2022 UK Targa/Road Rallying Thread

2022 UK Targa/Road Rallying Thread



3,828 posts

223 months

Saturday 29th October 2022
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ShampooEfficient said:
velocemitch said:
If it’s on an interclub permit and most road rallies are, then unfortunately yes. I don’t think MSUK do part year licences, or allow you to have one for the following year if you buy late in one year, like a lot of clubs do, with membership.
You will also need a club membership if you haven’t already.
As you say, it’s a big expense for just one event.

Which one were you thinking of?
Beaver Rally, I forget which club.

We have decided to be sensible and not spend all the money this year and instead add it to next uers kitty where hopefully we can get a few more in.
Beverley MC, good event usually, clashes with the Ilkley Jubilee ( my fault! ) so I can’t make this one.


4,271 posts

214 months

Saturday 29th October 2022
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velocemitch said:
Beverley MC, good event usually, clashes with the Ilkley Jubilee ( my fault! ) so I can’t make this one.
That's the one! Close enough to us to join next year and hopefully do a few events.


347 posts

208 months

Saturday 29th October 2022
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velocemitch said:
I fancy that rally revival event too, some good roads in that area and the sort of format I like.
Our run on last Friday’s de Lacy 12 car was fun. The young organiser ( just 16 which I think is brilliant) had been given a brief to make it tricky to plot so a novice ( who don’t have to do it plot and bash) could win.
He certainly succeeded! It was damned hard work with full PnB instructions, herringbones etc ten NAMs to plot on map references and over 30 route checKs!
We managed to miss 11 of the codeboards!! But everyone else missed even more of them!
We ended up third, behind two ‘novices’
You’d be very welcome on Rally Revival, a complete new format for Wales so I’m not sure how it’ll go down but fingers crossed. Cheers Bryn Cofc


248 posts

235 months

Monday 31st October 2022
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ShampooEfficient said:
Life has got in the way over the last couple of years but MrsSE and I are looking at an overnight road rally in a few weeks.

The only thing is we would need Interclub licences - am I right in thinking that it would be £69 each and they would expire on 31/12/22?

If so thats a lot of money to add to the bill for a single event, as I don't think we are off work for any more this year...
All the road rallies and targas I've done for the last few years in the South West have been done using the free RS Clubman licence. You just need to be a member of the organising club or of one of the invited clubs if they open it up a bit.

Interclub licences are needed for the championship I think and some events run two events within one, an Interclub and a Clubman event.

I've found targas to be more restrictive in terms of being closed to club. Which means you end up having to join quite a few clubs at up to £15 a time. Ends up making the Interclub licence a cheaper option if you do a decent number of rallies. Some clubs are sensible and offer membership for £5 or less until the end of the year.

Might be worth checking with the organisers of the RS licence and club membership option is an option?


248 posts

235 months

Monday 31st October 2022
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Had a great day on The Exmoor on Saturday. Always a brilliant event.

Much less baulking this year as the tests didn't run loops but we still suffered a bit with people not moving over despite being asked to, as usual, in the drivers briefing.

A relaxed start (especially as it was only a few miles from home) and then on the go all afternoon. Mega muddy on the first few tests but it started to dry up a bit later on.

Second time navigating on the event and for a driver who has only been doing targas for a year and we finished 17th overall and 3rd in class.

Plenty of time still to come but we still set some top ten fastest times during the day.

We also had three minutes of penalties for hitting cones.


3,828 posts

223 months

Monday 31st October 2022
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FactoryBacked said:
ShampooEfficient said:
Life has got in the way over the last couple of years but MrsSE and I are looking at an overnight road rally in a few weeks.

The only thing is we would need Interclub licences - am I right in thinking that it would be £69 each and they would expire on 31/12/22?

If so thats a lot of money to add to the bill for a single event, as I don't think we are off work for any more this year...
All the road rallies and targas I've done for the last few years in the South West have been done using the free RS Clubman licence. You just need to be a member of the organising club or of one of the invited clubs if they open it up a bit.

Interclub licences are needed for the championship I think and some events run two events within one, an Interclub and a Clubman event.

I've found targas to be more restrictive in terms of being closed to club. Which means you end up having to join quite a few clubs at up to £15 a time. Ends up making the Interclub licence a cheaper option if you do a decent number of rallies. Some clubs are sensible and offer membership for £5 or less until the end of the year.

