More Dubai questions..



Original Poster:

6,316 posts

259 months

Wednesday 23rd April 2008
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Have an opportunity to take a contract in Dubai for a while, (initially a year, quite possibly a longer term extension). The position on paper looks pretty good, but the salary doesn't feel spectacular - with bonus matches my UK salary without my current bonus. The deal is actually pretty good for the basic role of what I do, I just happen to have a very good package now because of a pretty rare specialism/experience.

So, it looks like a cut in salary initially on a purely cash basis, but there is obviously tax to consider, (or lack of it). That said, I've no idea about cost of living, lifestyle etc etc.

I'm tempted purely because of the chance to work in a completely different environment/culture, though my closest professional experience, (in Cairo) leads me to think I'd really have my work cut out.

Then again, petrol's dirt cheap and the lack of tax/chavs is tempting..

Any advice/experiences to share?


968 posts

211 months


3,503 posts

240 months

Thursday 24th April 2008
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Dubai is full of chavs!


7,619 posts

227 months

Thursday 24th April 2008
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Psychobert said:
Have an opportunity to take a contract in Dubai for a while, (initially a year, quite possibly a longer term extension). The position on paper looks pretty good, but the salary doesn't feel spectacular - with bonus matches my UK salary without my current bonus. The deal is actually pretty good for the basic role of what I do, I just happen to have a very good package now because of a pretty rare specialism/experience.

So, it looks like a cut in salary initially on a purely cash basis, but there is obviously tax to consider, (or lack of it). That said, I've no idea about cost of living, lifestyle etc etc.

I'm tempted purely because of the chance to work in a completely different environment/culture, though my closest professional experience, (in Cairo) leads me to think I'd really have my work cut out.

Then again, petrol's dirt cheap and the lack of tax/chavs is tempting..

Any advice/experiences to share?
lived in saudi for 18 months

get them to put u into a expat compound and not with the locals, they pay flights to uk 6 monthly ? august is not a fun time - 50 to 60 Celcius
might not be bad for the experience, esp if u want to stay there

nutmegs are on the banned list for saudi, suspect they the same for dubai, so find out what they not like as no-one told me about nutmegs - 3 hour check in going thru bag, they missed the nutmeg oil, seems it has lsd like properties smile and the ball of wax for the beer and wine yeast impregnated in it

u need to find out what u need to pay for out there and any local taxes

do u get a car (2 wheel drive) or jeep 4 wheel drive ?

is the air con dubai spec or european spec ? - when leaving saudi, the accountants were pissed off with toyota and got european spec skodas, the air con was pitiful. saudi spec air con is very strong and does make the difference

expat groups like hash house harriers are worth checking out - running groups, excellent for the social scene like bbq and the like, makes all the difference and they do operate in dubai

Ron Fellows

1,517 posts

251 months

Thursday 24th April 2008
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Psychobert said:
Have an opportunity to take a contract in Dubai for a while, (initially a year, quite possibly a longer term extension). The position on paper looks pretty good, but the salary doesn't feel spectacular - with bonus matches my UK salary without my current bonus. The deal is actually pretty good for the basic role of what I do, I just happen to have a very good package now because of a pretty rare specialism/experience.

So, it looks like a cut in salary initially on a purely cash basis, but there is obviously tax to consider, (or lack of it). That said, I've no idea about cost of living, lifestyle etc etc.

I'm tempted purely because of the chance to work in a completely different environment/culture, though my closest professional experience, (in Cairo) leads me to think I'd really have my work cut out.

Then again, petrol's dirt cheap and the lack of tax/chavs is tempting..

Any advice/experiences to share?
Hiya Simon,

Long time no speak mate! I love it here. The largest expense is the property everything else after that is either way cheaper or similar.

Get them to fly you over to meet the company and your more than welcome to stay at mine while your here. That way you'll get a better feel for the place.




