New arrival



Original Poster:

2,488 posts

228 months

Tuesday 26th August 2008
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Well, as of Sunday morning I shall be a Dubai resident, so just thought I'd say hi, as I may well be posting in this particular forum more often.
Am just putting the final touches to my packing and making sure I have plenty of factor 50. Then it's just a matter of ceremonially burning my umbrella and raincoat before I leave the UK.
Woop, etc etc.


217 posts

207 months

Tuesday 26th August 2008
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Welcome to the sand pit, you might want to keep that umbrella for the 1 or 2 days of the year that it does rainbiggrin


24,438 posts

231 months

Wednesday 27th August 2008
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jason90 said:
Welcome to the sand pit, you might want to keep that umbrella for the 1 or 2 days of the year that it does rainbiggrin
And when it does rain - it does it proper, like.


17 posts

191 months

Wednesday 27th August 2008
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Visited my brother who works out there few years ago. You WILL need your brolly but to keep the sun from frying your brain. I like sitting in the sun for a couple of weeks in Spain but Dubai not a place I'd want to live.


Original Poster:

2,488 posts

228 months

Wednesday 27th August 2008
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Asterix said:
jason90 said:
Welcome to the sand pit, you might want to keep that umbrella for the 1 or 2 days of the year that it does rainbiggrin
And when it does rain - it does it proper, like.
I would have thought one would be rather glad of it after seemingly endless sun? I had visions of people running about in glee through the showers...


217 posts

207 months

Wednesday 27th August 2008
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It would be nice to stand out in the rain but you will be too busy trying to figure out where all the leaks are coming from in your apartment/villa


2,030 posts

274 months

Sunday 14th September 2008
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jason90 said:
It would be nice to stand out in the rain but you will be too busy trying to figure out where all the leaks are coming from in your apartment/villa
Not trying to figure out where they are coming from - that'll be blindingly obvious as your villa will resemble the Victoria Falls, on a rainy day - trying to work out how to stop your belongings from washing out of the door, through the garden and down the street.

Either that or you'll be stuck in a trafic jam while the road-lakes are still there - usually 2-3 days. I had to sleep in the car one year. And then be wondering if your neighbors had caught all your belongings floating down the road........


88 posts

190 months

Sunday 14th September 2008
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Alright mate, I only arrived in Dubai 2 weeks ago. Where abouts are you staying?

The only thing i'd say is rent a car and go and forget everything you've ever been taught. The roads in this country are insane.

Register on It like the local pistonheads.


Original Poster:

2,488 posts

228 months

Monday 15th September 2008
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I'm in Bur Dubai at the moment but looking to move somewhere more permanent in the next month or two.
The standard of driving is pretty lame, although I've experienced worse. Morocco, for one.
However, I would like to meet the man that designed the road network and punch him repeatedly in the face. It's so frustrating being able to see the place you're trying to go but not having a clue how to actually turn off the road you're on and get there without doing a U turn 15 miles down the road. Raaagh.
Already checked out Evolve, they seem a good bunch.


1,715 posts

194 months

Wednesday 17th September 2008
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We are a very good buch of lads and lasses. hahahahahaha