Pay n Play this Bank Hol - 30th May

Pay n Play this Bank Hol - 30th May



Original Poster:

10,151 posts

217 months

Tuesday 24th May 2011
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Hi folks

I recently got hold of a new (to me) LR90, and I fancy some off roading on Monday. I have promised a mate who is visiting for the weekend that we can put it through it's paces. smile

So, anyone know of pay and play open on Monday? I'm in Leicester, so anywhere midlands/ south yorkshire is fine. Sibbertoft, Yarwell etc are all closed.

Alternatively, if any midlanders fancy some lanes, I know a few in the Hinkly/ Atherstone area, would lead a run out if I can get 3 or 4 trucks. biggrin


41,030 posts

201 months

Tuesday 24th May 2011
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Its the ALRC National this weekend, lots of LR's will likely be there I should think. That's Norfolk, so not really that local to you.


Original Poster:

10,151 posts

217 months

Tuesday 24th May 2011
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fesuvious said:

Start a thread, I think I could possibly join yer if you are thinking of a laning outing?
Hi there. I already started a thread there, similar to this. Managed to get a few takers to run on a laneing route locally now! You may join us if you want. PM me.