Malaysia EP



Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Saturday 28th February 2009
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OK, there are loads of better places to ask this, (and i am off to have a chat with a few mates later) but the PH opinion is always useful!

Company is interested in taking me on for a 12 month contract (in Petaling Jaya) But they seem to be of the opinion that a malaysian EP takes 2 months to secure.

Are there any issues in working on a tourist visa whilst the EP is being processed? (i know this is allowed in Singapore) especially as I will be commuting Back to Singapore each weekend.

Antonio 82

381 posts

209 months

Saturday 28th February 2009
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Hi John, I've been reading through which has loads of useful info, might be worth sticking a post up on there smile

I'm possibly considering moving to that part of the world one day as my missus is from Malaysia. Could you please tell me what the job market is like for expats? And do you know any specific job sites for expats (Singapore or Malaysia) that I can keep an eye on. Thanks, Antonio.

Antonio 82

381 posts

209 months

Saturday 28th February 2009
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I just did a quick search and found this:

Hope that helps smile


Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Antonio 82

381 posts

209 months

Saturday 28th February 2009
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Thanks John. If/when I move there I'll give you a shout biggrin


Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Sunday 1st March 2009
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Antonio 82 said:
Thanks John. If/when I move there I'll give you a shout biggrin
As you can see, there are a few of us out here, usually found in a slightly alcoholic haze!!!


57 months

Sunday 1st March 2009
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Everyone starts out on a business visa, not a toutist visa, tell them you are on business when you arrive, I'm not aware (and I've been here 11 years ) of any one who had their full on work visa when the arrived the first time, but watch your emmployer because your advantage is you CAN not pay income tax until your WP arrives. (Note not do not pay you can not pay, the revenue refuse to accept even if you offer).

Getting a Wp is Ok try to get the word specilist in your job title, and you need at least a first degree, with a good employer and a good agent should then be no problem for the first application.

I know you been travilling up and down so I asume you know all about PJ


Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Sunday 1st March 2009
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Lets try that again only coherantly!!

Its a fairly skilled position, i have all the industry experiance / qualifications for it, but not the formal education per say ...

Guess i just wing it and see what happens.

0% tax sounds OK ... wink

Edited by XJSJohn on Sunday 1st March 23:51


57 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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OK I can see I did the last one quick at home with the spell check off.

My experience is try to get the job title right, the word specialist is much better than technician or manager, beef up your CV, and try to demonstrate that you will mentor the locals.

Try to get the job we need more car nuts in KL



Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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Berw said:
OK I can see I did the last one quick at home with the spell check off.
hehe my previous post had to be completely removed due to drunken use of internet!

Berw said:
My experience is try to get the job title right, the word specialist is much better than technician or manager, beef up your CV, and try to demonstrate that you will mentor the locals.
Cheers, good points, will work on that once i get the rubber stamp. The job is actually to head up a global PMO for BAT so fairly senior and can definitely be used to show "mentoring" of locals.

Berw said:
Try to get the job we need more car nuts in KL

I will still be living in Singa, just Monday to Friday in PJ, but i am sure the odd weekend to Sepang will be on the cards too!!


1,159 posts

215 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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XJSJohn said:
Cheers, good points, will work on that once i get the rubber stamp. The job is actually to head up a global PMO for BAT so fairly senior and can definitely be used to show "mentoring" of locals.
I do love a good TLAbiggrin

XJSJohn said:
I will still be living in Singa, just Monday to Friday in PJ, but i am sure the odd weekend to Sepang will be on the cards too!!
No more boozy weekends for you then John, quality time with the better half will be in order if you're away all week!whistle


Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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HappyGoLucky said:
XJSJohn said:
Cheers, good points, will work on that once i get the rubber stamp. The job is actually to head up a global PMO for BAT so fairly senior and can definitely be used to show "mentoring" of locals.
I do love a good TLAbiggrin
Hor liao, Singapore Lor, TLA's are the way!! KPE, PIE, TPE, AYE, SLE, PAP biggrin

HappyGoLucky said:
XJSJohn said:
I will still be living in Singa, just Monday to Friday in PJ, but i am sure the odd weekend to Sepang will be on the cards too!!
No more boozy weekends for you then John, quality time with the better half will be in order if you're away all week!whistle
Quality time ..... down the pub paperbag


1,159 posts

215 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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XJSJohn said:
Quality time ..... down the CSC paperbag
edited for accuracy! biglaugh


57 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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If you plan to go to Sing every weekend then this mayl be a problem (before you get a WP), I had to do this at one time when my renewal application was delayed, and when a UK passport only got you a month, after a few Friday/Sunday trips they got funny and started to ask questions.

Having said that if you throw in a few Thursday/Tuesday trips you can get away with a business visa for a long time.

Get a good runner/agent and the application goes much smoother. I’m sure your employer will have one on the books.
When you said you were looking at a car for the Sing KL journey, don’t forget the bus, the Aero Line is brilliant, I use it all the time, it goes from outside the Condo I used to live in, in central KL so I started when it was really convenient. City centre to CC time is faster than the plain and 65 Rm.


Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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True about the Aeroline, used that a few times too, but its also the convenience of having the car there during the week. The job is in PJ so would still need to get a taxi from KLCC after arriving on coach too.

I am a Singa PR and have so many stamps in and out of Malaysia already that its hard to keep a check of where i have been reciently, but also not an issue to be staying in KL for a weekend now and again too!

Happy ..... possibly boxedindrink


1,159 posts

215 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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XJSJohn said:
Happy ..... probably boxedindrink
EFA Again!


Original Poster:

15,993 posts

222 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
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HappyGoLucky said:
XJSJohn said:
Happy ..... probably boxedindrink
EFA Again!
arse boxedin


1,159 posts

215 months

Tuesday 3rd March 2009
quotequote all
XJSJohn said:
HappyGoLucky said:
XJSJohn said:
Happy ..... probably boxedindrink
EFA Again!
arse boxedin
Yup! drink