Original Poster:

6,316 posts

259 months

Thursday 24th April 2008
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Craig - long time indeed.. Thought you'd vanished to that part of the world, was about to call Shnozz to get your details. Just trying to arrange details for them to fly me over rather than make the arrangements in London.. I'll drop you a line when I have a few more focussed questions/ideas.. thumbup


1,715 posts

194 months

Thursday 15th May 2008
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Hope I ain't too late to reply, if I am, tough, its coming biggrin

I have been in Dubai for the last 3.5 years. It's true, the cost of living is forever on the up (no different to anywhere else), petrol is cheaper than drinking water (which you have to buy). Cars, esp the more top end range are relatively cheaper than buying in the the UK or Europe but you won't get the range you do there.

Ok, so to help you out: I will assume that you will be wanting say a 1 bed flat (just remember, you can not co-habit with your g/f here. Couples can only live together if they are married! but a lot of couples do live in "sin"!). These are pretty average costs

1 bed flat - AED90 - 110,000 per year to rent (may have parking/pool/gym)
2 bed flat - AED100 - 140,000 per year to rent (ditto)
2 bed villa - AED150 - 180,00 per year to rent (parking)
Utility bills (water/sewerage/elec) - for flats, average AED500-600 per month, 2 bed villas AED1,200-1,500 per month
Cable TV - AED400 per month
Internet - AED350 per month
Tel - depends on how many calls you make AED200 per month
Cars: to buy a Nissan 350Z/2.0l Audi TT (new) - AED150,000. Zero deposit and repayments over 4 years: AED3,688 per month
Insurance on cars: sports cars take 7% of the purchase price: AED10,500 per year,
Petrol: not really worth mentioning but is AED6.25/6.75 per imperial gallon,
Food per week for a single person: easily live on AED500 per week
Going out: tricky part (how long is a piece of string?)
A pint of lager will set you back AED20 - 30 (depends on timing i.e. happy hour)
Ciggies: feck me, these are cheap - AED6.00 per pack of 20.
wes: if single, a must - Chinese & Far east, East Euro and African ladies are here in abundance and can be had anywhere from AED500 - 2000 per night (depends on where you go and what night. Weekends are more expensive)
Taxis are numerous and relatively inexpensive and is a must if out drinking.
Drugs: BIG NO NO.
There are NO income taxes here. Yes, there are taxes on booze and some other goods, but you don't see it.

Basically, what you get in your hand each month is yours to do with as you please.

Right, add all that lot up on a monthly basis i.e. divide all the yearly costs by 12, once you get a total, divide further AED7.4 to get you into pounds and that should give you what you can expect to spend on a monthly basis (remember to add a few extra pints in and some allowance for taxis (avg fare AED25))

Any further info, give us a shout.


1,715 posts

194 months

Thursday 15th May 2008
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I forgot to mention: if you are not bringing your own furniture out and other household nik naks, allow for circa AED40,000 (GBP5,500) to get you kitted out.

It does not include 42" plasma TV's though rolleyes


221 posts

254 months

Thursday 22nd May 2008
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Hi Yorky

I am being interviewed (in UK) for a role in Dubai next week.
The information you have provided is really helpful in terms of managing salary expectations.

Out of interest what are the biggest areas of concern economically in the UAE or GCC at the moment ? inflation ? VAT?



1,715 posts

194 months

Thursday 22nd May 2008
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Biggest concerns: Inflation is defo one. Some sources quote yearly inflation at around 13%, some more than that, some less.

Also, exchange rates against the GBP. It's goes up and down more than a tarts knickers. That is something to watch out for. This is very relevant if you say have to send money back to the UK every month.

There was talk of VAT being added, but has not happened.


221 posts

254 months

Thursday 22nd May 2008
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Thanks all useful stuff

Actually whats the deal in terms of sending money back to the UK ? I understand that as a UK resident you have to pay UK tax when sending money back ? Or are there other ways.



