****ing Ramblers Association on the One Show.

****ing Ramblers Association on the One Show.



Original Poster:

59 months

Wednesday 15th January 2014
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Jesus H titty-fking Christ, these aholes just don't know when to stop...
Not content with banning everyone but ramblers on any right of way, the bobble-hatted commies now want to reopen what they claim are existing pedestrian rights of way.
So let's get this straight.......
We're not allowed on "their" rights of way even if vehicular rights have existed since it was created.
But they're allowed on other private property if they think it used to be a path.
Utter wkers of the highest order.


1,674 posts

196 months

Wednesday 15th January 2014
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I also watched the One Show tonight. I was even redder in the face than that poor farmer Dave. When that tw@t held his hand out, if it had have been to me, I would have been tempted to just drop him on the spot. Arrogant twunt. My sympathy to all land owners affected by these bar stewards.


2,161 posts

247 months

Friday 17th January 2014
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Crossflow Kid said:
Jesus H titty-fking Christ, these aholes just don't know when to stop...
Not content with banning everyone but ramblers on any right of way, the bobble-hatted commies now want to reopen what they claim are existing pedestrian rights of way.
So let's get this straight.......
We're not allowed on "their" rights of way even if vehicular rights have existed since it was created.
But they're allowed on other private property if they think it used to be a path.
Utter wkers of the highest order.
Didn't see it and glad I didn't because I feel the same way, not for Ramblers Association the "live and let live". Maybe use the 97.5% of unsurfaced Rights of Way denied to mechanically propelled vehicles, or perhaps use right to roam so they can definitely be away from others and evil vehicles. No, we want everything. Never mind the elderly and infirm for whom a vehicle is often the only way to get INTO the great outdoors.

"What is ours is ours and what is available to everyone else should be ours too"

What would happen if vehicular users did the same thing - simple - we have number plates and get shopped (not that I am saying trespass is correct).


3,016 posts

144 months

Friday 17th January 2014
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My old Geology Lecturer used to despise Ramblers. He once said "A motorbike or 4x4 might pass once and churn up some grass; hundreds of ramblers will destory an area for good."


Original Poster:

59 months

Friday 17th January 2014
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DMN said:
My old Geology Lecturer used to despise Ramblers. He once said "A motorbike or 4x4 might pass once and churn up some grass; hundreds of ramblers will destory an area for good."
This is precisely what's happened on The Gap road in the Brecons.
The frustating bit of it is the millions of walking boots all come attached to an ill-informed gob that will swear blind they saw a 4x4 causing all the damage.
4x4s and trail bikes are the minority. They cause the least cumulative damage yet at the same time have the smallest cumulative voice to state that fact.


1,767 posts

159 months

Sunday 19th January 2014
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I can see their point. Once a public highway always a public highway / bridleway / footpath. If the land has public access then it's not private.
I am not in favour of them getting other user groups banned.


1,674 posts

196 months

Sunday 19th January 2014
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g7jtk said:
I can see their point. Once a public highway always a public highway / bridleway / footpath. If the land has public access then it's not private.
I am not in favour of them getting other user groups banned.
MMMmmmmm. OK. So, when a person/company buys a property, do they check the deeds? If there is right of way, one would expect this to feature. If a right of way is shown on the deeds, then regrettably the land owner cannot do much about it. I still dislike ramblers in principle. IMHO of course - a bunch of gobby retards.


Original Poster:

59 months

Sunday 19th January 2014
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g7jtk said:
I can see their point. Once a public highway always a public highway / bridleway / footpath. If the land has public access then it's not private.
I am not in favour of them getting other user groups banned.
You really need to look at what they've achieved in the Peak District National Park then, where they "campaigned" to ban all but foot traffic from the entire park area other than tarmac roads, despite some of the rights of way having decades old (motor) vehicular rights.
The various user groups (GLASS, TRF, Tread Lightly etc.) all worked tirelessly to find common ground with the RA and agree a combined way forward where ALL user groups could have fair and equal access to the bits they wanted (...so that's over 98% for the ramblers and less than 2% for anyone else).
These groups were willing to adopt self-imposed calendar restrictions, work parties to repair damaged lanes and a more definitive guide to who could go where.
Were the Bobble Hat Army interested? No, they wouldn't even attend the meetings, and chose instead to get very cosy with the Park Authority (something itself which is now under independant scrutiny) and persistently and systematically hound down the perceived "opposition" to the point of them simply recognising the futility of negoitiating with extremists and thus giving in.
The Ramblers Association and their way of doing business is utterly disgraceful and they bring nothing but shame on coutryside users.
Small minded, blinkered extremists. Awful people.

