


Original Poster:

687 posts

226 months

Thursday 23rd August 2007
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hi, i got an ipod the other day and plugged it in2 my pals pc and put all his music from his itunes on2 mines as hes got over 3000 on his.When i got home and plugged it in2 mines it trys 2 wipe it? help


2,616 posts

222 months

Friday 24th August 2007
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Thats normal. Its an anti piracy measure.

Its not difficult to get around mind. But as music is my living, im understandably no fan of pirating it, so am unwilling to explain how to get around it, particularly as it is quite a lot of music at stake in this case. Plus I believe doing so is against forum rules anyway.

Sorry, not very helpful, but with a bit of googling you could have it sorted in a few minutes, if you are absolutely hell bent on doing it.



545 posts

240 months

Friday 24th August 2007
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As far as i know you can download some firmware for it, obviously not off the Apple website, which will allow you put all sorts of music file types on and gets rid of all the boocks security shite like what you are having to contend with.

Sorry i cant be of any more help but i dont have an Ipod purely for this hasseling reason. I have got an Iriver which does not seem to have any security on it so you can download what you want and bosh it straight on with no problems, but friends of mine do have them and they have done the firmware change which has sorted it for them.


2,616 posts

222 months

Friday 24th August 2007
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Bunglist, there is no frimware involved. Or any security stuff on iPods.

The 2 issues here are.. The fact that music on an iPod is stored in an invisible directory/partition. Which makes manually fiddling with it, IE swapping music willy nilly (pirating) more difficult.
And 2, the fact that iTunes recognises someone elses iPod (It thinks it is someone elses because it was used on someone elses computer 1st) and tries to wipe the music and install your own music instead. Again, good anti pirating measure.

Both these help keep the record companies happier, as without this, the iTunes store would either not exist, or be much less well stocked. iRiver (for example) doesn't have this to deal with because there is no iRiver music store.

However, you can download music by whatever means you like (legal or otherwise) and install it into iTunes and any iPod, just as you would any other MP3 player. No Apple software shenanigans will do anything to stop this. iPods merely stop making it too easy to swap and exchange music from the iPod itself. The music files (MP3's or whatever format of music) that exist in the computer, you can still do pretty much anything you like with. iTunes store drm'd music excepted. But even that can be got around, if you really wanted to do it.

Cheers, P,