Phone number for Bewers 4x4 ( Essex)

Phone number for Bewers 4x4 ( Essex)



Original Poster:

232 posts

216 months

Monday 17th March 2008
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An enquiry into the number of bewers 4x4 off roading site in essex. If anyone has this number please could they post it as id like to know when the next off roading event is cheers martin.


745 posts

235 months

Tuesday 18th March 2008
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Not sure if you mean Bures but if you do, Sunday was the last pay and play day there. It's definitely closed over the summer, and may reopen in the autumn.

All to do with the new owners apparently.


Original Poster:

232 posts

216 months

Tuesday 18th March 2008
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MaximumJed said:
Not sure if you mean Bures but if you do, Sunday was the last pay and play day there. It's definitely closed over the summer, and may reopen in the autumn.

All to do with the new owners apparently.
yea thats he one. thanks for that, i thort i had spelt it rong.
shame its closed tho, but good job i asked i was going to just thrn up on Sunday and hope for the best. Also thanks for there web address, i couldent find that for love nor money