Edited by anonymous-user on Sunday 19th January 19:45


9 posts

140 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2014
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Maybe they should exercise their right to roam on the fast lane of the M25. Never trust anyone who chooses to go for a walk without a dog...

Sarge 4x4

2,371 posts

210 months

Thursday 23rd January 2014
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And if they have a beard..................

kooky guy

582 posts

171 months

Thursday 23rd January 2014
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I happened to catch this program too - don't usually watch it, and I was absolutely enraged!

Unbelievable that anyone can simply register an alleged RoW across someone else's land without the land owner even being notified (until very late in the process) at no cost to them, yet the land owner has to pay massive legal costs themselves to contest it.

I thought the farmer was very restrained with the smarmy rambling git.


19,829 posts

208 months

Thursday 23rd January 2014
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PIsses me off when we're on perfectly legal byways and you come across walkers who look at you like you're something disgusting on the sole of their shoe. We ALWAYS slow right down for walkers, more so for dogs and horses, always say Thanks, and yet still get this treatment. There are precious few places we can legally ride/drive, and the walkers have many many more options - so, apart from the very few who may be specifically trying to get from a to b, if you don't like it, go and walk on a footpath where you're not going to meet a vehicle.


10,486 posts

214 months

Thursday 23rd January 2014
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FFS how does the Ramblers Association get so powerful, If I was you I'd cross post this on a few Mountain biking sites as well, the same prats will block mountain bike trails or swear blind the path they are on is an old path and the bridge was always pedestrian despite it being on a Mountain bike trail that is relatively new and the build has been documented.


Original Poster:

59 months

Friday 24th January 2014
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Engineer1 said:
FFS how does the Ramblers Association get so powerful.
In the case of the PDNP they've got very cosy with the Park Authority, so much so concerns have been raised over the links between the two, with several parties in both the RA and PDNPA having alleged undisclosed interests. All very murky indeed.
Added to that, the militant wing of the RA appears to be mostly made up of retired school teachers or captain of the golf club types who, literally, have nothing better to do than make trouble.
Did you see a BBC4 documentary "Trouble in the Park" (or something along those lines)?
fk me sideways, what a bunch of total wkers.
Funniest bit is where a bunch of bobble-hatted tossers went off on an "awareness" walk, all dressed in high viz stuff, all brandishing whistles and/or handheld air horns so they could, in their own words, to highlight the impact of 4x4s and bikes speeding along green lanes.
So, along comes a couple of trail bikers, pootling along at tick over, minding their own business, at which point the Ramblers erupted in to a chorus to rival a stadium full of vu-vu-zelas.
The bikers moved to one side, let the bell ends pass, and then disappear in to the countryside, rapidly disappearing and blending in with their surroundings.
The TV producer is then heard to ask Chief Rambler, hi viz vest on, whistle wedged in his gob......"Why are you here again?
"We're highlighting how vehicles are ruining the countryside for everyone"


3,448 posts

214 months

Friday 24th January 2014
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Crossflow Kid said:
The TV producer is then heard to ask Chief Rambler, hi viz vest on, whistle wedged in his gob......"Why are you here again?
"We're highlighting how vehicles are ruining the countryside for everyone"
i suspect the irony whooshed over his head as well.

i really do detest the red sock brigade.


969 posts

236 months

Monday 27th January 2014
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Its strange that when RA members cars get paint spattered or even worse they keep away from certain areas so I'm told wink .


2,146 posts

172 months

Monday 27th January 2014
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Like the other week we were on a pheasant shoot and a load of ramblers walked right through the shooting line.
Guns hastily put away and dogs on lead they were asked what the hell they we're doing and replied we can walk where we want!
The shoot captain asked which one wanted to phone the ambulance as he couldn't be responsible for their stupidity (unfortunately we would be responsible)!!
They actually walked over the hill and took a detour towards the shooting line when they could have went in the other direction.
It would have been our fault though if a stray pellet had god forbid hit one of the muppets.


2,786 posts

148 months

Monday 27th January 2014
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Those special sticks.


329 posts

210 months

Monday 27th January 2014
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I phoned the Rambling Association the other day but they just went on and on.......


7,487 posts

199 months

Thursday 13th February 2014
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how about these for militant :-


Millie Tant!