Anyone else training as Clerk of Course (Motorsport UK)

Anyone else training as Clerk of Course (Motorsport UK)



Original Poster:

306 posts

283 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Is anyone else training as Clerk of Course ?
I'm currently doing my Speed Clerk of Course training, back in early 2023 I thought it would be a good idea to expand my knowledge and become a Clerk...
I'm currently Entries Sec for a small MotorClub in the North West and performed most jobs under the guise of "Speed" events, marshal, Event Sec, Entries Sec, web admin for our club etc having competed in Speed events myself for a number of years previously.

It's a bigger under taking than I expected. Was hoping to get my training completed by the end of the 2023 season, but that's looking less likely now.

Still pushing to get from Assistant Clerk of Course (No responsibility for anything) to Deputy Clerk of Course for the 2024 season. Then I think that will take me another season I think to be come qualified Clerk of Course.

I'm told it's much harder training / qualification than it used to be.

Anyone any experience of the Assistant Clerk to Deputy Clerk assessment ? It's a group WhatsApp verbal exam from what I've heard.



Original Poster:

306 posts

283 months

Tuesday 26th September 2023
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stavers said:

I've been qualified for about 10 years now but a few people I know are going through the process. It's currently a one-to-one Zoom call with an assessor.

There's also a minimum time period and you generally have to Clerk at multiple venues as well before you can upgrade but hopefully your mentor will have gone through all that with you.

Thanks for your response, I'm about through my "Speed Clerk Training Record" with the vast majority signed off with the exception of Judicial tasks. In Speed thankfully there isn't much Judicial to worry about. However, this makes it more difficult to complete.

I'm due to attend a Karting session that should so I'm told bring in lots of Judicial opportunity. Then I've just got a task to complete that I missed during the 2023 season. I've spoken to MSUK and I can't go for my assessment even if I complete prior to my anniversary date of the End March.

I've Assisted at 7 events at 4 different venues thus far since March 2023.



Original Poster:

306 posts

283 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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thepawbroon said:
Good luck for getting the licence and progressing, and thanks for volunteering!

I started down the development route for Rally Clerk of the Course, I currently have an Assistant Clerk's licence.

To be honest, the time required to undertake the training, experience-gathering and implementation has become too much for me. It's just not practical with a full-time job, 2 young kids and living the SE England where there aren't so many rallies.

I've recently added Safety Car ticket to my licence, and I've volunteered at as many events as I can.

All the best
It's absolutely that, the time commitment is significant. I get in trouble at home for "going to another motorsport event".
On top of that I'm oncall every 2nd weekend that swapping weekend days oncall around buggers stuff up. Heyho, I used to compete pre lad (who'se now 13!) and enjoy being involved again now, if that's the cost of being involved then so bit it. Once I'm qualified I'm hoping the requirements will reduce.

Cheers all,