Malaysia - Help!



Original Poster:

599 posts

241 months

Thursday 9th April 2009
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I am looking to go to Malaysia at the end of the month. I have 10 days to spare, and I'd like to see KL but also have a few days on a beach (Penang perhaps).

Has anyone done a similar trip and can offer me advice on how easy it is to get around?



15,993 posts

222 months

Friday 10th April 2009
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you won't get a nice beach break in Penang.

Look to Langkawi for fancy resorts or Pangkor for a more rural experiance.

Some good scuba diving at Tioman (fly out on berijaya air from KLIA)

There is loads of stuff to do in Malaysia so give us a few more ideas for your interests.


1,320 posts

234 months

Friday 10th April 2009
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Just got back from Malaysia. We went to KL for the GP, got wet but enjoyed it immensely. Beginning to think its personal though with the weather, went to Monaco last year and got wet too. KL is well worth a visit. I can recommend the Traders hotel, the Mandarin Oriental looked good too but is more expensive I suspect. Then spent a bit of time in Penang, again worth a visit but not a beach holiday really. Hotel recommendations in Penang would be the G hotel or somewhere nearby. The centre of town is well quite 'ethnic' which may be a little too real for some if not again the Traders is very central and pretty decent. The Evergreen is cheap in a reasonable location and the evening entertainment is hilarious. I got the ferry to Langkawi which is very nice with good beaches if your into that kind of thing, also plenty of diving as well. If I had more time I would have got the ferry up to Thailand too.

Oh an wherever you go watch the taxi drivers who are a bunch of robbing scheming scum across the board. Always agree a price up front or try to get them to use the meter, although they will go to the highest rate on the meter with as many extras as their imagination allows.

The food however makes up for it smile and will cost you peanuts. Had a chat to a guy in Penang who 'retired' there from the UK he was probably mid 50's and commented that not a lot of money can go a long way in Malaysia. Mind you with his dress sense I wasn't going to believe too much wink

I enjoyed Malaysia a lot but am glad to be back in the sanity of Singapore.

Also drove the stest car in the world ever. The Perodua Kancil alternatively known as st but thats another story,


15,993 posts

222 months

Friday 10th April 2009
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fieldl said:
Oh an wherever you go watch the taxi drivers who are a bunch of robbing scheming scum across the board. Always agree a price up front or try to get them to use the meter, although they will go to the highest rate on the meter with as many extras as their imagination allows.
This is a warning worth heeding

fieldl said:
Also drove the stest car in the world ever. The Perodua Kancil alternatively known as st but thats another story,
You have not lived untill you have driven a Kelisia, the Kancil's little brother


5,695 posts

240 months

Saturday 11th April 2009
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15,993 posts

222 months

Saturday 11th April 2009
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phumy said:
