Simon Rossiter - Classic Rally Tours

Simon Rossiter - Classic Rally Tours



Original Poster:

4,361 posts

219 months

Wednesday 14th February
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It was such a shock to hear that Simon Rossiter suddenly passed away earlier this week.
Simon ran a series of regularity rallies in France for nearly 25 years. Aimed at beginners to regularity rallying, many went on to become a force in the top classic rallying events.

I know that a number of P/Hers were regular entrants and will mourn his passing.


1 posts

160 months

Wednesday 14th February
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Great guy, he will be sadly missed.


110 posts

242 months

Wednesday 14th February
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Such sad news, my wife and I took part in our first rally, the Beaujolais with Simon last November and were planning on doing the Champagne in May. He was very kind and encouraging to new people and I’m sure will be sadly missed by many many people.