for fans of heavy music

for fans of heavy music



4,450 posts

261 months

Tuesday 6th September 2011
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..A year or so ago I hadnt listened to it for maybe 5 years and had forgotten about the drum sound. As soon as the intro kicked in I knew what was about to come.

You are totally right, there's a few things that make that album great to me and one part is the drum sound. I definitely wouldnt want it on every DM album though.


475 posts

169 months

Friday 9th September 2011
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Ok so just got back from seeing TesseracT with Chimp Spanner and Uneven Structure on support. Uneven Structure made a good start - sort of a weird hybrid of Meshuggah and TesseracT with a bit of Devin Townsend thrown in too - will be getting their debut album for sure. Chimp Spanner up next who just blew me away. So so so so so so good. Paul Ortiz (the main man) seemed a little nervous and shy at first, but bloody hell the riffs were just killer, the perfect blend of melody and crippling heaviness, and the drummer bobbing his head away in the background raised a few smiles.

TesseracT were on good form with their new singer - felt his softer vocals could do with a little work though, sometimes fell into a sort of falsetto type thing which didn't really fit, but technically speaking they were on good form.

Band of the night were definitely Chimp Spanner though. Outstanding stuff.


Original Poster:

7,829 posts

228 months

Friday 9th September 2011
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captainmatt said:
Ok so just got back from seeing TesseracT with Chimp Spanner and Uneven Structure on support. Uneven Structure made a good start - sort of a weird hybrid of Meshuggah and TesseracT with a bit of Devin Townsend thrown in too - will be getting their debut album for sure. Chimp Spanner up next who just blew me away. So so so so so so good. Paul Ortiz (the main man) seemed a little nervous and shy at first, but bloody hell the riffs were just killer, the perfect blend of melody and crippling heaviness, and the drummer bobbing his head away in the background raised a few smiles.

TesseracT were on good form with their new singer - felt his softer vocals could do with a little work though, sometimes fell into a sort of falsetto type thing which didn't really fit, but technically speaking they were on good form.

Band of the night were definitely Chimp Spanner though. Outstanding stuff.
didn't even know they were all on tour!! sounds good,i'm straight onto basick's website now for details


4,508 posts

241 months

Friday 9th September 2011
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I know it's a bit mainstream and many of you may already be familiar with it, but as a break from listening to Protest the Hero I thought I'd give the most recent Sevendust album, Cold Day Memory, a proper hearing - the first time sice I got it really.

I have to say it's a real progression for them. I actually don't yet have anything of theirs prior to Alpha (I actually got into them relatively recently after remembering that years ago I loved their track My Ruin).

This latest album appears to have some real soul behind it, and it really does make the difference combined with their trademark heaviness. I think it's a much better blend of the soft & heavy than Hope & Sorrow.

Here's their opening statement Splinter:

And this is one of my favourites off the album, Karma:

Moving on from that, a few months back my lovely wife got me a signed copy of Skindred's latest effort, Union Black. I've often thought of them as a bit of a British Sevendust oddly, despite the fact that they have a very unique sound. :?

Anyhoo, here's Cut Dem:

Doom Riff:

And Game Over


771 posts

167 months

Saturday 10th September 2011
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Had Master of Puppets CD in the car today, forgotten about this monster


4,450 posts

261 months

Saturday 10th September 2011
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..I put 'Ride The Lightning' on in my 'regular' Pub tonight, too..


4,450 posts

261 months

Saturday 10th September 2011
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I've expressed that I dont mind some Djent on page 1, but most of it seems to have a decent 'Djent'/chug bit, a technical guitar riff or 5 and then a horrible clean singing, with a supposedly euphoric chorus bit..

Can anyone recommend some stuff that has less of the latter? I'm not a massive fan of the technical guitar but fine with it, but I really want the chug + the drumming that goes with it. I know Meshuggah just about fits the bill but out of the newer bands who are the heaviest/least commericial/most 'difficult' to listen to? I dont really like generic Deathcore growls either, but they're tolerable if the music is decent.

I cant be sure I've checked all those on this thread, but of all those mentioned on here I think Cloudkicker are the one I like most, but to be honest I think they're borderline in terms of being Djent and instrumental so can't have rubbish vocals..



22,096 posts

229 months

Saturday 10th September 2011
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Swervin_Mervin said:
Moving on from that, a few months back my lovely wife got me a signed copy of Skindred's latest effort, Union Black.
Got this off eMusic a couple or three weeks ago. It's farhooking brilliant. I love a bit of Skindred, me.


475 posts

169 months

Saturday 10th September 2011
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Gompo said:
I've expressed that I dont mind some Djent on page 1, but most of it seems to have a decent 'Djent'/chug bit, a technical guitar riff or 5 and then a horrible clean singing, with a supposedly euphoric chorus bit..

