New MSUK track limits proposals

New MSUK track limits proposals



18,926 posts

184 months

Wednesday 15th February 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
My point about NASCAR at the self same stuff happens the world over, I know the FIA do not govern there, but people get their safety stuff from al over the world and I happen to think it should all be under one umbrella, thereby making it easier to swap between series if you an or want to and not have to buy different gear for different countries as you do now

Track limits is a worldwide issue, and by my thinking needs a worldwide solution.

I know that each area governs itself, and that is fine, but eventually you will have a standard in Europe, America, Australasia, the Far East, when in reality it would just make sense to have a central message.
Delivered by who? Team America? There is no one overarching Motorsports world wide governing body. Maybe you can go set one up. For me, personally, I'm just worried about how this fkwittery is going to affect my racing.


4,479 posts

49 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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Does that not make you realise there is a problem overall?

Some decisions require I think a sort of Godly power, such as safety.

This is a decision that affects motorsport worldwide, so therefore should be a decision taken from the highest power and delivered by them.

Frankly I could not care less about a personal hassle, my point is that this situation has got to a ridiculous point and it needs someone, high and mighty to force through a change that every country has to follow.

What it does not need is each and every region having different rules, that is plainly ridiculous, even though at a selfish personal level you would be happy. See the point here?

If that is not the FIA, then who?


18,926 posts

184 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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A selfish personal level? I have skin in the game, you don't.

I'm not saying there isn't any sense to the premise of your point, but it's a "what if" that will never happen, and is therefore pointless for us to debate. This is a discussion about MSUK track limits and you've turned it into a notional discussion about a track limits world police.


1,595 posts

18 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
If that is not the FIA, then who?
You're not wrong, according to common sense an International Automobile Federation should oversee/implement such things at an International/global level.

Unfortunately, in reality, the FIA are much like political government - great at making a bit of noise and circulating hot air/robbing expenses, however anything useful? Don't hold your breath.


4,479 posts

49 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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The point being again, that I agree with the MSUK, the limits should be tighter controlled, as many posts say they find some of it unworkable and putting too much on track officials, what are you going to do have marshals doing this, already often pushed to the limit with workload, or maybe have someone on each corner whose sole job it is to analyse track limits? How are you going to get even more people to d this? Some poor schmuck looking at a video feed all day akin to a bus lane operator?

This should not be their job, this should be coming form MSUK or higher. And it should be universal. AS I say I have no dog in the game and feel little sympathy for anyone who does, this is poorly done, always has been, but it is like this as no one is leading it properly.


5,464 posts

198 months

Thursday 16th February 2023
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LukeBrown66 said:
The point being again, that I agree with the MSUK, the limits should be tighter controlled, as many posts say they find some of it unworkable and putting too much on track officials, what are you going to do have marshals doing this, already often pushed to the limit with workload, or maybe have someone on each corner whose sole job it is to analyse track limits? How are you going to get even more people to d this? Some poor schmuck looking at a video feed all day akin to a bus lane operator?

This should not be their job, this should be coming form MSUK or higher. And it should be universal. AS I say I have no dog in the game and feel little sympathy for anyone who does, this is poorly done, always has been, but it is like this as no one is leading it properly.
That's exactly how it works already. Except that the guy watching the camera only gets a picture at msv circuits when the car hits a pressure pad in the run off/ kerb.


6,851 posts

258 months

Friday 17th February 2023
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I can't see how it's enforceable in a reasonable way.

A would imagine 'running a car wide' leaving little room for another car will become more attractive for the inside car, them knowing if the outside car keeps his foot in and is more robustly given insufficient room is more likely to result in a penalty for the poor car thats been hung out to dry.

It may not even be intentional, the guy on the inside may have an unexpected understeery or oversteery moment, the outside guy instinctively gives them room to avoid contact etc and lo and behold, he is nicked, the marshall not noticing the root cause.

It's a daft idea in practice. The MSA like to pretend they have spent their days being useful, so have to come up with an 'idea' to justify their existence. Bit like local government people.

It will be like "Race on Sunday, sell on Monday", except its 'Race on Sunday, results after the MSA Court of Appeal'.


2,321 posts

150 months

Friday 17th February 2023
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^^^ Exactly.

Also what happens if for some reason you fall properly 4 wheels off the track and subsequently lose time, do you still get time added?


5,464 posts

198 months

Friday 17th February 2023
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All those points apply to the current rules... Just a cars width over.


6,851 posts

258 months

Friday 17th February 2023
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mcdjl said:
All those points apply to the current rules... Just a cars width over.
Except the current rules have some (small) leeway for commonsense to apply.


17,790 posts

216 months

Thursday 23rd February 2023
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Other than the BTCC, where I guess the status quo of smashing the corner markers out the ground on lap one, and then carving the straightest line between two points, irrespective of what the markings and surface under the car might be .......... what other UK race series will these proposed regs NOT apply to????