Your favourite club racing to watch

Your favourite club racing to watch



35,349 posts

237 months

Saturday 5th July 2008
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Caterhams without a doubt. I don't know of another series that involves 40 cars charging round in a swarm for the whole half hour, slipstreaming on the straights and driving three abreast round the corners. Everything's there for very close racing: rubbish aero so the tow is all important, closely matched cars and full grids.

Sadly, I can't afford to race my Caterham any longer, but I'll still go and spectate when I can as it's just so entertaining!


845 posts

235 months

Tuesday 8th July 2008
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The castle combe three, Ffords,saloons,gt's all three have exactly what us spectators want big grids close racing.

Ffords really do it for me tho rarely do you get a dull racesmile


193 posts

226 months

Wednesday 9th July 2008
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RobM77 said:
Caterhams without a doubt. I don't know of another series that involves 40 cars charging round in a swarm for the whole half hour, slipstreaming on the straights and driving three abreast round the corners. Everything's there for very close racing: rubbish aero so the tow is all important, closely matched cars and full grids.

Sadly, I can't afford to race my Caterham any longer, but I'll still go and spectate when I can as it's just so entertaining!
If thats your type of racing, but you cant afford to do it the expensive way in a Caterham, why not come Locost racing and do exactly the same for cheaper? And after all the mentions for the 750MC Im surprised nobody has given the Locosts a shout... But then this time Im biased!


35,349 posts

237 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
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Matt2101 said:
RobM77 said:
Caterhams without a doubt. I don't know of another series that involves 40 cars charging round in a swarm for the whole half hour, slipstreaming on the straights and driving three abreast round the corners. Everything's there for very close racing: rubbish aero so the tow is all important, closely matched cars and full grids.

Sadly, I can't afford to race my Caterham any longer, but I'll still go and spectate when I can as it's just so entertaining!
If thats your type of racing, but you cant afford to do it the expensive way in a Caterham, why not come Locost racing and do exactly the same for cheaper? And after all the mentions for the 750MC Im surprised nobody has given the Locosts a shout... But then this time Im biased!
Without wishing to diverge the thread, I prefer Caterhams smile Just a personal preference.


193 posts

226 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
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RobM77 said:
Without wishing to diverge the thread, I prefer Caterhams smile Just a personal preference.
Fair enough! I reckon I would too if I had the budget to try it.

On a slight side note, has anyone managed to pin down what it is that attracts thousands to Castle Combe every time there is a club meeting, yet other circuits struggle to bring in crowds at all? I've never put my finger on it, despite going there since before I could walk.


420 posts

197 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
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I've been going to Combe for a good years now as a spectator. It was the first track I ever visited and I thought all tracks attracted crowds like that for club meetings. How wrong I was! I might be wrong but I think some of the reasons for Combes popularity are (a) Its probably one of the best circuits in the country for viewing, the cars are close you can generally stand on the banking and see a good half way round the circuit etc. (b) Its got a very friendly atmosphere and pretty much everywhere is accessable. (c) I think the 3 circuit championships also draw a lot of people especially the saloon cars which is a bit of a one of a kind championship and attracts, whether people like it or not a fair few of the younger max power type people who go purly to watch the battle of the tuned eveos etc. (c) The tracks been running regualr race meetings for years and has over time built up a large satisfied fanbase. Also worth a mention is the fact they actually publicise their meetings, I live in South Wales and it is not uncommon to see their race meetings advertised in our local paper. All in all I think its one of, if not the best place in the country to watch club racing and many I'm sure will agree. Also on a side note Combe is the only place where my Dad and some of my mates who are not mega into motorsport will come along too so it seems to appeal to the average man in the street as well as proper enthusiasts. I think a lot of other circuit owners could perhaps do with paying combe a visit and learning some lessons.


Original Poster:

3,850 posts

239 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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I will be at Coombe next weekend, although I have been there spectating before, it will be my first club event.

As a couple of lovely PH'ers will be coming along too, I can actually go watch racing, rather than be the assistant (share the waiting/support).


