Bored super car drivers in Dubai

Bored super car drivers in Dubai



Original Poster:

1,746 posts

166 months

Monday 26th December 2022
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If you are in Dubai, have a super car ( preferably a cabriolet…) and fancy taking a British PHer for a spin - I’m your man ! I’m here for another week and really fancy seeing what the place is like at night from a super car ! Not cruising JBR but out on the main roads. Come on, it’s an offer you can’t refuse !!
In return, if you are ever in wales I’ll take you out in a convertible in return!
Fair swap - Dubai for Swansea !!! I bet you can’t believe your luck !!
A lot of people say Swansea is the Dubai of Europe, only with even better weather!

If anything, I should get a prize for the cheekiest thread on Pistonheads?
Form an orderly queue please Dubai PHers !!
( and trolls I’m sure …)


Original Poster:

1,746 posts

166 months

Monday 26th December 2022
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I know . . The irony . . Guy in the shop said it’s only the second time he’s seen rain here in 8 years - thanks mate now I feel even more special


Original Poster:

1,746 posts

166 months

Monday 26th December 2022
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Keep em coming, I think this thread is going viral . .


Original Poster:

1,746 posts

166 months

Monday 26th December 2022
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Yes, I need help- I’m stuck in a shopping centre sheltering from the rain !! I always seem to use Pistonheads a lot on holiday if it is raining ..


Original Poster:

1,746 posts

166 months

Monday 26th December 2022
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I mean, who could resist the offer of a cruise around swansea followed by a pint and fish and chips in the weatherspoons ?


Original Poster:

1,746 posts

166 months

Monday 26th December 2022
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I bet supercar blondie doesn’t struggle like this . .


Original Poster:

1,746 posts

166 months

Monday 26th December 2022
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Ok - I’ll up the stakes . . The lucky winner gets to drive a Nissan figaro round the streets of swansea for a day !


Original Poster:

1,746 posts

166 months

Monday 26th December 2022
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I did mate, I lent you fifty quid for petrol, can I have it back please ?