for fans of heavy music

for fans of heavy music



Original Poster:

7,829 posts

228 months

Thursday 17th June 2010
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and the best hardcore band of them all!23 years old


Original Poster:

7,829 posts

228 months

Thursday 17th June 2010
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Original Poster:

7,829 posts

228 months

Thursday 17th June 2010
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another off beat one but everyone used to love rage against the machine didn't they??here is zac de la rocha and the drummer out of mars volta

ok, back to the heavy metal!!

Edited by tuscaneer on Thursday 17th June 15:01


2,519 posts

192 months

Thursday 17th June 2010
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militantmandy said:
Z06George said:
One of my mates recomended Blotted Science and I have to say they are awesome
the guy who recomended it is also in this band
They are called Maggot Stuffed Ccensoredt, it was started as a joke but now they're really popular, Scuzz is even after the video rofl
Fully digging BS for a good while now. Jarzombek is a mentalist.
May have completely miss read your post but are you saying mine is bull?


4,443 posts

261 months

Thursday 17th June 2010
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hornet said:
Some kind soul has put Throne of Ahaz on Youtube. Good work that person - great old Black Metal.
'Good' band but always seemed a bit overlooked compared to the other Swedish bands. Admittedly I preferred a few of the other bands too..

For a second I thought they had reformed, but I was getting them mixed up with Unanimated.


6,333 posts

253 months

Friday 18th June 2010
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Gompo said:
hornet said:
Some kind soul has put Throne of Ahaz on Youtube. Good work that person - great old Black Metal.
'Good' band but always seemed a bit overlooked compared to the other Swedish bands. Admittedly I preferred a few of the other bands too..

For a second I thought they had reformed, but I was getting them mixed up with Unanimated.
Looking back, there's probably not much to single them out from all the other bands of the era, but they were one of the more underground bands I got into when I was tape trading, so have always liked them. Ancient were another band like that. I think they're still going, but they've morphed into more of a symphonic sort of affair. Their early stuff is very basic and raw, but just has something about it. Countess was another one like that. One man project from Holland, I think. Had their "Gospel of the Horned One" album, which was very basic, but just struck a chord with me. Good fun to find all this stuff emerging on YouTube all these years later - see there's stuff like Gorement, Macrodex, House of Usher and Crypt of Kerberos up there as well. Probably haven't listened to that stuff for 15+ years.


4,443 posts

261 months

Friday 18th June 2010
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You may have tape traded with my brother, or atleast I'd be surprised if you didnt share some traders. He's part of the reason why at 9/10 (1992/3) I was asked by my teacher what my favourite band was I could answer 'I'm not sure, either Deicide, Obituary or Death', and then later that year asked by the Headteacher in the school 'Assembly' my favourite band, and replied with 'Gomorrah'..

Despite various dodgy episodes, Ancient are still quite liked for their first few releases. Unfortunately I picked up The Cainian Chronicle of the local 2nd hand market quite cheaply and was rather let down by what I heard. I managed to get 'Trolltar' in a similar manner which sounded a bit better to my ears..


6,333 posts

253 months

Friday 18th June 2010
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Gompo said:
You may have tape traded with my brother, or atleast I'd be surprised if you didnt share some traders. He's part of the reason why at 9/10 (1992/3) I was asked by my teacher what my favourite band was I could answer 'I'm not sure, either Deicide, Obituary or Death', and then later that year asked by the Headteacher in the school 'Assembly' my favourite band, and replied with 'Gomorrah'..

Despite various dodgy episodes, Ancient are still quite liked for their first few releases. Unfortunately I picked up The Cainian Chronicle of the local 2nd hand market quite cheaply and was rather let down by what I heard. I managed to get 'Trolltar' in a similar manner which sounded a bit better to my ears..
Yep, early Ancient is good stuff, then they get entangled with NSBM and goth synthy stuff and it all went a bit wrong. If your brother was trading in the UK circa 1990/3 then I may possibly have traded with him, or at least in the same circles. I was never a "big name", but I traded with a few people who got reasonably well known in the scene through editing fanzines or being in bands. Was a good time that I kind of miss. The instant availability of everything online has sort of killed the excitement for me these days. Guess that's progress.

I used to irritate the crap out of our sixth form common room by playing Acid Reign, Forbidden and Nuclear Assault at full whack smile


1,498 posts

174 months

Thursday 15th July 2010
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Has anyone mentioned orange goblin yet?/

love this band smile

I drive way too fast if I have them on in the car though biggrin

lord summerisle

8,140 posts

228 months

Friday 16th July 2010
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motorizer said:
Has anyone mentioned orange goblin yet?/

love this band smile
they were excellent at Hard Rock Hell earlier this year.


4,506 posts

241 months

Saturday 17th July 2010
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Great thread.

I suspect my tastes are somewhat similar to Tuscaneer. As I get old I strive more and more to find new acts with a clean tight sound.

My bag in the 90s was quite varied, having come from a rave grounding; Fear Factory, Pitchsifter, Metallica, Sepultura and the best metal act of all time Pantera.

But then I got into Deftones massively, and that led on to Tool (greatest metal musicians imo), which led to APC. Then System of A Down came along and then I got a little bored of most of the tripe that was being released. But then I discovered SikTh, who sadly are no more.

More recently got into Chevelle although I suppose many qould consider them quite commercial sounding.

But I'm liking TesseracT I have to say, and Cloudkicker is another highlight for me from this thread.

But here's my blast from the past. Having listened to this album again recently I still don't think I've ever heard anything greater in the world of metal.

Edited by Swervin_Mervin on Saturday 17th July 22:36


4,443 posts

261 months

Saturday 17th July 2010
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Glad you liked Cloudkicker. While Pantera will always have a place in my history, they only have maybe a handful of songs I really enjoy.

Another 'modern' one you might like:

Rain - Bioactive


6,333 posts

253 months

Sunday 18th July 2010
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Swervin_Mervin said:
Great thread.

I suspect my tastes are somewhat similar to Tuscaneer. As I get old I strive more and more to find new acts with a clean tight sound.
I seem to be going in the opposite direction. Never a fan of the clean sound really, and I like it even less these days. Personal taste, but to me it just seems to erase any sense of feeling from the music. Makes things sound horribly clinical to my ears, as if it's all been done on a hard drive and not by a living, breathing band.

Anyway, my position on "the clean sound" is well known on this thread, so I'll move on to a few things I've been rediscovering via YouTube. Aussie Black Metal smile

Destroyer 666


Oh, and another vote for Orange Goblin here. Had "Time Travelling Blues" in the car only yesterday.


Original Poster:

7,829 posts

228 months

Monday 19th July 2010
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Swervin_Mervin said:
Great thread.

I suspect my tastes are somewhat similar to Tuscaneer. As I get old I strive more and more to find new acts with a clean tight sound.

My bag in the 90s was quite varied, having come from a rave grounding; Fear Factory, Pitchsifter, Metallica, Sepultura and the best metal act of all time Pantera.

But then I got into Deftones massively, and that led on to Tool (greatest metal musicians imo), which led to APC. Then System of A Down came along and then I got a little bored of most of the tripe that was being released. But then I discovered SikTh, who sadly are no more.

More recently got into Chevelle although I suppose many qould consider them quite commercial sounding.

But I'm liking TesseracT I have to say, and Cloudkicker is another highlight for me from this thread.

But here's my blast from the past. Having listened to this album again recently I still don't think I've ever heard anything greater in the world of metal.

Edited by Swervin_Mervin on Saturday 17th July 22:36
hey up fella,it's hard to believe that cloudkicker is just one dude from ohio!!the last album i bought was the periphery case you missed it earlier in the thread.

fking epic!!


Original Poster:

7,829 posts

228 months

Monday 19th July 2010
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this chimpspanner is another one man job from essex.tasty.

8 string guitars are what it is all about at the moment.

Edited by tuscaneer on Monday 19th July 12:48


Original Poster:

7,829 posts

228 months

Monday 19th July 2010
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fk me, the more i find from this guy the more impressed i am.wait for the break at about 1.10


3,829 posts

189 months

Monday 19th July 2010
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Z06George said:
militantmandy said:
Z06George said:
One of my mates recomended Blotted Science and I have to say they are awesome
the guy who recomended it is also in this band
They are called Maggot Stuffed Ccensoredt, it was started as a joke but now they're really popular, Scuzz is even after the video rofl
Fully digging BS for a good while now. Jarzombek is a mentalist.
May have completely miss read your post but are you saying mine is bull?
What I'm saying is - Fully digging Blotted Science for a good while now. Jarzombek is a mentalist

Blotted Science rock my world, so i'd say we are in agreement!


3,829 posts

189 months

Monday 19th July 2010
quotequote all
motorizer said:
Has anyone mentioned orange goblin yet?/

love this band smile

I drive way too fast if I have them on in the car though biggrin
One of my all time favourites. I've seen them 7 or 8 times now I think. Also, I have the dubious claim to fame of being on the DVD!

Ben Ward got up and sang a couple of numbers at Garcia Plays Kyuss in Camden. I was borderline crying with joy at this point!


4,443 posts

261 months

Monday 19th July 2010
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hornet said:
Destroyer 666


Oh, and another vote for Orange Goblin here. Had "Time Travelling Blues" in the car only yesterday.
D666 are supporting Watain here in September. I will be going and should be great. Australia has some bloody good bands, particularly the whole Black/Thrash/War thing.


1,217 posts

203 months

Monday 19th July 2010
quotequote all
Gompo said:
hornet said:
Destroyer 666


Oh, and another vote for Orange Goblin here. Had "Time Travelling Blues" in the car only yesterday.
D666 are supporting Watain here in September. I will be going and should be great. Australia has some bloody good bands, particularly the whole Black/Thrash/War thing.
Destroyer666 and Watain??? Thud!!! I am so there! Are there anymore supports confirmed?