Skype/VOIP in Dubai



Original Poster:

136 posts

232 months

Thursday 28th August 2008
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I'm moving to Dubai in two weeks. Do skype or other VOIP programs work, or are they knocked out by the filtering?

Otherwise, how cheap can calls home be?




2,488 posts

228 months

Thursday 28th August 2008
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As I understand it, Skype will work if you already have it installed on your machine before you go. Which is what I'm doing. But the website is blocked. Hopefully someone can confirm this.


24,438 posts

231 months

Thursday 28th August 2008
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As Phil says - make sure you have it pre-installed, or bring the exe. files ith you on a thumb drive to install on a new machine.

It can be used here but you can't access the main Skype website to download from scratch - get used to seeing the below for many sites that have nothing to do with moral, political or religious reasons - just making money reasons.


Original Poster:

136 posts

232 months

Friday 29th August 2008
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OK thanks guys.. It's all installed so I hope it works!


193 posts

200 months

Monday 1st September 2008
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Even if you have it on your machine it will not work I'm afraid. I have it on mine, and while it will open, it will never connect any calls. The proxy server always stops the calls.


6,012 posts

287 months

Monday 1st September 2008
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My brother lives in Dubai and has tried numerous VoIP services. Every time someone brings out a new one the incumbent DSL / cable providers block it. Robbing bds. The quality of broadband out there is also shocking. It's like the UK 5 years ago. 1MBit/s is you are lucky for 9 million quid a month.


2,030 posts

274 months

Friday 5th September 2008
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Skype to landline/mobile is somehow blocked (at least for me it has stopped working!) so you can only Skype to a computer.

You can get around the proxy quite easily, with a bit of knowhow...

I have a 2mb connection for about 50 of your British Pounds a month, this actually connects at about 512kb, depending on how much pron is being downloaded by my neighbors...


2,058 posts

247 months

Monday 8th September 2008
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Skype can and will work fine here as far as it works anywhere that is.
Landlines, mobiles, PC.
Provided you do it right.
Email me via my profile for further info, leaving soon BTW.


252 posts

210 months

Monday 8th September 2008
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just go to and download the proxy buster...job done!


2,058 posts

247 months

Monday 8th September 2008
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RSPhilip said:
just go to and download the proxy buster...job done!

Ah never mind... I'm orf down under where secret VPNs are not necessary... other than that... wot RSPhil said.


Oh yeah, the witopia subs are well worth it in such regimes like the UAE, pays for itself in a month or even less.