Exporting / Shipping to Europe

Exporting / Shipping to Europe



Original Poster:

1,222 posts

237 months

Tuesday 19th May 2020
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Hi fellow PH'ers.

I am sure this has been done before but I couldn't see anything specific to my scenario. I bought an Audi R8 in late December in Dubai, there is no mortgage on the car. It looks like I am moving to Germany later this year, TBC. I love the car and given both countries are left hand drive I really wanted to take it with me. The questions I have:

- Does anyone have a good experience with a company who can manage this for me?
- How difficult is the paperwork? I still have nightmares over arranging a credit card here
- Given I have had the car less than a year, is there tax liability?
- Is it worth doing?

Thank you in advance really appreciate the help of this forum.


Original Poster:

1,222 posts

237 months

Tuesday 19th May 2020
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Thank you both, I am actually British rather than a returning expat. Very much appreciate the comments, very helpful. The car is GCC spec but my understanding is that 's basically boosted A/C rather than anything different like a US spec car. I really would like to keep hold of it, the thought of driving it through Europe really puts a smile on my face.


Original Poster:

1,222 posts

237 months

Wednesday 20th May 2020
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Rich_AR said:
Yeh, i loved driving around Europe in my GCC spec 911 as well, in snow, winter tyres and skis on the roof etc smile

I think as long as you're a returning resident with resident status in Germany, I'm sure you could bring it back duty-free.
This is exactly what I was thinking! Would certainly make a change from SZR.

I'm British and will be transferring for work, let's hope that's not taxable smile


Original Poster:

1,222 posts

237 months

Wednesday 10th June 2020
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I’m having no luck finding a company, I’m 2 in and can’t even get a quote. May have to sell, not sure if it’s the current situation making it difficult or just bad luck.


Original Poster:

1,222 posts

237 months

Wednesday 10th June 2020
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Thank you