Moving to AD?



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104 months

Monday 9th December 2019
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Recently spent a few days out in AD for the F1, SIL lives there currently (Khalifa city) and its something the wife really wants to do (currently a teacher)

Her sister was explaining her package, basically for us her work would pay for a 4 bedroom apartment and both kids education and healthcare for all of us, I would have to find a job (marketing / UX) but we would only really have bills of cars / electric / aircon / food & drink

It didn't appeal to me but after visiting it is something I would consider, A read of these forums show people moving away?

I think it would be a 4 year deal for me, renting our UK home out and taking benefit of her work package would mean we could easily save 20-30k PA, add that to overpayments on the profit on renting our house out would make us mortgage free by the time we return

(very early thirties with an 8 & 4 YO)


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419 posts

104 months

Monday 9th December 2019
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that is one concern, 4 bed detached to an apartment would be a change for us, but having looked around the complex I think it would be ok, kids aren't too loud and having pool / kids areas etc would be ok.

What sorts of costs have you had in moving out to Dubai - how are you finding it?

We did go into AD for a night and thought the costs where reasonable, meal for 4 at a Lebanese kebab house was 150, full tank of fuel 80 (dirrums) so if her package had housing it does make financial sense for me


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419 posts

104 months

Thursday 2nd January 2020
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Thanks for the reply's

Yes both worked, OH is a teacher and struggling to work here in the UK, add in crap wages we're only living off my wage here.

Basic idea is 4 years in an apartment (work package) with my hopefully jumping up a level in my career, live off her wage and bank mine returning to the uk better off, renting the house out whilst we are away.

How do people rate the schools out there? I have an 8 year old who is pretty settled but would be ok with the move, little lad starts in September so would try and do it before he starts.

Wife has tickets to go visiting in April!


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419 posts

104 months

Friday 3rd January 2020
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SIL is currently a teacher over in AD, she has an apartment paid for, it's in Kalifa city with security on the gates and each building, 1 bedroom/bathroom utility with guest toilet and balcony, she is the one telling us of packages she knows people have so would have to check our own package, wife is newly qualified and struggling to get a job in the UK, each job has over 80+ applicants but know lots who move over after a quick interview


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419 posts

104 months

Monday 6th January 2020
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On Bird?

I'm in UX (User experience) basically product design, web design etc, currently mid level but hoping to progress to a senior level / managing a team. Been doing in nearly 10 years


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419 posts

104 months

Tuesday 7th January 2020
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noted thanks smile

Not going to get carried away thankfully, lots to consider, wife has just started a 3-4 month contract but she's over in march to see the sights.

Hoping I can get a decent enough package, I have been looking at jobs which I could do with my eyes closed, spending the next month or so improving some areas where I could be better so I could become more senior, basic idea is live off the wife's wage and mine would become a fund for a nicer life back in the UK.

thanks for the input!


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419 posts

104 months

Thursday 6th February 2020
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thanks THB, I have registered, just need to update my CV, been 7 years since I last used it but feel the time is about right!

It looks like most tech jobs are in Dubai - does anybody do the AD to Dubai commute? seemed to be 40(ish) minutes when I was there but it wasn't rush hour so would be interested to know if its sustainable


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419 posts

104 months

Thursday 6th February 2020
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Thanks, Looking around around Khalifa City sort of area dont want to go too far into AD,


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419 posts

104 months

Monday 10th February 2020
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Porridge GTI said:
If you’re working in Dubai there’s zero reason to live in Abu Dhabi and several reasons not to.
Care to elaborate?


Original Poster:

419 posts

104 months

Tuesday 18th February 2020
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Ok thanks! Drive didn't seem too bad when i done it but it wasn't rush hour, I know what you mean about the drivers though they seemed to enjoy cutting people up just to return back to their original lane and swapping at the last minute.

It was mainly an idea as it looks like more jobs in my field are in Dubai but seems to be a few decent jobs in AD the more I look.

