Bangkok - any suggestions on IT recruitment

Bangkok - any suggestions on IT recruitment



Original Poster:

5,151 posts

240 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Hi all,

I've managed to land myself in Bangkok for a while and thinking about trying to find something permanent here. I'm in IT - a dev/dev manager (hands on).

Anyone here got any suggestions for recruiters to talk to about the current market here?

Or anyone fancy a beer? beer


Original Poster:

5,151 posts

240 months

Thursday 8th October 2015
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Thanks XJSJohn. When you say moving south, do you mean south in Thailand (so are there more jobs in Hua Hin/Phuket), or to Singa?


Original Poster:

5,151 posts

240 months

Thursday 8th October 2015
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XJSJohn said:
All the way south, Singa, or maybe KL, as there is a lot of banking back office there these days.

Sod all in Hua Hin, Samui, Phuket etc unless you are a "digital nomad" or "blogger" .....

Grab a beer next week if you fancy ... i am off to Hua Hin tomorrow for the weekend, back in Bangers on Monday.
PM sent!



Original Poster:

5,151 posts

240 months

Thursday 8th October 2015
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XJSJohn said:
Liver alerted, Bumrungrad hospital on standby ........
Whats the best local hangover cure? London Pie for a fry up or is there something better I can get in ready drinkdrinkhurl