We love Trance music

We love Trance music


Clockwork Cupcake

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275 months

Saturday 26th March 2022
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I went looking for a current thread and found one from 2009 and a related one from 2014 but not a definitive thread

So I started a new one.

We have at least two awesome PHers who are trance DJs.

Currently I am on a downer so I am listening to these:


Edited by Clockwork Cupcake on Saturday 26th March 19:37

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Sunday 27th March 2022
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cherryowen said:
Yep, love a bit of trance.

The CD changer in the car currently has two discs of this
CD changer? How quaint.

The SD in my car has the entire Rob Joyce* Trance Podcast back catalogue amongst much else

(* BigDub)

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Monday 28th March 2022
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I listen to the trance channels on https://www.di.fm a lot, especially Female Vocal Trance.

I've also found the mixes on the RazNitzanMusic channel on YouTube to be good.

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Monday 28th March 2022
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Chris Stott said:
Greece 2000… Pretty much perfection… in my top 5 tunes of all time.
Yup. That and Binary Finary. yes

(as already mentioned)

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Tuesday 29th March 2022
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Chris Stott said:
Went to Progress one night to see Tall Paul (I think it was Tall Paul… was a long time ago and large quantities had been consumed). He didn’t show so they roped in a techno DJ I’d never heard of… 3 hours of THUMP THUMP THUMP… no tunes…fk me!
Obligatory xkcd...

credit: https://xkcd.com/411

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Wednesday 6th April 2022
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I must go listen to all the links you guys have been posting since I started this thread.

Anyway, this is what is noodling through my head right now.


I should put together a YouTube playlist of my fave trance tracks for you to disagree with. smile

(Joking aside, I love how nice everyone has been over differing tastes within the trance genre on this thread)

Edited by Clockwork Cupcake on Thursday 7th April 01:12

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Sunday 10th April 2022
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Knoxville2410 said:
Not sure if this has been posted yet. One of my faves to get the juices flowing on a summer's day drive...

Oh yes, very much my type of Trance. yes

Edited by Clockwork Cupcake on Sunday 10th April 10:11

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Monday 11th April 2022
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Released in 2008 and still a fave...

(The intro seems a little superfluous and 'tacked on' but it was the best version I could find)

edit: And another fave from the same period...

Edited by Clockwork Cupcake on Monday 11th April 10:07

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Monday 18th April 2022
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You got drunk and went link crazy didn't you. smile

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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bangerhoarder said:
On a different note, and famously one of the favourite ‘modern’ trance tunes of all, because I haven’t seen it posted:

Love that track. But, for me, the Super8 & Tab remix is my fave.

This link is to an unofficial fan vid that I love. It's been taken down a few times over the years but always returns.

Incidentally, I am in the process of putting together a playlist and added this very track today. smile

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Wednesday 20th April 2022
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Figured I may as well just post a link to my playlist. There's 22 tracks there now, and I doubt if anyone will listen to them all anyway. I doubt most people who bother to click will make it past the first couple of tracks.

But, meh, I like them.


Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Saturday 23rd April 2022
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Well I'm just humming along to the same old song, but I don't know the lyrics.

Edit: not actually sure that is the best version. Oh well.

Edited by Clockwork Cupcake on Saturday 23 April 21:05

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Sunday 24th April 2022
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Random query. I have always heard this as "Woke up today in Casa Blue", as in 'casa' meaning 'house of', so "Casa Blue" meaning "House of Blue". And as someone who suffers from depression, I can totally dig that.

Only every lyrics site says "casts of blue". What does that even mean?


Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Saturday 30th April 2022
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There are some good trance channels on Digitally Imported ( https://www.di.fm)

I've been a Premium subscriber for years (at least a decade in fact). I generally go for a 2 year plan each time it comes up for renewal and my current subscription worked out at £4pcm.

(I keep meaning to have a listen whilst logged out and see if it really is worth having Premium)

Clockwork Cupcake

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275 months

Sunday 1st May 2022
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Can I take you on a musical journey? Starting backwards on the final piece of a jigsaw for me.

(I mean, I am going to anyway, And nobody has once replied to me on this thread so it doesn't matter anyway; I'm pissing into the wind anyway)

So, the final piece was this

Then add this

And this (sorry, sorry)

Bake at Gas Mark 4

And then we get this

3-way mashup rocks.

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Sunday 1st May 2022
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p4cks said:
Natasha Beddingfield redcard
That's why I postfixed it with "sorry, sorry"

Also, please be gentle cos I bruise easily. smile

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Sunday 1st May 2022
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What I forgot to mention in my original post was that I knew Bruised Water but didn't know all the tracks that comprised it until then.

I may not have been entirely sober at the time of posting. smile

Clockwork Cupcake

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75,316 posts

275 months

Sunday 8th May 2022
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Well I'm blissing out to this right now

Clockwork Cupcake

Original Poster:

75,316 posts

275 months

Sunday 8th May 2022
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I reckon you need to calm down. Maybe it'll be alright.

Clockwork Cupcake

Original Poster:

75,316 posts

275 months

Sunday 8th May 2022
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zb said:
Right wink
Joking aside, I love that track and Emma Hewitt is a goddess.