.

Anyway...worth a punt if you want a cheapish set of IE headphones, and the absolute antithesis of a thousand quid kettle lead.
The motivation for my upgrade from Grado to Audeze was partially comfort and partially the hope of sonic improvement. Vast improvement in both areas.

My ears no longer feel like they have been nailed to my head and the improvement in clarity, impact and decay is equally as profound.


5,477 posts

58 months

Saturday 27th January
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InductionRoar said:
The motivation for my upgrade from Grado to Audeze was partially comfort and partially the hope of sonic improvement. Vast improvement in both areas.

My ears no longer feel like they have been nailed to my head and the improvement in clarity, impact and decay is equally as profound.
They look superb for the money - assuming you're talking about mm-100s. Not seen PMs that cheap before.

I've got a couple of pairs of Grados and you're right. They're far from the last word in comfort.


21,816 posts

228 months

Sunday 28th January
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A friend of mine has a ridiculously expensive hifi set up - in the £40k league.

I mentioned to him that as he uses hearing aids, is he hearing all this high fidelity through cheap little ear speakers?


Original Poster:

13,042 posts

171 months

Sunday 28th January
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NDA said:
A friend of mine has a ridiculously expensive hifi set up - in the £40k league.

I mentioned to him that as he uses hearing aids, is he hearing all this high fidelity through cheap little ear speakers?
I have hearing aids, but never wear them because despite having TV and music settings, they make everything sound bad.

My hearing isn't that bad anyway, it's just one ear that's verging on bad.

I raised this issue on an audio forum I frequent, and I got a reply from an audiologist who mentioned that it is possible to get bluetooth hearing aids with high quality sound (so you essentially use them as headphones for audio / TV sound).


17,502 posts

282 months

Sunday 28th January
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The state of someone’s hearing is an interesting point.

Of course good quality sound can be discerned and enjoyed into old age but I’d say that you really have to get your prime hifi listening and general HiFi nerding done before your 60s.

The ability to hear certain frequencies declines and many will be suffering from permanent tinnitus.


5,166 posts

162 months

Sunday 28th January
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One of the benefits of getting old is that you no longer need to spend a fortune on hi-fi.


8,181 posts

29 months

Sunday 28th January
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Conversely, as you get older, your ability to extract what you want to hear from distorted sound may decline.
So you may become less tolerant of rubbish audio and more appreciative of hifi.


7,558 posts

223 months

Monday 5th February
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I just had this pop up as advertised. Even Elon would baulk at that price!


11,121 posts

184 months

Monday 5th February
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toasty said:
I just had this pop up as advertised. Even Elon would baulk at that price!
Complete and utter bks. From the time a recording is made, to when it comes out of your speakers, it's been through god knows how many electrical circuits, yet these idiots claim a simple plug can 'restore' stuff (that's a technical word by the way) that's gone missing. This is clever, considering most of the signals are probably in digital form.

PS I think you also need this as well.

Only another £5,500. A bargain.