Might be worth checking with the organisers of the RS licence and club membership option is an option?
Whilst most Targa’s in the north are RS club sport level, practically all the Road Rallies, including the Beaver, the one in question are Interclub.

The RS level events can if they do it properly invite other clubs, so you shouldn’t need to join. Problem is not many organisers seem to do it.

RS events cannot be part of a championship, which is why the NESCRO events, run in a ‘challenge’ which is a championship without awards..... typically daft MSUK rule set up!


725 posts

202 months

Tuesday 1st November 2022
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FactoryBacked said:
Had a great day on The Exmoor on Saturday. Always a brilliant event.

Much less baulking this year as the tests didn't run loops but we still suffered a bit with people not moving over despite being asked to, as usual, in the drivers briefing.

A relaxed start (especially as it was only a few miles from home) and then on the go all afternoon. Mega muddy on the first few tests but it started to dry up a bit later on.

Second time navigating on the event and for a driver who has only been doing targas for a year and we finished 17th overall and 3rd in class.

Plenty of time still to come but we still set some top ten fastest times during the day.

We also had three minutes of penalties for hitting cones.
What’s the penalty for hitting a cone?

I was marshalling in Croydon. Spent quite a lot of time replacing cones on their spots!


248 posts

235 months

Tuesday 1st November 2022
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velocemitch said:
FactoryBacked said:
ShampooEfficient said:
Life has got in the way over the last couple of years but MrsSE and I are looking at an overnight road rally in a few weeks.

The only thing is we would need Interclub licences - am I right in thinking that it would be £69 each and they would expire on 31/12/22?

If so thats a lot of money to add to the bill for a single event, as I don't think we are off work for any more this year...
All the road rallies and targas I've done for the last few years in the South West have been done using the free RS Clubman licence. You just need to be a member of the organising club or of one of the invited clubs if they open it up a bit.

Interclub licences are needed for the championship I think and some events run two events within one, an Interclub and a Clubman event.

I've found targas to be more restrictive in terms of being closed to club. Which means you end up having to join quite a few clubs at up to £15 a time. Ends up making the Interclub licence a cheaper option if you do a decent number of rallies. Some clubs are sensible and offer membership for £5 or less until the end of the year.

Might be worth checking with the organisers of the RS licence and club membership option is an option?
Whilst most Targa’s in the north are RS club sport level, practically all the Road Rallies, including the Beaver, the one in question are Interclub.

The RS level events can if they do it properly invite other clubs, so you shouldn’t need to join. Problem is not many organisers seem to do it.

RS events cannot be part of a championship, which is why the NESCRO events, run in a ‘challenge’ which is a championship without awards..... typically daft MSUK rule set up!
Interesting. Silly that it can be so messy.


248 posts

235 months

Tuesday 1st November 2022
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Galveston said:
FactoryBacked said:
Had a great day on The Exmoor on Saturday. Always a brilliant event.

Much less baulking this year as the tests didn't run loops but we still suffered a bit with people not moving over despite being asked to, as usual, in the drivers briefing.

A relaxed start (especially as it was only a few miles from home) and then on the go all afternoon. Mega muddy on the first few tests but it started to dry up a bit later on.

Second time navigating on the event and for a driver who has only been doing targas for a year and we finished 17th overall and 3rd in class.

Plenty of time still to come but we still set some top ten fastest times during the day.

We also had three minutes of penalties for hitting cones.
What’s the penalty for hitting a cone?

I was marshalling in Croydon. Spent quite a lot of time replacing cones on their spots!
Thanks for marshalling! Sounds like you were kept busy.

It was 10 seconds per cone.

Edited by FactoryBacked on Wednesday 2nd November 21:26


248 posts

235 months

Wednesday 9th November 2022
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Did the Harvest Rally in the South Hams area of Devon on Saturday night. Map 202 is always a bit of mind melter, it's just an intense maze of roads. Good map if you want to practice not as map triangles though!

Plotting was pretty swift with it being just tulips and a couple of map handouts.

A very slick and well organised rally with some sections timed to the second and a couple of lateness recovery points.

We set off well and only dropped a handful of seconds for the first few controls but no way we could keep that pace up all night for 160+ miles.

The second half was a bit of a shocker, rain, mud, super tight lanes and tiredness all meant cutting bits of the route and some wrong slots.

Eventually finished 17th overall of 32 starters and 5th of 10 in our class.

