What is it with Thailand?

What is it with Thailand?



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222 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2008
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Its almost like clockwork, every 18 months they have some sort of Civil War / Coup, the get some nice people to take over who 18 months later, they decide are corrupt and want rid of again ... i may have oversimplified / mis-understood some of this

I hope that no PH'ers are stuck in BKK.

Seems that some flights are getting into Phuket as the "Kings Cup" is still under way, all be it 2 days late!

To the credit of the Thais, even when in full civil war mode, they are (generally) very peacefull about it! (give or take the odd RPG)


Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2008
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phumy said:
XJSJohn said:
To the credit of the Thais, even when in full civil war mode, they are (generally) very peacefull about it! (give or take the odd RPG)
Maybe theyre getting too used to it now, but i think its piss poor that the government there are doing very little to get things moving again. It will only work against them, the Thai people will lose in the end as they have a huge tourist income, which is just waiting to be snapped up by neighboring countries.
A valid point there!!

Seems that the King is the only one holding everything together and civilised, Its his birthday at the end of the week, so the protests will probably end then!!

Mind you, what happens when he pops his clogs? His son is a muppet.


Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2008
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Wont take long for Taksin to get back in control either i recon, 5 years maximim. Still trying to figure out if thats bad or not ...


Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2008
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all valid... TBH not been following Thai politics that closely over the past few years, we just started talking about it at OSEA yesterday over a beer.


Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Thursday 1st January 2009
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phumy said:
nottyash said:
Ive heard they are at it again. Barrackading the current government in their buildings! Oh dear
Apparently they are taking today off as its a public holiday, according to The Bangkok Post hehe
Well lets face it, at an average of one coup every 18 months for the last 20 years, they have got the hang of things, including public holidays and union rates for demonstrators!