In KL on Monday evening

In KL on Monday evening



Original Poster:

15,996 posts

222 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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If anyone fancies a beer!

Can't be a heavy one as i have a very long day tuesday followed by last flight back to Singa but a few early evening jars could be good!

Not booked hotel yet so will base location on responses!

(Supposed to be in Bukit Jalil on tuesday but will be staying in central)


57 months

Friday 9th October 2009
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Hi John
Sounds good, I normally drink in the Green Man Chankat Bukit Bingtang, easy walk from most of the hotels, they have our trophy cabanit for the race cars (if your interested) there is also a new Finnigans just up the road, these are all bars not clubs so good for an early night,
We are in the Hill climb on saturday and testing on Sunday at Sepang so there will be some maes there monday


Original Poster:

15,996 posts

222 months

Friday 9th October 2009
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Sounds good, haven't been to KL midweek on business for quite a few years now so will be nice to see the town in working mode!!

I land at 5pm so in good time for an after work bevvie!

Whats the most convenient hotel to the bar / train station from the airport?? RM100 / 200 mark

Was looking on the travel site and bugger me, there are a lot of new Hotels in town.

Either that or I just go for my usual "Rennaisance" on Jalan Ampang.


Original Poster:

15,996 posts

222 months

Friday 9th October 2009
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farq - hotels are getting expensive there ... RM350 for Renaissance. ... off to the other KL thread to get your recomended budget one!


57 months

Friday 9th October 2009
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The new one is YY 38 Hotel, looks very nice and as I said 7 days old, Havn't stayed in a Hotel in Kl for 10 years, used to love the Niko, and got a good deal as they had me as still working in the UK so I got my old employrs corporate rate.


Original Poster:

15,996 posts

222 months

Friday 9th October 2009
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Forgotten which one but just picked an el cheapo round the corner, its only one night so as long as the bed bugs aren't as big as cockroaches i will be fine!!!

will you be easy to spot propping the bar up? hehedrink


57 months

Monday 12th October 2009
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Sorry been at Sepang all weekend so havn't loogged on to read your posts. If you land at 5 Pm you should be in the bar by 7, which would be great for me as I have to unload the car after the weeken, and pack away.
Go in the green man, you will see our poster on the wall, just ask for the idiot in the race team all the bar staff will point me out.
You should have been at the track this weekend, best track day I've ever been to, 300 Rm and only 12 carsrs and great weather.


Original Poster:

15,996 posts

222 months

Monday 12th October 2009
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Nae bother!!

No hold luggage and pole position seat on the plane so should be out of there and dowon the pub PDQ!!

OK willco on the "Idiot in the Race Team" .... can't be too many of them!!

Will be easy to spot too - Billy No Mates in a Brawn GP polo shirt!

Definitely need to have a chat with you about these track days as i don't seem to be able to find out where track day scedules are posted etc.

TBH the Bukit Tinggi one is a bit far when i know i have to fly up to KL the following afternoon too!! (with meetings in Singa this morning so can't just stay there)


Original Poster:

15,996 posts

222 months

Tuesday 13th October 2009
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wavey Was good meeting up last night drunk

You will have to send me some links to those groups that you were talking about that run track days at sepang.

Also the garage rental wink



57 months

Wednesday 14th October 2009
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Yes good to meet , sorry I had to go, but you saw the wife and she said go.

I am looking at traction cirle at the moment to join, they do track days every month, otherwise its the car clibs, mainly Lotus, Lambo and ferrari that all invite each other, Porsche club is abit bigger and they can fill a track, but I'll email you next invite I get,as discussed come up for the next MSS o be held with teh A1 on 6th December.


Original Poster:

15,996 posts

222 months

Wednesday 14th October 2009
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Indeed when She that Must Be Obeyed pulls that look (after a few sherberts and talking about spending yet more money on cars) you must appease and make retreat!!

I was just enjoying the luxury of having mine 400km away hehe

Will have a look at that club and will start making plans for the 6th Dec and that weekend!

Sounds like a good hoot, especially if you can blag what you mentioned!! wink

Did the Noggie buy the Volvo in the end?


57 months

Thursday 15th October 2009
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Yes deal just domne on the Volvo, and I'm starting to build anew Locust for a mate on Monday.


Original Poster:

15,996 posts

222 months

Thursday 15th October 2009
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Berw said:
Yes deal just domne on the Volvo, and I'm starting to build anew Locust for a mate on Monday.
Where do you keep finding all these locosts?? Doing a "Radar O'Reily" and posting them to yourself from the uk bit by bit?


57 months

Friday 16th October 2009
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I keep my eyes open, I have two Ford escorts left n store,and i was offered another last weekend