Exmouth MC Memorial Rally is next at the end of the month. 200 miles, 10 miles of whites, two petrol halts. Going to be a real test of endurance!

Any tips from the seasoned pros on the best way to keep track of lateness and calculate times when everything is coming at you?!


7,083 posts

223 months

Wednesday 9th November 2022
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FactoryBacked said:
Did the Harvest Rally in the South Hams area of Devon on Saturday night. Map 202 is always a bit of mind melter, it's just an intense maze of roads. Good map if you want to practice not as map triangles though!

Plotting was pretty swift with it being just tulips and a couple of map handouts.

A very slick and well organised rally with some sections timed to the second and a couple of lateness recovery points.

We set off well and only dropped a handful of seconds for the first few controls but no way we could keep that pace up all night for 160+ miles.

The second half was a bit of a shocker, rain, mud, super tight lanes and tiredness all meant cutting bits of the route and some wrong slots.

Eventually finished 17th overall of 32 starters and 5th of 10 in our class.

Exmouth MC Memorial Rally is next at the end of the month. 200 miles, 10 miles of whites, two petrol halts. Going to be a real test of endurance!

Any tips from the seasoned pros on the best way to keep track of lateness and calculate times when everything is coming at you?!
The Harvest was a tough event, 202 is always a tough map as you rightly say and the organisation and route was excellent.
We were really trying to get to the finish without any heroics for championship points and at petrol were lying 3rd less than 1 minute off the lead.

It rapidly went wrong quite early in the second half when we sailed down a hill and couldn't stop on the muddy slippery stuff (despite being on knobblies) and had a big argument with a bank/hedge. We lost 7 minutes trying to free ourselves and then pottered to the finish having lost our mojo and ended up 7th I think. We made lots of wrong slots in the second half through tiredness and being annoyed at the mishap so glad I'm not alone there!

With regard to your lateness and timing question...

I always write on the edge of the timecard my due time at each control (on Saturday adding 2 mins to Car zero time) then all night I know what my original due time was at each time control vs actual time we got there, and if we start to get toward OTL then I can decide to cut route if required.

And then to calculate due times on the fly as we lose time, before we get to each time control, if there's a longish straight where I'm not calling the bends for a bit I'll take a look at the time card and quickly work out our actual due time at that next control, keep that in my head and determine if we're going to be early or late there. Then I'll tell the driver he needs to push and go straight into the control, or can begin to back off as we'll be early.

Hopefully that makes sense, I'm happy to show you what I do on the Exmouth if you like, I'm out with Brendan Wellman in his Fiesta.


3,828 posts

223 months

Wednesday 9th November 2022
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FactoryBacked said:
Any tips from the seasoned pros on the best way to keep track of lateness and calculate times when everything is coming at you?!
Not sure TBH, last night event I did down south I went OTL too, miss read the time card and had no idea we had dropped so much. ( Bagger about five years back)
In the north most of them use what we call Summer timecards, if you haven’t seen one, they are like a chart, your arrival time is ringed and if you have cleaned a section the ring will be directly below the time above. If you are minute late, the ring moves one row to the right. You can easily see from how far to the right the rings are how much time you have dropped over all.


303 posts

229 months

Thursday 10th November 2022
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Keeping the time is my big problem. My head just doesn't get it sorted.

And for something different, a little bit of Rushmoor Targa to enjoy.


Quite a poor day for me, far too many mistakes when on both sides of the cars.

Good fun though, and we both finished.


Original Poster:

1,165 posts

187 months

Saturday 19th November 2022
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Last night was the third round of the Weald MC 12 Car series, this one organised by Sevenoaks & DMC and based at their home pub of The Bell, Kemsing.

The event was titled "Chin Memorial" after Martin Chinnery, who was one of the leading lights of the nav rally scene down here.

57 miles with tricky navigation, tough competition and very wet, muddy leavy roads around Sevenoaks / Hever Castle way.

We missed 2 route checks and finished 9th overall, not a great result but a fun night out.

Back out again in 2 weeks for the Southern Car Club event. There was a photographer out last night, while I await his decent shot, here's one from the car park!


3,828 posts

223 months

Saturday 19th November 2022
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Big weekend for me, just about to set off for Scrutineering on the Ilkley Jubilee Historic.
Second time as clerk of course for me. First one got canned because of Covid and finally ran in 21.
This one had to have a massive reroute when we lost all the test and three regularities due to Military activity ( thanks Putin!) then postponed when the Queen died ( I will let you off Liz). It’s been keeping me awake at night for months!

