KL to Cameron Highlands suggested route

KL to Cameron Highlands suggested route



Original Poster:

718 posts

225 months

Tuesday 13th September 2016
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Any suggestions for the above? There appears to be 2 to 3 possible routes with some pros and cons. I've driven in Malaysia before but this is my honeymoon and would like to take an interesting/scenic route - any advice from locals welcome.

Thanks, Steve


Original Poster:

718 posts

225 months

Sunday 6th November 2016
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Thanks - as it happened I unfortunately encountered the Islamic New Year traffic and the last 5km to the Cameron Highlands resort took over 2 hours! I had a good bit of fun trying to work with a Proton Preve with a truly dreadful CVT on the twisty bits though. The way down was entertaining and I was grateful to the locals who flashed before a police speed trap as I was heading over to Penang.

One thing I would say, though, is that when stuck in a monumental traffic jam with scores of people all around celebrating their faith and no toilets available - a Pringles container does not quite hold a full bladder..... :-)