Racing License & Warfarin

Racing License & Warfarin



Original Poster:

3 posts

82 months

Wednesday 10th April
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I got lung damage from Covid.
I've always been fit. Played rugby for 43 years, run half marathons and Triathlons etc.
I broke my knee badly in 2019 which put a stop to running more than 3 miles but not the swimming and cycling.
Then I got covid and blood clots in lungs. I can still cycle 20 miles and swim 1200m - its just takes me 10-15% longer smile
Running is more difficult because of the knee but I can still run 1500 in 9 minutes.
However, the Docs have decided to put me on blood thinners (initially Riveroxyban now Warfarin) as a precaution.
Question. Will this affect my Race License for UK circuit racing? I used to race FF and thinking of doing so again.
Will it be a flat "NO!"
I've asked Docs if I can come off blood thinners 2 days before a race and then start again after but they don't want me to do this.
Many thanks in advance for advice......


Original Poster:

3 posts

82 months

Monday 29th April
quotequote all
Guys - many thanks for all your inputs.....