1,715 posts

194 months

Thursday 22nd May 2008
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MiniMevsRevs said:
Thanks all useful stuff

Actually whats the deal in terms of sending money back to the UK ? I understand that as a UK resident you have to pay UK tax when sending money back ? Or are there other ways.

None that I was aware of. I am British, I bank with HSBC both here and in the UK. I just transfer via internet, other than the usual rip of charges for transfers, I have not paid tax on it.

Are you coming out with a family or on your tod? School fees are NOT cheap. Each child will set you back around GBP5k per year. You will also want to get your Mrs a car too, unless your working hours are fexible to allow you to dropoff and pick up your kids, but after a month, she will want a car! hahahaha


Original Poster:

6,316 posts

259 months

Friday 23rd May 2008
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yorky500 said:
Any further info, give us a shout.
Thanks, that was really helpful thumbup

Did some more digging, and decided against this role. Although it looks attractive, the deal just doesn't cut it.

That said, I'm now on their radar, and there might be other things happening soon..

Just a quick question - are there any legal barriers to westerners setting up businesses there?


1,715 posts

194 months

Friday 23rd May 2008
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Legal barriers. I am not overly familiar with setting up a business, other than you have to have a Local Emerati as a 51% stakeholder in your company.

From listening to people there are two ways around this

1) You pay a local a lump of money to be your 51% stakeholder and Sponsor. He then has feck all to do with the business,
2) You and the local Emerati form the Company and he has an active interest in the Company and you run it like a partnership i.e. share profits, costs etc.

I am hoping somebody else may be able to chime in and set me straight if I am wrong.

Dan Friel

3,716 posts

281 months

Friday 23rd May 2008
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I don't know the details, but the previous post must be about right. Local sponsorship is a requirement. Starting a buiness here would not be straightforward.


24,438 posts

231 months

Sunday 25th May 2008
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Dan Friel said:
I don't know the details, but the previous post must be about right. Local sponsorship is a requirement. Starting a buiness here would not be straightforward.
Unless you go to a free zone such as Media or Internet City etc...

You can set up a one man band for around AED30k plus you can have 100% ownership - however, you will get raped on fees and office rent (everywhere actually).


7,824 posts

254 months

Sunday 25th May 2008
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A mate (really) at work it moving over there with the same company, he is taking his GF and they plan to live together. As far as I know this is against the local rules and they will get rumbled when she gets her application in for sponsorship when they check against her address???.

Can someone clairfy what the "actual" process would be if she moved in with him, what would happen if they were found out?

Dan Friel

3,716 posts

281 months

Sunday 25th May 2008
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Legally you need to be married to live togther and i don't believe that you can sponsor someone who isn't your wife. However, plenty do live together using visit visas and make the trek to Oman / Qatar every 60 days...


1,715 posts

194 months

Monday 26th May 2008
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ALawson said:
A mate (really) at work it moving over there with the same company, he is taking his GF and they plan to live together. As far as I know this is against the local rules and they will get rumbled when she gets her application in for sponsorship when they check against her address???.

Can someone clairfy what the "actual" process would be if she moved in with him, what would happen if they were found out?
As Dan Friel has said above, your mate (really) or your mates company will not be able to sponsor his g/f, as such she can only stay here for a max of 60 days, on a visit visa, before she has to leave the UAE and then come back in, which can be done in the same day i.e. a day trip to Oman.

The thing she needs to do is to get a job here, even if it just a basic typist/secretarial job etc, for which her potential company will then provide her with a Sponsorship.

You can then live together, but you do have to be careful i.e. Act married


7,824 posts

254 months

Monday 26th May 2008
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Sorry, forgot to mention that she has lined up a teaching job in Dubai as well, so they will obviously sponsor her. So basically if the GF isn't sponsored then she had to go to Oman or wherever every 60 days.

Otherwise get sponsored herself and tow the line.

Would they not cross match addresses when checking the sponsorship? Anyway thanks for the info I shall inform my mate (its also useful to me as well)!

Also how do you act married!!! LOL