Dubai does appeal more to me but it depends where the wife gets offered more, as she has limited experience in her field and most want 2 years, shes pretty much looking to take anything, whereas I can be more selective and have a 30 minute commute at the moment (it was an hour until office moved)



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419 posts

104 months

Wednesday 19th February 2020
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Her sisters apartment is fully paid around 75k AED per annum, with flights etc, Her school doesn't hire without experience but are happy to take substitute teaching into account,

Unsure on the exact package she would be offered but even if they matched the 75k and we had to put some towards an apartment I'm happy

Places like teachaway advertise the packages with airfare, accommodations and health insurance,


Original Poster:

419 posts

104 months

Monday 14th September 2020
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Just though I would update this

Wife just been offered a teaching role, 3 bed apartment with nanny room, healthcare, yearly return flights, yearly pay 126,000 dirham's (10500 per month)

I've been working fro home for the last few months so going to see if they are happy for me to work from home constantly, 4,700 miles away. If not i'll be job hunting as soon as we get there - spoke to a few recruiters who seem fairly positive


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419 posts

104 months

Tuesday 15th September 2020
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I'm a UX designer, recruiter's I have spoken to think 20-30k per month is easily achievable.

We'll be making money on our UK house being rented out, childcare and accommodation is included in her wage so we only have travel and food to worry about in the short term, car wise I'll most likely pick up a check golf GTi and she wants something jeep-y.


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104 months

Tuesday 15th September 2020
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shirt said:
i remember you saying now. Niche area in uk, more so here. Have you seen jobs advertised? Don't listen to recruiters, take the worst recruiter you've ever met and multiply by 1000 and that's the starting point for the emirates.

i don't want to piss on your dreams as i do think coming in post covid would be a better bet than if you'd have come out last year. its just this place is very unforgiving if you cock it up. ensure you carry zero debt at all times and have an out.

would you be interested in starting your own business? slower growth, massive opportunities. big companies often give new/small ones remarkably large contracts, if you can deliver then you're onto a winner

NB - feel free to PM on the latter point. My mrs is a data geek and digital marketing specialist who, for some reason i don;t understand, wants to get into data science, data visualisation and UX. we've just started one business that most would think madness during covid so also have a fair grasp on the hurdles. i personally think working for a local/indian run business [which is what most IT firms would be] would drive you insane.

Edited by shirt on Tuesday 15th September 12:40
Idea is zero debt, we don't care for the latest cars etc, were a family so eating out / drinking out is a once a month thing, at the moment we've been living off my salary for the last 5 years so we're not exactly big spenders.

I have saw a few jobs, none advertise salaries, I've put applications in for a few but I think until I am there not many people will care too much.

I thought you had to be a national to run your own business (or have a national partner?) I have several freelance clients in the UK, none will make me rich but I also have an app I want to launch, so its something I would consider - I know it's a niche market but thankfully I have experience in web design graphic design etc.

Understand your point about working for local/indian business but in all fairness my current company has changed rapidly over the last 2 years, and some of the reviews for certain companies I have read is like I wrote them!

Ill send you a PM closer to when we move, just waiting for ADEC approval for the wife so we can get a date!


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419 posts

104 months

Tuesday 26th January 2021
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Hi Guys - thought I would give this an update!

So we officially moved out here October 8th, It was emotional leaving but we had full support from the family.

So far we've met some wonderful people, after 14 days of lockdown / isolation we where free, one of my wife's colleagues lent us a car for a week or two, one of my first outings we had a flat tyre so I popped the spare on, driving back from Marina mall we had a blow out on the spare, managed to get recovered, new tyre and valve and we where in the waterpark an hour later.

We're living in Al Rayyana, just at the side of Khalifa City A, it's a bit of a change but we have everything we need, pool, gym etc I actually like it here as its quieter than main Abu Dhabi.

My UK Company allowed me to work 3 months notice here, and actually extended it for a month with finished in a few days, today I accepted a new job, 25 minutes away from here but same field and more than my UK wage, I also get tons of benefits. They did offer accommodation in al Reem in addition but I like it where we are, so declined (I know Al Reem is more sought after)

Really good start so far, really enjoying it and on the lookout for a golf gti / focus ST as the rental Nissan Sentra is ste!


Original Poster:

419 posts

104 months

Monday 15th February 2021
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Thanks Everyone!

Works going well, I'm in the office blocks above the galleria, nice to work with a view!

I'll PM you over the focus smile


Original Poster:

419 posts

104 months

Wednesday 24th February 2021
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I emailed through the forum but my email address is wrong unsure if that affects it, I've sent an email to update it!

I'm interested, let me know the details, price and when you're looking to get rid? I'm a few months off but could speed up for the right car!


Original Poster:

419 posts

104 months

Wednesday 30th June 2021
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So the GTI/Focus ST idea went to pot, after a few months of driving the wife wanted something bigger