contact in Indonesian government

contact in Indonesian government



Original Poster:

7,490 posts

254 months

Monday 6th July 2020
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Hi All

trying to get a paedophile extradited from Indonesia

want to use the ph massive to find a contact to give to the police.

the person in queestion has lied about his crinminal past to get residency

sussex police want to get him back here to stand trial

any contacts would be great

thx sean


Original Poster:

7,490 posts

254 months

Wednesday 8th July 2020
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wisbech said:
Quite. U.K. and Indonesia have an extradition treaty.

Use Interpol & the British Embassy to put in the request.
thanks wisbech , thats great news!

the idea was to invalidated the residency if they couldn't due to previous undeclared convictions


Original Poster:

7,490 posts

254 months

Wednesday 8th July 2020
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Berw said:
If any thing you want a contact in the provincial government to actually implement any warrant. As stated getting the warrant issued by the central government/police in Jakarta will be one issue, best done through the official channels. Getting it implemented in the province could well be a matter of who you know.
Assuming its some one on some retirement visa, which requires an overseas income, your best bet may be to see if you can get the income with held, say by a UK bank or Pension provider.
thanks this is usefull information, sussex police are on it