Club100 Karting



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333 posts

128 months

Wednesday 25th January 2017
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Just wondered if there are any members on here taking part in this year's championship?

It's my first year, and with a team mate entering the quad catagory in novice class. Not expecting to be podium contenders but a top ten finish by the end of the year seems a reasonable target, I'm hoping.

Thinking of doing a little write up after each round, so will be updating here each month, sometimes twice when we have 2 events in 1 month.

We have our first test session this Sunday at Buckmore Park in Kent. This will be mainly used to adapt to the 2 stroke race karts we are using compared to the 4 stroke that I've only ever used on public race days. We are also hoping to get a feel for the circuit having never been to any on the championship.

Well that's all for now, on to testing.


1,661 posts

109 months

Wednesday 25th January 2017
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Watching this thread with interest.

I have been tempted to have a go at this after a couple of years of racing in a club championship on board a senior rotax max with a kosmic T11 chassis.

Good luck and I look forward to any updates!


586 posts

171 months

Thursday 26th January 2017
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I was going to do full season but I think i'll only do a few rounds now as I've committed to a bit of prokarting, I cant afford to do both frown

I think C100 has the edge on Dmax again this year for numbers and talent.


Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Sunday 29th January 2017
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  • Update, Test day 29/01*
So first time in the 2 stroke direct drive karts today, also my first time at Buckmore Park.

On arrival at 8.30am me and my team mate were greeted by a very cold, icy and damp circuit. We took a track walk to try and familiarise ourselves with the conditions and the track, needless to say it was slippy. We then joined the rest of the drivers for the drivers briefing. As rookies, once the main briefing had finished the novice entries stayed behind for some extra tips and information on the karts, track and conditions, all of which were very helpful and welcome. After this we headed over to find our assigned kart for the session and yours truly was nominated to jump in first. Now begins handfuls of understeer followed by massive amounts of oversteer and the odd tankslapper. Learning to drive a 2 stroke direct drive kart in icy wet conditions is certainly an experience.

Firstly to the 2 stroke over the 4 strokes I had previously driven. In the slow tight corners (which turned out to be most of them in the conditions) unless you were extremely smooth with the throttle the rears would just light up with the slightest prod. Needless to say we both experienced large amounts of opposite lock whilst trying to find the best balance between understeer and oversteer throughout the session.

When you could eventually get your foot down the acceleration on the main straight was very impressive, even without fully being able to stretch it. Between myself and my team mate we did 2 x 15 minute stints each and finished the session with a fastest time in the 1 minute 13's.

All in all it was a good day, despite the conditions. Whilst out on the track we did share it with elite drivers and intermediates which was a little distracting whilst trying to learn both the karts and the track. However in some ways it did help with learning wet lines and earlier turn in points.

The next update will be after our first 4 races towards the end of next month, back at Buckmore Park. Fingers crossed the weather is slightly kinder to us.

Link below to a short clip of the conditions.


Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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  • UPDATE, Round 1**
Saturday the 25th I headed back down to Buckmore Park for the first round of the Club100 Quadrant Series. The weather looked hit and miss but we were in luck and it held off until the drive home.

There was a full grid of elite drivers, club/inter drivers and finally us in the novice drivers. My team mate pulled the short straw and went out first. 5 minutes of practice followed by a 20 minute race. The novice drivers all started at the back of the rolling pack and we were 2 or three from last. Our first target was to just stay out of trouble and don't spin out causing a pusher kart to be called out. As the race went on my team mate drove a steady race and managed to stay out of the trouble that some of the faster drivers found themselves in due to not obeying tracks limits and other penalties. He ended up finishing mid pack in our class.

Next up was my turn. After the 5 minute warm up, and a spin for good measure on the cold tires (that's my excuse) I took up my position on the rolling start and settled in. First few laps were a real eye opener and helpful as I was mid pack and behind a few of the faster drivers. It really helped me with learning the faster lines and braking points until they got away at least. One thing myself and my team mate did notice was the amount of elbows out business that seemed to be going on. I mean I don't mind a bit of rubbing but when people are forcing others off track to gain an advantage then wheres the fun? We knew we would be getting lapped by the top drivers but surely they can get by a rookie driver without the contact...Anyway I didn't have a bad race and finished 4th in class which was a massive surprise given my first time out in the karts in the dry.

