

Original Poster:

680 posts

214 months

Tuesday 1st April 2008
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Hi all
Notice a few of you are living in dubai?

I am thinking of shifting my business there, been dubai on holiday few times and enjoyed it every time.

Now going on holiday and living there are 2 different things so whats everyone experience been in dubai? im thinking of renting a apartment out for a few months and then maybe buy one later on.

So any good letting agents or estate people can recommend, im over in dubai in couple of weeks so i cna check out a few companies.

Any help much appreciated


Original Poster:

680 posts

214 months

Wednesday 2nd April 2008
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I run a online company, but because all my distribution is handled by another company it means i am very mobile and all i need is a laptop and internet connection. I will check out the link, thanks.

How have your guys experience been of dubai?


Original Poster:

680 posts

214 months

Wednesday 9th April 2008
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Hi Guys
Thanks for the replies

By the time i sort everything out, im looking at sept/oct anyway. Regarding the heat, im used to it as i visit my grandparents in the summer in pakistan atleast once a year for the past 10-13 years, which is very similair temp to dubai.

Im actually in dubai between 23rd - 30th this month for 4-5 days. Planning to try and see a few estate agents and check some properties out. Was thinking of renting before buying as living there for few months will probably give me a better idea of things.

Any other tips or advice very welcome