Far east vacation and Beaches!!!

Far east vacation and Beaches!!!



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257 months

Friday 10th October 2008
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Heading to Far East next summer for the family jaunt - sick of USA. It's been a while for me in that part of the world (used to go there a lot in ealry 90's) only regular trips to Shanghai nowadays - so out of touch with the latest "must see"places!

We are planning on starting North an working South -initially landing in Beijing and then leave from Singapore 25 days later. So recommendations for everything else in between?

We're planning a few days sightseeing in Beijing - then heading to Tokyo (my son is desperate to go there - he thinks it will be like 24/7 "Tokyo Drift" on every street!) - after Tokyo we will head to Hong Kong - then on to Bangkok - this is where it goes a bit Pete Tong - my wife then wants to have a "beach holiday" before we head back to Singapore for a couple of days prior to flying home.

So any suggested alterations to the trip?..and recommendations for the "beach" part - was thinking Ko Samui or Penang or somethng else? Ideally somewhere convenient for Bangkok travel and back to Singapore. (don't want to go to Bali - didnt like it much last time I was there - might be something to do with the Sea Snakes...URGHH!)

All feedback gratefully received!