Hello to any PH'ers in Singapore

Hello to any PH'ers in Singapore



Original Poster:

1,159 posts

215 months

Friday 2nd January 2009
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A recent arrival in Singapore, I'd like to wish all of you a Happy New Year! Look forward to getting to know you.



Original Poster:

1,159 posts

215 months

Friday 2nd January 2009
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Ordinary Bloke said:
I'm not in Singapore but I'm in a good mood so HAPPY NEW YEAR...
Thanks! Likewise!!

excersizer said:
Welcome to Singapore! Here's wishing you a Happy New Year!
So... as we, or deffo I are 'sans voiture' I guess meets take on a different theme over here??


Original Poster:

1,159 posts

215 months

Saturday 3rd January 2009
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We'll have to get together some time soon for a couple of beers then!


Original Poster:

1,159 posts

215 months

Tuesday 6th January 2009
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Living out at Dover but working in the boonies at Tuas South... What about you?


Original Poster:

1,159 posts

215 months

Wednesday 7th January 2009
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I remember chatting to you before you left!

I'm settled in well, but then I lived here for six months in '95 and 18 months 97-98 with a couple of years in Jakarta and KL on top for good measure!

Flying to Lagkawi friday night, so mebbe the week after????


Original Poster:

1,159 posts

215 months

Wednesday 7th January 2009
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XJSJohn said:

... ohh st ... what did i say ?? boxedin

Gawd know's! A lot of brain cells have popped their mortal coild between then and now!

XJSJohn said:

Ahh fair enough ... weekend before CNY could be a good idea !!!
Sounds like the basis of a plan!