But after all that we should be good to go tomorrow starting at 08:30 from Leyburn in North Yorkshire.


Original Poster:

1,165 posts

187 months

Saturday 19th November 2022
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velocemitch said:
Big weekend for me, just about to set off for Scrutineering on the Ilkley Jubilee Historic.
Second time as clerk of course for me. First one got canned because of Covid and finally ran in 21.
This one had to have a massive reroute when we lost all the test and three regularities due to Military activity ( thanks Putin!) then postponed when the Queen died ( I will let you off Liz). It’s been keeping me awake at night for months!

But after all that we should be good to go tomorrow starting at 08:30 from Leyburn in North Yorkshire.
Good luck pal! I look forward to the updates smile


5,576 posts

199 months

Sunday 20th November 2022
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velocemitch said:
Big weekend for me, just about to set off for Scrutineering on the Ilkley Jubilee Historic.
Second time as clerk of course for me. First one got canned because of Covid and finally ran in 21.
This one had to have a massive reroute when we lost all the test and three regularities due to Military activity ( thanks Putin!) then postponed when the Queen died ( I will let you off Liz). It’s been keeping me awake at night for months!

But after all that we should be good to go tomorrow starting at 08:30 from Leyburn in North Yorkshire.
Bit of a puzzle about this. A good friend is competing on this, so I thought I would pop along to scrutineering on Sat evening to see him and perhaps glean some broad route information (as suggested by a FB message from organisers) so I could do some spectating.

Got to the location detailed in the regs (coach company on the industrial estate) to find it completely deserted, with the exception of one van + trailer nearby. No cars, no people, ergo no route information so I'm now sitting at home on Sun morning proper miffed!


3,828 posts

223 months

Monday 21st November 2022
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littleredrooster said:
velocemitch said:
Big weekend for me, just about to set off for Scrutineering on the Ilkley Jubilee Historic.
Second time as clerk of course for me. First one got canned because of Covid and finally ran in 21.
This one had to have a massive reroute when we lost all the test and three regularities due to Military activity ( thanks Putin!) then postponed when the Queen died ( I will let you off Liz). It’s been keeping me awake at night for months!

But after all that we should be good to go tomorrow starting at 08:30 from Leyburn in North Yorkshire.
Bit of a puzzle about this. A good friend is competing on this, so I thought I would pop along to scrutineering on Sat evening to see him and perhaps glean some broad route information (as suggested by a FB message from organisers) so I could do some spectating.

Got to the location detailed in the regs (coach company on the industrial estate) to find it completely deserted, with the exception of one van + trailer nearby. No cars, no people, ergo no route information so I'm now sitting at home on Sun morning proper miffed!
Obviously got the wrong information!
I think it’s likely you were at the wrong place, said Coach company has two or possibly three places in the Leeming Bar area. The information we supplied to competitors had the map reference on and everyone found it no problem. We had 40 cars through scrutineering from about 4pm to 6:30. Went like clock work.
If you want to come up next time, or get involved you would be most welcome, but it seems you need to ask the right people.


5,576 posts

199 months

Monday 21st November 2022
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velocemitch said:
Obviously got the wrong information!
I think it’s likely you were at the wrong place, said Coach company has two or possibly three places in the Leeming Bar area. The information we supplied to competitors had the map reference on and everyone found it no problem. We had 40 cars through scrutineering from about 4pm to 6:30. Went like clock work.
If you want to come up next time, or get involved you would be most welcome, but it seems you need to ask the right people.
Aye - wrong place or wrong time is the story of my life!

Anyway, well done for finally getting it organised and running what I gather was a trouble-free event.


3,828 posts

223 months

Monday 21st November 2022
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littleredrooster said:
velocemitch said:
Obviously got the wrong information!
I think it’s likely you were at the wrong place, said Coach company has two or possibly three places in the Leeming Bar area. The information we supplied to competitors had the map reference on and everyone found it no problem. We had 40 cars through scrutineering from about 4pm to 6:30. Went like clock work.
If you want to come up next time, or get involved you would be most welcome, but it seems you need to ask the right people.
Aye - wrong place or wrong time is the story of my life!

Anyway, well done for finally getting it organised and running what I gather was a trouble-free event.
It had its moments! At times it was a bit like the Swan syndrome, serene on top, frantic underneath!