12,415 posts

247 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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Nicol@ said:
a couple of lovely PH'ers will be coming along too
is there someone else coming too thenwink


Original Poster:

3,850 posts

239 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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Matt172 said:
Nicol@ said:
a couple of lovely PH'ers will be coming along too
is there someone else coming too thenwink
Yes, your wife, she's nice and then a tiny maybe of Simon Y (although I haven't met him yet), that makes two tongue out


12,415 posts

247 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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Nicol@ said:
Matt172 said:
Nicol@ said:
a couple of lovely PH'ers will be coming along too
is there someone else coming too thenwink
Yes, your wife, she's nice and then a tiny maybe of Simon Y (although I haven't met him yet), that makes two tongue out


35,349 posts

237 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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I would join you but I'll be at Donny for the 750MC. My Caterham's up for sale and I'm considering racing a single seater in their Formula 4 series. I've got a couple of people to speak to and I want to see what the racing's like smile


Original Poster:

3,850 posts

239 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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RobM77 said:
I would join you but I'll be at Donny for the 750MC. My Caterham's up for sale and I'm considering racing a single seater in their Formula 4 series. I've got a couple of people to speak to and I want to see what the racing's like smile
You will be entertained.

p.s. Good luck with the sale.


35,349 posts

237 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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Nicol@ said:
RobM77 said:
I would join you but I'll be at Donny for the 750MC. My Caterham's up for sale and I'm considering racing a single seater in their Formula 4 series. I've got a couple of people to speak to and I want to see what the racing's like smile
You will be entertained.

p.s. Good luck with the sale.
Great smile Thanks. I'm taking my girlfriend so I hope the racing's good. She's only been to one race before, and that was Combe a few weeks ago. It absolutely poured down and she spent half the whole day in the car with the heater on! I'm hoping it'll be a better experience for her at Donny!


996 posts

219 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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Have you thought about Vee instead of F4?


35,349 posts

237 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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TimCrighton said:
Have you thought about Vee instead of F4?
I have to confess I haven't, no. What is the performance of the cars like?


996 posts

219 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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It'll be cheaper to run than an F4 car I would think.

I did a few races in Vee a few years ago and loved it. Having come out of national formula ford it was at least as competitive as that driving standards wise.

It gets great grids, with lots of cars available.

Engines are c. 100Bhp so not going to set the world alight but the racing is really close.

I'd say its a good series to look at.


35,349 posts

237 months

Friday 11th July 2008
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TimCrighton said:
It'll be cheaper to run than an F4 car I would think.

I did a few races in Vee a few years ago and loved it. Having come out of national formula ford it was at least as competitive as that driving standards wise.

It gets great grids, with lots of cars available.

Engines are c. 100Bhp so not going to set the world alight but the racing is really close.

I'd say its a good series to look at.
Thanks, I'll take a look. I love the Caterham racing, and my car is amazing to drive now it's been set up properly (by SimonY) but it's over £500 a race to enter, and then you've got the running costs to add to that etc. Don't get me wrong, it's everything I thought it would be, but I'm just unsure of the expense. For the total cost of entering a Caterham race all by myself I can enter a club level single seater race and pay someone to run me. After 8 years of getting up at silly o'clock, towing to race meetings and long hours in the garage when I should be out with my friends, that's very appealing!!


996 posts

219 months

Saturday 12th July 2008
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Definitely. We had exactly the same problem with Radicals. It turned out that running a Radical because of the cost of parts/entries etc was more than running a car in GT's!!

I can make a couple of suggestions for people to run cars in Vee if you wanted. Let me know if you decide it looks interesting and I can introduce you smile


5 posts

192 months

Monday 14th July 2008
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Fiat Racing Challenge are great to watch. Close racing throught the field.
New Punto HGT's look really smart and go well.


653 posts

281 months

Tuesday 15th July 2008
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AB28 said:
Fiat Racing Challenge are great to watch. Close racing throught the field.
New Punto HGT's look really smart and go well.
6 finishers in race one, only one gap of less than a second, you've only posted twice and they've both been the same post? Hmm, hardly makes you look like a worried championship co-ordinator at all. Nope, not one little bit laugh