More Dubai questions..



Original Poster:

6,316 posts

259 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2008
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Have an opportunity to take a contract in Dubai for a while, (initially a year, quite possibly a longer term extension). The position on paper looks pretty good, but the salary doesn't feel spectacular - with bonus matches my UK salary without my current bonus. The deal is actually pretty good for the basic role of what I do, I just happen to have a very good package now because of a pretty rare specialism/experience.

So, it looks like a cut in salary initially on a purely cash basis, but there is obviously tax to consider, (or lack of it). That said, I've no idea about cost of living, lifestyle etc etc.

I'm tempted purely because of the chance to work in a completely different environment/culture, though my closest professional experience, (in Cairo) leads me to think I'd really have my work cut out.

Then again, petrol's dirt cheap and the lack of tax/chavs is tempting..

Any advice/experiences to share?


Original Poster:

6,316 posts

259 months

Thursday 24th April 2008
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Craig - long time indeed.. Thought you'd vanished to that part of the world, was about to call Shnozz to get your details. Just trying to arrange details for them to fly me over rather than make the arrangements in London.. I'll drop you a line when I have a few more focussed questions/ideas.. thumbup


Original Poster:

6,316 posts

259 months

Friday 23rd May 2008
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yorky500 said:
Any further info, give us a shout.
Thanks, that was really helpful thumbup

Did some more digging, and decided against this role. Although it looks attractive, the deal just doesn't cut it.

That said, I'm now on their radar, and there might be other things happening soon..

Just a quick question - are there any legal barriers to westerners setting up businesses there?


Original Poster:

6,316 posts

259 months

Wednesday 28th May 2008
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Asterix said:
Unless you go to a free zone such as Media or Internet City etc...

You can set up a one man band for around AED30k plus you can have 100% ownership - however, you will get raped on fees and office rent (everywhere actually).
Well it would be a one man band and I'd not necessairily need offices.. From a bit of digging I've been doing the fees I could charge are quite reasonable.. I'll do some digging..