The following two races for myself and my team mate went much the same with my team mate improving on his previous results. So the end of the day came and they announced the positions and trophy's for the day. There are 12 teams in our class and we were just hoping to not come last but it turned out we came 5th on the day so were both happy with that. It also came clear that the top 3 teams in our class were massively quick, even finishing above many in the class above us, but as there is no easy way to police this we will just have to go with it.

The next round is a few weeks away at Witton Mill and we know we both have a lot to learn and to improve on. There is a test day there but this will depend on work and funds to weather or not we make it.

So far so good then.

Video of my heats can be found below. For some reason my editing software kept messing up the resolution so had to do the clips in two parts for each heat.

Edited by JTsp33d on Tuesday 28th February 17:32


114 posts

164 months

Monday 20th March 2017
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Great write up and loved watching the videos - a few guys I work with raced C100 karts in their days in the BUKC and they're keen to get back into it and as someone new to 2-stroke karts, I'd likely be in the same boat as yourself.

I've wanted to do this for a few years, but always been wary that the talent would be far too high for it to be enjoyable during the 'getting up to speed' phase. Nice to see that actually, there is always racing going on all the way down the pack.

Just to consider whether I try and do a few rounds of sprint this year, or look to get an endurance team together with the chaps I work with - albeit they'll have a huge advantage, having already driven the karts competitively before!

Watching with interest - and I may pick your brains if I decide to look at coming along to a future round!



Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Monday 20th March 2017
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Anatonic said:
Great write up and loved watching the videos - a few guys I work with raced C100 karts in their days in the BUKC and they're keen to get back into it and as someone new to 2-stroke karts, I'd likely be in the same boat as yourself.

I've wanted to do this for a few years, but always been wary that the talent would be far too high for it to be enjoyable during the 'getting up to speed' phase. Nice to see that actually, there is always racing going on all the way down the pack.

Just to consider whether I try and do a few rounds of sprint this year, or look to get an endurance team together with the chaps I work with - albeit they'll have a huge advantage, having already driven the karts competitively before!

Watching with interest - and I may pick your brains if I decide to look at coming along to a future round!

Questions also welcome, still learning myself so will help where I can.

I was also wary when it came to the opposition we would be racing, as I mentioned in a previous write-up the level of skill in class 3 seems to vary wildly. The top 4 teams often finish ahead of some of the class 2 runners, which although a little annoying, we are there mainly to learn and have some fun this year.

Rd 2 write up to follow..


Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Monday 20th March 2017
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  • UPDATE, Rd 2 **
Rd 2 of the Quadrant Series was at Wilton Mill in Northamptonshire, again luck was on our side with 'mostly' dry conditions.

The day started with arriving and watching the tail end of the endurance series, always a little helpful watching these drivers as the give an indication to the lines and cornering speeds of the circuit for us 'rookies'.

It was my turn to start in heat one this time and given we had not even tested on the circuit caution was key. As we entered the pits and found our kart the skies were still clear, all be it menacing. I headed out on our 5 minutes free practice and quickly found myself someone fast to tuck in behind and start to try and learn the track. All to soon practice was over and the rolling formation laps started. As usually we were at the tail end with the rest of our class and around 14th out of 15 in class. Lights went green and I settled in. The first few laps went without incident and I started to pick up speed and believe or not actually make a few on track passes! As the laps rolled on penalties were being given out to those who exceeded the rules and I kept creeping up the field. The final flag went and I had no idea where I'd finished until my team mate said I'd done well and come 5th, making up 9 places, cue smug face...

