750MC Birkett Relay 2023

750MC Birkett Relay 2023



Original Poster:

17,790 posts

216 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Anyone on here entering in a team?


Original Poster:

17,790 posts

216 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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Dan BSCS said:
If you’re looking for a team 750MC put together a couple of teams of people who want to do and don’t have a team. They call them Random Racers. biggrin
Thanks Dan

We've got three people and three cars to enter, and hopefully a 4th to share the cost and track time / fuel

Been many years since I've been along, and always in the pit lane on duties there, so this will be the first time as a driver


Original Poster:

17,790 posts

216 months

Tuesday 3rd October 2023
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Well I think thats done!

Entry is being submitted today ...... Something to look forward to to round off the year