Autotrader for Dubai/UAE

Autotrader for Dubai/UAE



Original Poster:

444 posts

210 months

Monday 23rd June 2008
quotequote all
I have a mate who is moving to Dubai in a month of so for work (long term). He's looking to get a car pretty much as soon as he arrives, but haven't been able to find any decent online classifieds to get an idea of prices. Have found a few sites, but have all been very small and generally don't list prices. Had a forum search, but couldn't find anything. Would appreciated any suggestions. Cheers!


Original Poster:

444 posts

210 months

Tuesday 24th June 2008
quotequote all
thanks desert_dog, that's exactly what I was after. I'll pass those on.

He's got an 04 330CI convertible at the moment - so not too much of a boring family car smile I think he's looking at either a CLS 350 (likes the look of them) or a early current shape Range Rover. (yeah, I don't understand it either, but somehow it does sort of make sense there. In white of coursesmile )