Heat 2, my team mate jumped in and as luck would have it the skies started to open making the track very greasy. The flag dropped and so began the start of tip toeing around searching for any grip out there. This sort of start always produces some chaos and today was no different with some 3rd corner elbows out from some of the head of the field, sending karts off in all directions. A few more laps went by when the drizzle stopped and with the windy conditions the track started to produce a drying line. The times started to tumble and before to long it was a dry track. My team mate started to pick up the pace and start making up places. The heat finished dry and we came 8th in class.

Heat 3 was going to be for me one of my favourites to date, even if I did forget to set the GoPro to record frown We had a good grid spot for this heat and were mid pack in our class. In to the first few corners and I quickly joined the back of a small group of 3 karts. Over the next half a dozen or so laps we had a good little fair battle, I was watching the 2 in front for someone to slip up and when the guy in front made his move they both went deep in to the corner and I pounced and slipped in front of both of them. I didn't think that this was the end as both drivers were quick but as the laps went by I started to pull away. The rest of the heat went by with a quick sprinkling of rain to keep us all on our toes. The last few laps started and some of the elite quick drivers started to come past. You might think this to be annoying and demoralising but I find it helpful to try and see where I'm loosing time. Anyway the flag dropped and wouldn't you know it 5th again, why break the habit.

The final heat of the day and my team mate was looking to improve on his first heat race. Again we started in a good grid position and looked to make full use of it. The first few laps rolled by and my team mate was having a good battle with 3-4 karts in class. He fought as along as he could but eventually the first kart behind him saw a opening and took it. After a few more laps trying to hold off the fight from behind the following 2 karts made there passes. He had done really well to this point as the guys he was fighting with were the usual suspects that mix with the class 2 drivers. So he settled in after that and for the rest of the heat is was of the elite drivers coming up to make a pass didn't give my team mate the space for braking and rear ended him off the circuit on to the wet grass, cue engine cutting, lots of swearing and a wait for the pusher kart. The race soon after finished and we found ourselves in 7th in class, which wasn't to bad given our bad luck with being taken off the circuit.

The next round is Rye House, and for me sadly it's one I can't make due to work commitments. So my team mate has found a stand in for the round and hopefully I will get some feedback to write a short summary.

For me Llandow is next at the start of May. Hoping to make a few days of it and get some testing in the day before if all goes well.

Video of Heat 1 to follow once it's been edited.

Thanks for reading.

Edited by JTsp33d on Sunday 7th May 21:01


Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Monday 20th March 2017
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Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Sunday 7th May 2017
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  • UPDATE**
Racing, breakdowns, spins, and sunshine.

Round 4, Llandow.

After a break missing Rye House it was back to business as normal, ish.. A bit of bad luck was to first strike when meeting my team mate on the way to Llandow. His new toy, an RX8 PZ decided it was going to fire off its fuel line a mile away from our meeting point. At the time we didn't quite know what had gone array so with time ticking by we decided to leave it and deal with it later.

We had booked a test day on the Friday at this meet to try and learn the circuit and further improve our driving skills. Like the start of the season the session was made up of 1 hour in total which we split between us, doing 15 minute runs at a time. The track, another new one to us was one of the more twisty on the calendar to date (not including Rye House) with some demanding double apex corners and some even trickier tight chicanes.

The weather was to be kind to us during the full weekend which is always a blessing given the lack of relative experience we both have. Testing went by without any issues, we looked to be running around a second - 2 seconds off the pace of the other drivers that were testing on the day. During that evening we reviewed our GoPro footage over a wheaty drink or two trying to compare lines and breaking points and hoping to find the missing second we needed to mix with the rest of the field. It didn't happen...

Race day. We arrived on site and signed on, followed by the usual drivers briefing. Once we had done rock, paper, scissors to decide who went out first my team mate suited up and we got ready for heat 1. We started towards the tail end of our class and during the early laps we held station and settled in to a steady rhythm. Mid way through my team mate started to make up a few places and began a battle with a few of our other class 3 rivals. This battle was to go right to the checkered flag with my team mate managing hold off the fight from behind, only just though. 8th was to be our final position.

