More 'Audiophile' bullsh*t

More 'Audiophile' bullsh*t


Silver Smudger

3,322 posts

170 months

Tuesday 24th October 2023
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Sporky said:
... even though we've told them, pointed them at the standards documents, done drawings for them with coloured crayons, and put on a little play with soft toys.
been there, done that!

Silver Smudger

3,322 posts

170 months

Tuesday 24th October 2023
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808 Estate said:
Mitsubishi Diatone D160. Excellent choice. biggrin

I like this bit. biggrinbiggrin
"It seems that the unit with the unusual size of 160 cm had a lot of difficulty in the characteristic test.
At the Koriyama Test at the Koriyama Factory was carried out in the measurement room at first, but it was stopped because fluorescent lamps on the ceiling fell due to vibration. It seems that the characteristic test was carried out at the ground in the factory premises.
The outdoor test seemed to have a negative impact on the neighborhood. At a distance of about 100m from the speaker, it was felt as sound, but at a distance of more than that, it was transmitted as vibration and earth rumbling instead of audible sound. Within a radius of 2 km from the factory, there were damages such as vibrations like earthquakes and earth rumbling, and sound of walls and windows."
Reminds me of ...

Regular concert goers judged that the best sound balance was usually to be heard from within large concrete bunkers some thirty-seven miles away from the stage, whilst the musicians themselves played their instruments by remote control from within a heavily insulated spaceship which stayed in orbit around the planet - or more frequently around a completely different planet.

Many worlds have now banned their act altogether, sometimes for artistic reasons, but most commonly because the band's public address system contravenes local strategic arms limitations treaties.

“… fine weather for the concert here this afternoon. I’m standing here in front of the stage,” the reporter lied, “in the middle of the Rudlit Desert, and with the aid of hyperbinoptic glasses I can just about make out the huge audience cowering there on the horizon all around me. Behind me the speaker stacks rise like a sheer cliff face, and high above me the sun is shining away and doesn’t know what’s going to hit it. The environmentalist lobby do know what’s going to hit it, and they claim that the concert will cause earthquakes, tidal waves, hurricanes, irreparable damage to the atmosphere, and all the usual things that environmentalists usually go on about."

Disaster Area - (HHGG, D. Adams obvs.)

Edited by Silver Smudger on Tuesday 24th October 16:11

Gary C

12,799 posts

182 months

Tuesday 24th October 2023
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I thought it was the kakrafoon desert ?

My error, planet Kakrafoon Capa smile

Loved that quote.

earthquakes, tidal waves, hurricanes, irreparable damage to the atmosphere, and all the usual things that environmentalists usually go on about

I can still hear it


Edited by Gary C on Tuesday 24th October 21:09


2,922 posts

29 months

Tuesday 24th October 2023
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Gary C said:
Sporky said:
Gary C said:
Still, thats a claimed tolerance of no more than 0.001mm

They're not knocking these out on a Myford.
0.001mm is for a massive molecule, the biggest there is, even so, tolerances down to 'molecular level' ie ~200 picometers or 0.0000002mm seems crazy for a turn table.

But apparently is possible
Anyone with a hint of knowledge or a questioning mind would ask...

To what accuracy is the grove on an LP manufactured?


How central is the hole in the LP


What is the phase noise or amplitude noise of the incoming AC

Or how large are the many other of the major deficiencies of the vinyl medium.

The next step is to ask, what is a super tight tolerance bearing going to do to change the overall performance of this terrible system.

It like polishing the shovel on a steam locomotive and expecting it to go faster.

Gary C

12,799 posts

182 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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911hope said:
It like polishing the shovel on a steam locomotive and expecting it to go faster.
Spot on smile


6,576 posts

67 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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But it'd be shinier!

Shiny good.


11,126 posts

184 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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The analog equivalent of computer GIGO. Garbage in, garbage out.


90 posts

79 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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911hope said:
Anyone with a hint of knowledge or a questioning mind would ask...
Oh, but one shouldn't be questioning this bow ....just getting out the credit card surely? biggrin


4,978 posts

165 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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Or just giving it a good coat of listening to?

Remember, this thing isn’t out there completely on its own. So if you already have a £150k turntable (is there one?) and after you hear this one in your system you say you heard quite a few improvements, and you can very easily afford it… why not?

25 years ago I heard a few CD players around the £1k mark, and then a £2200 player. I found the money immediately. And then listened to no more wink


7,568 posts

223 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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Tony1963 said:
25 years ago I heard a few CD players around the £1k mark, and then a £2200 player. I found the money immediately. And then listened to no more wink
I remember going to a hifi dealer once and was asking about integrated vs pre/power amps. A lengthy demo went through the Mission Cyrus options from integrated to preamp plus monoblocks. The final option was amazing with everything becoming 3D.

Unfortunately I didn’t even have the money for the integrated
amp though I could see how people end up spending thousands. frown


13,004 posts

267 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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toasty said:
I remember going to a hifi dealer once and was asking about integrated vs pre/power amps. A lengthy demo went through the Mission Cyrus options from integrated to preamp plus monoblocks. The final option was amazing with everything becoming 3D.

