Rice, noodles, sea food and fresh veg...

Rice, noodles, sea food and fresh veg...



Original Poster:

123 posts

191 months

Saturday 15th November 2008
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..are OK but get a bit boring after a while. I could murder my Grannie for something like this.

You can't get a decent pint with big f*ck off chips like this anywhere in VN. This is THE worst thing about living away from the UK cry


Original Poster:

123 posts

191 months

Thursday 20th November 2008
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There are plenty of stupid clowns over here even without Ronald!


Original Poster:

123 posts

191 months

Wednesday 26th November 2008
quotequote all
phumy said:
You cant beat watching an Asian routing around in the eye sockets of a chicken head with their tongue hehe
...and for the VN restaurant staff or fellow VN customers; picking his nose a few seconds before serving up your meal, making you a sandwich after just scratching his arse or gobbing on the floor of the restaurant after taking a couple of minutes coughing it up from the back of his throat...lovely jubbly!! And all that in front of the restaurant so it doesn't bear thinking about what goes on behind the restaurant in the food prep/kitchen area! vomit