Can anyone recommend some stuff that has less of the latter? I'm not a massive fan of the technical guitar but fine with it, but I really want the chug + the drumming that goes with it. I know Meshuggah just about fits the bill but out of the newer bands who are the heaviest/least commericial/most 'difficult' to listen to? I dont really like generic Deathcore growls either, but they're tolerable if the music is decent.

I cant be sure I've checked all those on this thread, but of all those mentioned on here I think Cloudkicker are the one I like most, but to be honest I think they're borderline in terms of being Djent and instrumental so can't have rubbish vocals..

Try Fell Silent. You will probably hate the vocals (not clean, more of a screeching a lot of the time). Also, how about SikTh? Not strictly djent, but you might like it, worth a go and Aliases (the guitarist from SikTh's new band).


22,096 posts

229 months

Saturday 10th September 2011
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Gompo said:
I cant be sure I've checked all those on this thread, but of all those mentioned on here I think Cloudkicker are the one I like most, but to be honest I think they're borderline in terms of being Djent and instrumental so can't have rubbish vocals..
Cloudkicker scratch my post-rock itch to the extent that I've just bought their album off Bandcamp.

I am impressed (and amused) by this:

ETA: Check out the back catalogue - the most recent two albums are name-your-price, but the rest are free to download.

Edited by CommanderJameson on Saturday 10th September 15:29


4,450 posts

261 months

Saturday 10th September 2011
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captainmatt said:
Try Fell Silent and Sikth
I may have to give them both another go.. listened to Fell Silent a couple of months ago and I think it was the vocals that put me off. Have heard bits of Sikth, never really connected but will try again.

Thanks for the recommendations.


474 posts

226 months

Saturday 10th September 2011
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I've just heard Chimaira "Age of Hell" - what an album, thoroughly recommend it. They seem to have chilled out a bit but the album is a belter from start to finish. Dare I say it, but there's almost an AIC influence to some of the tracks - definitely the most grown-up album they've produced yet.

satan 59

336 posts

165 months


31 posts

154 months

Sunday 11th September 2011
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tuscaneer said:
it`s not very often i get properly excited by new bands but these lads "tesseract" are absolutely sensational.debut album due out soon
Awesome, I love it. Kind of reminds me of Firewind, one of my favorite bands of all time. They play neoclassical metal, something I truly love. This band sounds amazing though. Great stuff mate smile


112 posts

162 months

Sunday 11th September 2011
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Yeah I drop a fair bit of TesseracT during my DJ slots and it always goes down very well.

I know the majority of users here don't like clean vocals or (what is for some reason termed as) "generic" vocals, but I've been listening to the new Asking Alexandria record. Some interesting riffs blended with a screamy/melodic mix of vocals, with some dance/electro-synth elements mixed in too. Certainly has been on my stereo a lot recently!


4,450 posts

261 months

Sunday 11th September 2011
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Just listened to a couple of Asking Alexandria tracks. I can see why they're liked but not for me, again the vocals* don't help, but most of it just seems a bit tame/easy. Admittedly the songs I tried were probably released as singles so perhaps they were the ones most likely to please the masses.

  • For what it's worth, I do like some clean vocals in Metal, but they seem to detract from most 'Modern' Metal or compound negatively on an already boring emotional section of a song.


6,333 posts

253 months

Sunday 11th September 2011
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Gompo said:
Just listened to a couple of Asking Alexandria tracks. I can see why they're liked but not for me, again the vocals* don't help, but most of it just seems a bit tame/easy. Admittedly the songs I tried were probably released as singles so perhaps they were the ones most likely to please the masses.

  • For what it's worth, I do like some clean vocals in Metal, but they seem to detract from most 'Modern' Metal or compound negatively on an already boring emotional section of a song.
Just seems like "modern metal by numbers" to me, especially on This one, which ticks every single cliche box going. Much too safe for me. The heavy bits are too clean and not especially heavy, the twiddly bits appear exactly when you'd expect them to appear, the video is all angsty and moody and oh look, it's THOSE BLOODY VOCALS. AGAIN.

Did I mention I don't like the vocals? smile


4,450 posts

261 months

Sunday 11th September 2011
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That's one of the two songs I heard and I share most of your sentiments.

I think it's fair to say that 95% of that sort of thing is not for us.


6,333 posts

253 months

Sunday 11th September 2011
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To prove I'm not just being a miserable old git, here's some old stuff the more djentrified crowd might like. Few tracks from Anacrusis.

ETA - and some Atheist

Edited by hornet on Sunday 11th September 23:19


6,333 posts

253 months

Sunday 11th September 2011
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Gompo said:
That's one of the two songs I heard and I share most of your sentiments.

I think it's fair to say that 95% of that sort of thing is not for us.
Probably true. I just can't fathom why people can consider this stuff metal? It's dreadful. I wouldn't mind if I was saying that because it was too heavy and too angry, but it's because it's not heavy or angry enough. That's wrong! There's just so much better stuff out there, both old and new.