Rice, noodles, sea food and fresh veg...

Rice, noodles, sea food and fresh veg...



5,695 posts

240 months

Thursday 20th November 2008
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GlenMH said:
Phumy - that looks quite good! I am just not sure that I want it for breakfast..... They also do spicy pork dumplings (with pickled veg) but that then repeats on you all morning!

As for the clown, yes it is everywhere over here but to be fair the quality is far far better than the UK or the US. And sometimes a sausage and egg muffin just has to be done smile - for the same reasons as a roast on Sunday once in a while!

As long as the chef is not having an off day its very nice, there are a couple of specialist Pho restaurants in Saigon that have been doing this dish for years and they are delicious, its also a very cheap dish too, only about $1.25 a bowl and thats in these special restaurants, anywhere else and youre talking $0.8. It'll keep you going till the afternoon, easy.


Original Poster:

123 posts

191 months

Wednesday 26th November 2008
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phumy said:
You cant beat watching an Asian routing around in the eye sockets of a chicken head with their tongue hehe
...and for the VN restaurant staff or fellow VN customers; picking his nose a few seconds before serving up your meal, making you a sandwich after just scratching his arse or gobbing on the floor of the restaurant after taking a couple of minutes coughing it up from the back of his throat...lovely jubbly!! And all that in front of the restaurant so it doesn't bear thinking about what goes on behind the restaurant in the food prep/kitchen area! vomit


5,695 posts

240 months

Wednesday 26th November 2008
quotequote all
Bruggy said:
phumy said:
You cant beat watching an Asian routing around in the eye sockets of a chicken head with their tongue hehe
...and for the VN restaurant staff or fellow VN customers; picking his nose a few seconds before serving up your meal, making you a sandwich after just scratching his arse or gobbing on the floor of the restaurant after taking a couple of minutes coughing it up from the back of his throat...lovely jubbly!! And all that in front of the restaurant so it doesn't bear thinking about what goes on behind the restaurant in the food prep/kitchen area! vomit
"'Aye, yer cant beat livin' in't shoe box" hehe

Edited by phumy on Wednesday 26th November 08:33


5,695 posts

240 months

Monday 8th December 2008
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Looking at these makes me homesick:



5,234 posts

246 months

Monday 8th December 2008
quotequote all
shout STOP IT!

Next you will be posting pictures of decent bangers, pasties - and anything else from TP Murray - my favourite butcher/deli in Bristol!!

And that really will make me homesick wink


1,885 posts

192 months

Monday 8th December 2008
quotequote all
phumy said:
GlenMH said:
What is breakfast like - it is the one meal that the Japanese haven't got sorted.

Rice porridge and raw eggs - yeuggh!

True Vietnamese style breakfast is normally hot noodles with either beef (Pho) or seafood (Hai San) or in my hotel egg and bacon. In the Pho the beef is cut very thin and placed into the noodle raw so that it cooks in the bowl as you are preparing the herbs that you get with it, therefore the beef is slightly rare and extremely tender.

As seen below:

can someone tell me how to make one of these?? looks pretty tasty, quite like the sounds of asian food


5,695 posts

240 months

Tuesday 9th December 2008
quotequote all
GlenMH said:
shout STOP IT!

Next you will be posting pictures of decent bangers, pasties - and anything else from TP Murray - my favourite butcher/deli in Bristol!!

And that really will make me homesick wink
Aha my part of the country smile


5,695 posts

240 months

Tuesday 9th December 2008
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Or even these, book me the next flight home lick



15,993 posts

222 months

Tuesday 9th December 2008
quotequote all
ManicMushroom said:
phumy said:
GlenMH said:
What is breakfast like - it is the one meal that the Japanese haven't got sorted.

Rice porridge and raw eggs - yeuggh!

True Vietnamese style breakfast is normally hot noodles with either beef (Pho) or seafood (Hai San) or in my hotel egg and bacon. In the Pho the beef is cut very thin and placed into the noodle raw so that it cooks in the bowl as you are preparing the herbs that you get with it, therefore the beef is slightly rare and extremely tender.

As seen below:

can someone tell me how to make one of these?? looks pretty tasty, quite like the sounds of asian food
Few slices of dog and cat, 3 tablespoons of MSG, some noodles and beansprouts, a splash of greasy chicken stock and Robert is most definitely your mother's brother!

Asian food always tastes better then the ingredient list suggests!


5,695 posts

240 months

Tuesday 9th December 2008
quotequote all
ManicMushroom said:
phumy said:
GlenMH said:
What is breakfast like - it is the one meal that the Japanese haven't got sorted.

Rice porridge and raw eggs - yeuggh!

True Vietnamese style breakfast is normally hot noodles with either beef (Pho) or seafood (Hai San) or in my hotel egg and bacon. In the Pho the beef is cut very thin and placed into the noodle raw so that it cooks in the bowl as you are preparing the herbs that you get with it, therefore the beef is slightly rare and extremely tender.

As seen below:

can someone tell me how to make one of these?? looks pretty tasty, quite like the sounds of asian food
Here you go, you can find it all here:



5,695 posts

240 months

Tuesday 9th December 2008
quotequote all
XJSJohn said:
ManicMushroom said:
phumy said:
GlenMH said:
What is breakfast like - it is the one meal that the Japanese haven't got sorted.

Rice porridge and raw eggs - yeuggh!

True Vietnamese style breakfast is normally hot noodles with either beef (Pho) or seafood (Hai San) or in my hotel egg and bacon. In the Pho the beef is cut very thin and placed into the noodle raw so that it cooks in the bowl as you are preparing the herbs that you get with it, therefore the beef is slightly rare and extremely tender.

As seen below:

can someone tell me how to make one of these?? looks pretty tasty, quite like the sounds of asian food
Few slices of dog and cat, 3 tablespoons of MSG, some noodles and beansprouts, a splash of greasy chicken stock and Robert is most definitely your mother's brother!

Asian food always tastes better then the ingredient list suggests!
XJSJohn, as they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating, anyone for smoked mongrel:



5,695 posts

240 months

Tuesday 9th December 2008
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Something wrong with quoting today, it wont go right, fvckit.


15,993 posts

222 months

Tuesday 9th December 2008
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Looks like char siew doberman ....


5,695 posts

240 months

Tuesday 9th December 2008
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XJSJohn said:
Looks like char siew doberman ....
Aye, paw thing hehe


5,234 posts

246 months

Tuesday 9th December 2008
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phumy said:
Or even these, book me the next flight home lick

Ahhh - I know where I can buy those out here wink

Mind you, with the way the exchange rate is going, they better be gold plated for the price they are charging.... frown

It is over 130 quid here for a 4 foot high Xmas tree....


5,695 posts

240 months

Tuesday 9th December 2008
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^^^^^I doubt it will be very long before its near to that price in the UK, the way the pound is going.


15,993 posts

222 months

Tuesday 9th December 2008
quotequote all
phumy said:
XJSJohn said:
Looks like char siew doberman ....
Aye, paw thing hehe
your coat, sir .... getmecoat

ok, i admit it ... i did laugh (a bit)