Unfortunately I didn’t even have the money for the integrated
amp though I could see how people end up spending thousands. frown
Were you wise to the old ‘turn it up a notch’ sales technique? That’s something which definitely makes a difference in a demo but doesn’t actually make for long-term satisfaction.

Got to wonder how much better a £300k pair of speakers fed by a high quality stream would be rather than a £300k turntable.


6,576 posts

67 months

Thursday 26th October 2023
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Jobbo said:
Were you wise to the old ‘turn it up a notch’ sales technique? That’s something which definitely makes a difference in a demo but doesn’t actually make for long-term satisfaction.
I've used that one a lot when doing shoot-outs for customers for commercial audio.

If I knew they couldn't sensibly afford (for example) the Martin or Meyer option, I'd make the cheaper (but perfectly good) option about 0.5dB to 1dB louder. If they were choosing between stuff at the same price we'd get them all to within 0.1dB.

I never made the more expensive option louder. I might be evil, but I try to be kind evil.


13,004 posts

267 months

Thursday 26th October 2023
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You’re a good person, Sporky. Ever sold any cable lifters or green CD pens?


52,848 posts

213 months

Thursday 26th October 2023
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Sporky said:
I've used that one a lot when doing shoot-outs for customers for commercial audio.

If I knew they couldn't sensibly afford (for example) the Martin or Meyer option, I'd make the cheaper (but perfectly good) option about 0.5dB to 1dB louder. If they were choosing between stuff at the same price we'd get them all to within 0.1dB.

I never made the more expensive option louder. I might be evil, but I try to be kind evil.
Genuine question.

How does price track with "better" in your opinion selling this stuff?

I used to work in retail years back when Aiwa midi systems were king.

Different league of course but the number of people who would listen to two systems or an Aiwa v a Sony or whatever and ask me which one sounded best used to baffle me as I always thought and said "they're your ears".

It always felt a little odd that sound is presumably quite a personal taste so it never quite made sense that more expensive is automatically going to sound better to someone.


19,182 posts

208 months

Thursday 26th October 2023
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Because audio equipment is one of the few items we buy with our ears - or at least should. The vast majority of purchases are made with our eyes.

So when buying audio, most people are still using their eyes to determine what is best. What looks shiny and new, what looks better quality construction and materials, what has the most pleasing aesthetic, what is the most expensive, what has the greater technical claims etc. Because they are conditioned to use their eyes they don't trust their ears or even think to use them.

That's why you end up with crazy priced equipment or audio bullst like the examples on this thread; people don't use their ears to determine what sounds better or they don't actually care what sounds best to them.....


6,576 posts

67 months

Thursday 26th October 2023
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bhstewie said:
Genuine question.

How does price track with "better" in your opinion selling this stuff?
Bear in mind I only do commercial stuff, and I'm focused on auditoriums, not live performance. Teeny bit of not-really cinema. Do while music gets played on it, the real focus is speech intelligibity and downright punch. Probably obvious, but the below is just my experience/opinion. Others in the field may disagree.

There is something of a correlation, in that the stuff I've liked best hasn't been cheap, but hasn't been the most expensive. At the downright cheap end Extron make pretty much everything themselves, and their SM26 and SM28s, properly EQd, embarrass stuff at double the price. Their amps are in technical terms by far the best commercial amps.

Higher up I think Nexo (specifically the P12/L15 combo) and dB Audiotechnik (specifically the CE24 and matching cardioid sub, though everything I've heard of theirs is lovely) are worth the extra if you've got it.

QSC in the middle tend to be good too.

There's endless cheap dross, and there's expensive stuff I've not been impressed by. If you match the system to the space you can get goid results with inexpensive bits and more commissioning time within reason. An expensive set of bits topped into an untreated space won't work as well as spending half on the bits and half on acoustic treatment and set-up time.


6,576 posts

67 months

Thursday 26th October 2023
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Jobbo said:
You’re a good person, Sporky. Ever sold any cable lifters or green CD pens?
Sadly no!

I did sell some really expensive speaker cable recently though. 4mm², £2.04 a metre.


Original Poster:

13,048 posts

171 months

Sunday 5th November 2023
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Sporky said:
Sadly no!

I did sell some really expensive speaker cable recently though. 4mm², £2.04 a metre.
Expensive you say? What about this.... smile

I believe it's this cable...

€78,000 for a 2.5M pair.

EDIT: My initial thought was that this was a photoshop job, but then I found a picture taken from a different angle...

Edited by TonyRPH on Sunday 5th November 08:40


6,576 posts

67 months

Sunday 5th November 2023
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I can't believe they've spent that sort of money but ignored the benefits of having different colours for each channel for better spectra isolation.

And the cable towers look to be made of the same material for the line level and the speaker cables. Fashion-led insanity!


11,126 posts

184 months

Sunday 5th November 2023
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Has anyone invested in a power feed directly from the generating station yet ?