testing at silverstone - garage allocation in fixed sessions

testing at silverstone - garage allocation in fixed sessions



Original Poster:

148 posts

189 months

Monday 3rd July 2023
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planning on doing my first ever test day, at silverstone.
the day will be 3x40min sessions - i can get a garage for £75 and wondering if its worth it.
does anyone know how it works, would i get the garage for the day, or for some silly slotted time that only covers the sessions?


334 posts

21 months

Tuesday 4th July 2023
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Never rented a garage at Silverstone but at every other track (Brands, Snetteron, Thruxton, Donington) I have in a session type day I've had it for the whole day exclusively


667 posts

188 months

Tuesday 4th July 2023
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You'll get the garage for the day at Silverstone. If there's racing the following day there will be a time you need to vacate by after testing has finished that's all.


1,238 posts

147 months

Monday 10th July 2023
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You get garage for day at Silverstone…. Each garage is broken up into letters as they are massive (1a 1b 1c etc)

It’s worth it, especially if wet and you can keep spares, tools etc in there with you.