Singapore F1 2010 - who's watching where?

Singapore F1 2010 - who's watching where?



15,992 posts

222 months

Tuesday 28th September 2010
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Whereabouts did you get Hospitality? Was in a box oposite HRT garage.

Guess you managed to blag into Paddock?


323 posts

217 months

Wednesday 18th May 2011
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Resurrecting the topic for 2011!

Me and Mrs deevee are thinking about going to the Singa GP this year - have a friend working out there so somewhere to stay organised.

Looking at the price of the tickets, it seems ridiculously expensive - over a thousand $Singh for a seat in the grandstands around the pits or turn 1/2/3 - that's a thousand pound in sterling for the two of us!

What are decent options for watching the race without breaking the bank, or do really have to pay that much to get a good seat??



15,992 posts

222 months

Thursday 19th May 2011
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it will cost you GBP600 for a pair of tickets at luffield as a comparrison and you don't get all the behind the scenes events that are going on, music concerts, side shows, edible food etc etc. Also price is higher because the GBP is worth square root of sod all these days.

TBH from what i have seen, you will have a good time from most of the grandstands and they put up big screens everywhere too. Marina Bay and Padang are popular options (just remember its an anti-clockwise track if picking tickets at Marina Bay)! Singapore GP is more about the whole show than just the race, so there is so much other stuff happening around the circuit and the City the whole weekend, and the track realy is right in the center of town!

Done my blag early this year though, will be in one of the sky boxes at turn 2 this time


5,693 posts

240 months

Thursday 19th May 2011
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Hoping to come over again this will try to hook up with you and Ben for a beer.

Bing o

Original Poster:

15,184 posts

222 months

Thursday 19th May 2011
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You can try and get tickets to some of the roof top bars - Marina Bay Sands and 1-Altitude should be selling them, though I imagine the prices will go up A LOT this year. Bear in mind the grandstand tickets will get you in for all 3 days, all the bands and other shows for the whole weekend.

Think it's about time I upped my blag-a-bility this year and have a chat with my friendly CFO about it...


8,126 posts

212 months

Thursday 19th May 2011
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We have been talking about taking out a room in one of the hotels and just having everyone over this year... I am sure we will be able to blag the rest, again! smile Maybe we should then rent the apartment out as a hedge - LOL!?


15,992 posts

222 months

Thursday 19th May 2011
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phumy said:
Hoping to come over again this will try to hook up with you and Ben for a beer.
shall we book you in for another 3am launch outside the Bungey Bar again? hurl

Think there is enough for us to do a PH F1 party somewhere, did one for teh first GP as so many people were along, think we had a crowd of about 20 people at the Post bar for Pre Friday Practice sherberts!!


15,992 posts

222 months

Thursday 19th May 2011
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Bing o said:
Think it's about time I upped my blag-a-bility this year and have a chat with my friendly CFO about it...
If you referring to where i got mine last year, that is not my source this time so go for it thumbup


8,126 posts

212 months

Thursday 19th May 2011
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XJSJohn said:
shall we book you in for another 3am launch outside the Bungey Bar again? hurl

Think there is enough for us to do a PH F1 party somewhere, did one for teh first GP as so many people were along, think we had a crowd of about 20 people at the Post bar for Pre Friday Practice sherberts!!
Including you, John, I know 4 other PHers, personally, in Singapore now! I think we could get it done, at least for one of the nights, maybe post practice or something?!


15,992 posts

222 months

Thursday 19th May 2011
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dom9 said:
XJSJohn said:
shall we book you in for another 3am launch outside the Bungey Bar again? hurl

Think there is enough for us to do a PH F1 party somewhere, did one for teh first GP as so many people were along, think we had a crowd of about 20 people at the Post bar for Pre Friday Practice sherberts!!
Including you, John, I know 4 other PHers, personally, in Singapore now! I think we could get it done, at least for one of the nights, maybe post practice or something?!
i dunno, past history shows that Singapore PH'ers are worse than the Auzzy lot at organising a Pissup!!! wink


8,126 posts

212 months

Friday 20th May 2011
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XJSJohn said:
i dunno, past history shows that Singapore PH'ers are worse than the Auzzy lot at organising a Pissup!!! wink
That's true! I will have been here a year next week - Can you believe it? One girlfriend moved out, another moved in... there has been a lot going on! We need to get together soon, one way or another!

Bing o

Original Poster:

15,184 posts

222 months

Friday 20th May 2011
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XJSJohn said:
Bing o said:
Think it's about time I upped my blag-a-bility this year and have a chat with my friendly CFO about it...
If you referring to where i got mine last year, that is not my source this time so go for it thumbup
I'm not funnily enough, reckon I might be able to blag something through work this year for a change...


15,992 posts

222 months

Friday 20th May 2011
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dom9 said:
We need to get together soon, one way or another!
Is that a threat or a challenge? hehe

Time realy does fly past though, can't believe that i have had my 370 for a year (untill i had to pay the road tax and insurance, which was a bit of a deap breath moment!!!)


323 posts

217 months

Friday 20th May 2011
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Well I bit the bullet and bought a couple of tickets - hopefully decent seats in the Connaught grandstand - 600 quid for the two.

Wish I had the same blagging options that you locals all seem to have!!!

Looking forward to it!


15,992 posts

222 months

Saturday 21st May 2011
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Connaught is not a bad spot, from one of the fastest straits they have to brake hard to a slow corner then off to Marina Bay.

The F1 cars don't do much overtaking there, although a few will overshoot there so potential for some action, it os a very good corner for overtaking on the support races mind you!!

Also close to the Padang so plenty of food, beer and entertainment!! (you will find a hell of a lot more than Burger and Chips here hehe )


6,416 posts

237 months

Saturday 21st May 2011
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I'd be up for a PH meet up / drinks for the F1. I am not that familiar wi the route however my colleagues tell me you can see some of the route from our Suntec offices .

Have been out here nearly 2 months now .....pleasant change from the UK Climate and tax regime : )


566 posts

145 months

Monday 23rd July 2018
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Thread revival for 2018 event.
Wife and I are coming up to Singapore for the weekend, booked seats at the Bay stand.
First F1 for either of us.


15,992 posts

222 months

Monday 23rd July 2018
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Jakarta said:
Thread revival for 2018 event.
Wife and I are coming up to Singapore for the weekend, booked seats at the Bay stand.
First F1 for either of us.
Bring umbrellas, fans and sun-block - damn hot stands, but good views ... thats the grandstand where they do the national day parades etc - no shade.

However you get access to the music, food and other events at teh Padang too, and its easy to dive into Marina Mall to cool down

Will probably get a walking pass on the Saturday as i have done the last few years, then watch from home, can still hear the cars go by from my living room.


566 posts

145 months

Tuesday 24th July 2018
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I've just asked a cousin of mine to see if her Dad has some connections to get us a pit pass. He worked for Torro Rosso until recently.
Fingers crossed.