Heat 2. I jumped in and this time we had a grid spot toward the very front of the field in our class, row 1. I went in to the race knowing that the quick teams in our class would probably get by me on the first few laps, which was fine given there pace to ours. The green flag dropped and I quickly tried to make up the odd place with all the bumping going on ahead of me. After the grid had strung out a bit I was none the wiser if I had made up or lost places so kept my eyes ahead and tried to follow the quick teams ahead of me. As the laps went by the faster teams inevitability started to pull away slightly until I was left with clear track ahead. With no one quick to follow I had a few scrappy laps which brought up a couple of teams from behind me. Two went past and again I went after them. I managed to stay in touch until the checkered flag and still none the wiser on my position I pulled up on the main straight to finish and begin the driver change over. It wasn't until my team mate came over and said I'd come 2nd! Surprised was an understatement but over the moon all the same.

Heat 3. Again my team mate took to the circuit for the warm up laps. We had be grided last place so it was all to make up in this heat. A good start got us up a couple of places straight away and then we found ourselves back behind the same paced teams as us which we had fought in heat 1. My team mate set about trying to find there weak points and hope for mistakes. A front runner made things slightly tougher when coming through the pack, splitting up the pack. As the laps went by we managed to pass the teams we'd been fighting and at this point had climbed to 6th. The checkered flag fell and my team mate had held his position to come 6th in class, a great finish given our starting point.

Heat 4. For me this was to be a very mixed bag. We left the green light behind and all headed in to the first corner. I found myself starting mid pack in class and in the first few corners taking an outside line sneaking by a few others. Once the track straightened out chaos started ahead, grass cuttings flying, karts off the circuit and elbows out. By now I had made up several places through the mayhem and was pushing on. Then the aborted start flag came out and we all slowed to form up again, bummer! The second start went without the same chaos and I made up a few places on the opening laps. The laps went by and I ended up in a 3 way tussle, it was nip and tuck lap after lap and no one was giving any quarter. Then coming in to a heavy braking zone for a hairpin a back maker braked early causing me to lock up and spin out, stalling the kart. Arse. Not helped seconds later by another back marker not seeing me and slamming sideways in to my stationary kart. A few teams went by until I was under way again and I eventually came in a lonely 9th I think. Lucky for us we get to drop our worst finish of the day so naturally that one was sidelined.

All in all not a bad round for us, not including the spin. Still much more learning to be done but still enjoying it and looking forward to round 5 at Ellough Park at the end of June.

Videos to follow as always. Busy week for me so these may not come until the weekend.

Thanks all.


Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Tuesday 9th May 2017
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A few short videos from Llandow shot from trackside.

And finally me leading the Class 3 pack.


471 posts

135 months

Monday 15th May 2017
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great report, keep them coming


Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Monday 15th May 2017
quotequote all
Thanks very much.

Link to the heat 4 video below. Unfortunately my worse of the two heats but the GoPro started clouding up for some reason in the other heat so the footage wasn't great.

And footage of the testday on the Friday.


17,790 posts

218 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
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Really interested in this, as always been attracted by the club100 idea, and balance of speed and value.

Are there classes that suit older and heavier drivers, or is it a case of turning up and having your ass handed to you by groups of 8 stone teenagers each round?


Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Wednesday 31st May 2017
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There is a minimum weight of 85kg so ideally you need to be as close to that as possible in the quadrant classes.

I know there also run a heavy weight class for the sprint series but not sure what minimum weight is for that, would guess its more than the 85kg for the quadrant class though.


Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Saturday 1st July 2017
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  • UPDATE**
Pile-ups, Pizza & Passes.

Round 5 Ellough Park.

This months round took us east towards Ecceles. Another long distance trip for most much like Llandow meant the turn out was a little down on numbers but on the up side it did bring out some new faces to the series.

Again me and my team mate decided to go for the testing hour the day before to familiarise ourselves as much as possible with another new circuit. We would be in for a bit of luck also with part of the track having just been freshly resurfaced which kept my ribs happy for at least 10 minutes.

Heat 1.

