Phones and tablets in race cars

Phones and tablets in race cars


Dynion Araf Uchaf

Original Poster:

4,522 posts

226 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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So the regulations have stated for a while that you can’t
Have a mobile phone type device in your race car ref 11.3.1

I have seen a few cars still with them installed, so what are the actual regulations? Can you run an iPhone without a sim etc?

I want to try and use race chrono, but struggling how I can run this in my car without a phone or tablet.

Anyone got any alternatives?

Dynion Araf Uchaf

Original Poster:

4,522 posts

226 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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GlobalRacer said:
Guess it's the difference between being "carried" and "installed"?

Can't see what the difference is between a tablet securely mounted to the car and the modern dashboards which are tablets themselves.
Yes I get that. But I am assuming that the regulations are written to kind of parrot Highway Code regulations and not have people operating a phone whilst driving. It being fixed or loose in the car wouldn’t stop that.

Dynion Araf Uchaf

Original Poster:

4,522 posts

226 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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indigorallye said:
Raspberry Pi
hmm not the work of a moment though.

Dynion Araf Uchaf

Original Poster:

4,522 posts

226 months

Monday 22nd January
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having just this minute spoken to the MSUK tech/regulatory bods, it would appear that it is in someway up to the scrutineer, as to whether you can carry a phone, if you are prepared to have the phone in the car at scrutineering and able to explain how/why you are using it.

I think I will fit mine, but out of arms reach when seated and see what they say.

Dynion Araf Uchaf

Original Poster:

4,522 posts

226 months

Tuesday 23rd January
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my race car doesn't have an OBD, and it's ECU is from the mid 90's. So using a phone is the only way forward really.