Thinking of doing a couple of Sprints advice on car regs

Thinking of doing a couple of Sprints advice on car regs



Original Poster:

458 posts

254 months

Friday 21st April 2023
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I used to do a bit of Sprinting and circuit racing back in the late 1980`s and am thinking of doing a couple of Sprints again this year, can anyone advise on car safety regs for a 1960 built car, what do i need safety wise?

Edited by kartman24 on Friday 21st April 23:41


Original Poster:

458 posts

254 months

Sunday 23rd April 2023
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Thanks for the replies, the car will be in the road going over 2 litre class, i have some Kart racing overalls, they are probably about 15 years old now but only wore them for a couple of seasons, wonder if i can still get into them!


Original Poster:

458 posts

254 months

Sunday 23rd April 2023
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Fairthorpe Zeta, 6 made last complete one left, will speak to the scrutineer as suggested.


Original Poster:

458 posts

254 months

Monday 24th April 2023
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`How random...this popped up on my FB today too on the Brighton Speed trials page. Same person ? Same car`

Same car, 1960 Brighton Speed trials, car was owned and driven at the event by R.G (Bob) Linwood, yes i put the post on the Brighton Speed Trials forum, hoping to do the event as the car was there in 60.