Total Off Road Magazine supplement.............

Total Off Road Magazine supplement.............


Rich K

Original Poster:

905 posts

261 months

Tuesday 11th June 2013
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Being new to off road and By-way driving I purchased the latest edition
for their 170 green lane supplement.

Just a short way in to the route we were directed down here ..... barely 3ft wide

We by passed that part and found the track later on only to be confronted with this

bloomin' closed (nanny state)......... sounds like it would have been good too.

It didnt stop an enjoyable ride out though.

looking forward to more exploring as the year progresses


144 posts

194 months

Thursday 27th June 2013
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this is not uncommon with byways. either they are used to much and get badly damaged, ramblers moan it gets shut. or not used enough and become overground, and virtually impassable! well how about this, complain to the council that its overgrown and not "maintained" enough for the designated use!!!!! see how they like that, haha
keep searching, there are good ones out there, its just pot luck how many are in your area.

i am very lucky and have a great one just 1 mile down the road, but when i live in london, i used to have to drive out to Essex and Herts to find any