With another randomly allocated grid we found ourselves starting mid pack for the first race. My team mate took the duties on this occasion and after the usual 5 minutes warm up the grid was formed up and the lights went green. Keen to stay out of the first lap elbows out my team mate held station for a moment until being tagged from behind and spun off the circuit. Now it was all to do running from the back of the pack and some several seconds off the nearest kart. As the laps went by he settled in to a rhythm and began to catch the nearest driver. A swift pass and then it was on towards the next who happen to be in a small group. As the time and laps went by he did manage to gain 2 more places before the flag came out to end the heat. We ended up loosing 3 places from our start spot in the end which wasn't bad considering.

Heat 2.

I found myself lined up 6th on our next heat and hoped I could at least hold station for most if not all of the race, however things don't always play out how you'd like...So the flag dropped and I kept to the outside trying to avoid the bumping and pushing on the inside for the first 3 corners. At this point things were going well until we all hit the heavy braking zone for a tight hairpin left. I ended up on the inside line with enough space, I then felt a tap to the rear which I caught but the second one I had no chance. In to the braking zone the back came around, ahead half a dozen other karts had come to a stop with spinning out and one was right on the apex which I connected with sideways rather firmly. Ouch, well F*%k it was probably more like it. After getting the kart straight and being push started I was looking around for a aborted start but no such luck this time. It was time to play catch up once again. I managed to put a few consistent lap times in and started to catch the pack. Soon after I made up my first place and hoped the next wouldn't be to far off. It took nearly the remainder of the race to eventually catch my last pass annoyingly but as the flag dropped I had climbed back up to 6th having not known that some of our other rivals were caught up in the first lap chaos.

Heat 3.

Again my team mate took to the circuit hoping to find a bit more luck this time around, and starting from the back of the grid we wouldn't say no to any help at this point. The first few laps went by and things were going ok for us, staying out of any first lap madness and getting stuck in to making up places. Again things didn't look like they were going our way this time. Whilst battling with a pack of our class runners my team mate made up a few places, however whilst making one of the passes the marshals had deemed that he had made enough contact during the pass to call a passing by contact penalty which automatically drops you back 4 places after the race is over. A really tough penalty especially after look back over the GoPro footage and struggling to see where the contact was made. However the decision was final and although the rest of the race went by without incident we were eventually dropped back down to 2nd from last.

Heat 4.

My last race of the day and we were grided again towards the rear of our field with it all to do. The green lights went and this time I kept well away from any lurking trouble on the first lap. I quickly settled in behind a small pack of the faster drivers in our class and started to put in the laps. After following for a few more laps I couldn't hold off the attack from behind and a faster driver went past, however he wasn't to get far and I stayed with him for most of the race. He slowly started to pull away towards the back end of the race be was pulling me along nicely which meant we both caught up to a couple of karts ahead. We both made the passes and pushed on. By this point we had 5 laps to go and he had now gone further down the road and I was quickly coming up on another of our rivals. I stuck with him for the remainder of the laps looking for where I could make a move and coming in to the last hairpin on the last lap I dived down the inside and cleanly took the place. After the flag dropped I had made 5 places in all.

So not such a good round for us, much like part of Llandow to actually. The next round is Clay Pigeon in Dorset later in the month.

Video of Heat 2 attached, inc the crash frown I didn't get my final race as the GoPro played up, again annoying!

Enjoy and thanks for reading.


Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Saturday 1st July 2017
quotequote all


471 posts

135 months

Monday 3rd July 2017
quotequote all
I'm amazed you got out the kart, as well as everyone else.

are they rolling starts then?


586 posts

171 months

Monday 3rd July 2017
quotequote all
JTsp33d said:

Pile-ups, Pizza & Passes.

Round 5 Ellough Park.

This months round took us east towards Ecceles. Another long distance trip for most much like Llandow meant the turn out was a little down on numbers but on the up side it did bring out some new faces to the series.

