Cost of living in UAE



Original Poster:

988 posts

224 months

Tuesday 17th June 2008
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It's looking likely that I'll moving out to Dubai or surrounding area in the near future so could do with some advice on the cost of living.

I was originally coming out alone, but it looks like I've finally got the good lady on side, so would more likely be coming out with the whole clan (wife and two young kids).

We don't need anything flash, just a normal 2/3 bed flat with parking for a couple of cars.

I have no idea of living costs at all so could anyone give me a rough idea (I know it varies for everyone) on accomodation, travel, food and bills for a family of 4 with no extravagent tastes?

We need to work out if we need to rent out our house here or not.

Cheers smile

EDIT: To update, I’ve just found this site.

Do the figures seem about right?

Edited by m3psm on Tuesday 17th June 20:58


Original Poster:

988 posts

224 months

Wednesday 18th June 2008
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Excellent smile

Thanks Ron thumbup


Original Poster:

988 posts

224 months

Thursday 31st July 2008
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I'm closer to clinching a deal out there now and could do with some info on what I need the company to sort out and how I get my salary a) from the employer into my bank, and b) how to get the money form my bank to the UK to pay bills here.

Accomodation and car are part of the package, as is medical insurance, but apart from a visa, do I need any other paperwork sorting before I go out there?

As for banking, would they be able to pay straight into my UK Barclays account, or do I need to open an account in UAE first and then transfer funds back home?

Not looking forward to getting cooked on a 28 story building site.



Original Poster:

988 posts

224 months

Friday 1st August 2008
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speedy_thrills said:
Found this cost breakdown as well:
Cheers smile

Looks like once accommodation and car are taken care of, not much is needed to survive and go out once a week.

The rest gets sent home and the cherry is the bonus which is where the benefit comes in.

Got another interview Monday. This time with a UK company, so will see how they compare.



Original Poster:

988 posts

224 months

Sunday 3rd August 2008
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Cheers Yorky. That's something I'd not even thought of.

I'll see if I can negotiate a furnished flat in the package because I could do without that expense.