I-tunes, Napster etc etc

I-tunes, Napster etc etc



Original Poster:

21,548 posts

252 months

Tuesday 21st August 2007
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Can anyone give me an idiots guide to the music download sites these days?

Do they tend to have a subscription or is it pay per download? (presume the free ones have gone!)

Are they secure? Sound like an old git, but I'm still quite weary who I submit my card details to online.

Do they download conventional audio files? This applies mostly to i-tunes I guess..... I seem to remember they have a specific i-tunes format rather than MP3 or whatever. Fine if you had an iPod, but not so good if you want to make up mix CDs or stick them on a conventional MP3 player. Also, don't hey have some sort of copy protection on them? I'm not interested in distributing them to anyone, but having had one hard drive crash wiping out my MP3 collection and having gone through several computers since I first got music files, it would be good to have something I can copy and transfer.


10,442 posts

247 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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39,844 posts

279 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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All legally speaking of course yes



Original Poster:

21,548 posts

252 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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Such as....... smile

Had a play round with my misus' i-tunes account the other day and that wasgreat - all those random little tunes I'd never want to be seen buying the album of are suddenly within my grasp! The only thing is I believe that's i-tunes format only and write protected, I want an MP3 I can transfer (for my own wholly legal purposes, yes)


8,290 posts

258 months

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
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Chris71 said:
The only thing is I believe that's i-tunes format only and write protected, I want an MP3 I can transfer (for my own wholly legal purposes, yes)
There are ways of "unlocking" iTunes tracks....

Easiest way though is to burn them in iTunes as an Audio CD, and then rip them back in as you would any normal CD.

Job done.


545 posts

240 months

Friday 24th August 2007
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Cant you just run them through something like Easy CD extractor and then you can put it into whatever format you want.

This way seems to work with allsorts like APE files, Flac files, and most obscure stuff you dont seem to be able to play on anything else.


2,616 posts

222 months

Friday 24th August 2007
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Some iTunes store music is not protected any more.. Although unprotected songs cost a little more. Apple would prefer that all music sold on the iTunes store was unprotected because DRM is generally unpopular. Im not a fan of it myself, but still, its not so bad either.

The easiest way to make it unprotected is well known.. Burn the itunes store tracks onto an audio cd, and rerip this cd into MP3's. There will be some quality loss, but many people would not notice this. It depends how critical you are about quality I guess..



4,553 posts

268 months

Friday 24th August 2007
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Soulseek is quite good (free) and relatively easy to use. Like Napster was a few years back.