Again me and my team mate decided to go for the testing hour the day before to familiarise ourselves as much as possible with another new circuit. We would be in for a bit of luck also with part of the track having just been freshly resurfaced which kept my ribs happy for at least 10 minutes.

Heat 1.

With another randomly allocated grid we found ourselves starting mid pack for the first race. My team mate took the duties on this occasion and after the usual 5 minutes warm up the grid was formed up and the lights went green. Keen to stay out of the first lap elbows out my team mate held station for a moment until being tagged from behind and spun off the circuit. Now it was all to do running from the back of the pack and some several seconds off the nearest kart. As the laps went by he settled in to a rhythm and began to catch the nearest driver. A swift pass and then it was on towards the next who happen to be in a small group. As the time and laps went by he did manage to gain 2 more places before the flag came out to end the heat. We ended up loosing 3 places from our start spot in the end which wasn't bad considering.

Heat 2.

I found myself lined up 6th on our next heat and hoped I could at least hold station for most if not all of the race, however things don't always play out how you'd like...So the flag dropped and I kept to the outside trying to avoid the bumping and pushing on the inside for the first 3 corners. At this point things were going well until we all hit the heavy braking zone for a tight hairpin left. I ended up on the inside line with enough space, I then felt a tap to the rear which I caught but the second one I had no chance. In to the braking zone the back came around, ahead half a dozen other karts had come to a stop with spinning out and one was right on the apex which I connected with sideways rather firmly. Ouch, well F*%k it was probably more like it. After getting the kart straight and being push started I was looking around for a aborted start but no such luck this time. It was time to play catch up once again. I managed to put a few consistent lap times in and started to catch the pack. Soon after I made up my first place and hoped the next wouldn't be to far off. It took nearly the remainder of the race to eventually catch my last pass annoyingly but as the flag dropped I had climbed back up to 6th having not known that some of our other rivals were caught up in the first lap chaos.

Heat 3.

Again my team mate took to the circuit hoping to find a bit more luck this time around, and starting from the back of the grid we wouldn't say no to any help at this point. The first few laps went by and things were going ok for us, staying out of any first lap madness and getting stuck in to making up places. Again things didn't look like they were going our way this time. Whilst battling with a pack of our class runners my team mate made up a few places, however whilst making one of the passes the marshals had deemed that he had made enough contact during the pass to call a passing by contact penalty which automatically drops you back 4 places after the race is over. A really tough penalty especially after look back over the GoPro footage and struggling to see where the contact was made. However the decision was final and although the rest of the race went by without incident we were eventually dropped back down to 2nd from last.

Heat 4.

My last race of the day and we were grided again towards the rear of our field with it all to do. The green lights went and this time I kept well away from any lurking trouble on the first lap. I quickly settled in behind a small pack of the faster drivers in our class and started to put in the laps. After following for a few more laps I couldn't hold off the attack from behind and a faster driver went past, however he wasn't to get far and I stayed with him for most of the race. He slowly started to pull away towards the back end of the race be was pulling me along nicely which meant we both caught up to a couple of karts ahead. We both made the passes and pushed on. By this point we had 5 laps to go and he had now gone further down the road and I was quickly coming up on another of our rivals. I stuck with him for the remainder of the laps looking for where I could make a move and coming in to the last hairpin on the last lap I dived down the inside and cleanly took the place. After the flag dropped I had made 5 places in all.

So not such a good round for us, much like part of Llandow to actually. The next round is Clay Pigeon in Dorset later in the month.

Video of Heat 2 attached, inc the crash frown I didn't get my final race as the GoPro played up, again annoying!

Enjoy and thanks for reading.
Great read, love the flow of ellough, kinda saw that crash coming smile Good luck at Clay, it's a momentum circuit smile


Original Poster:

333 posts

128 months

Monday 3rd July 2017
quotequote all
lickatysplit said:
I'm amazed you got out the kart, as well as everyone else.

are they rolling starts then?
Yes rolling starts for all Club 100 races as we use the direct drive karts with no clutch.

You have have to get out unfortunately to get the kart facing the correct way and then be push started.