for fans of heavy music

for fans of heavy music



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Friday 21st May 2021
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havoc said:
That works for me! thumbup

Did like the sounds coming from that first Warwick too...definitely prefer a brighter sounding bass.
defo pal, that cut to the sound is what i love...that sound that nolly gets from that dingwall is pretty much my favourite bass tone


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228 months

Friday 21st May 2021
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Swervin_Mervin said:
See, that sounds fairly middle of the road to me!

Have you watched the 2nd Jon Stockman vid? His use of effects is sublime, but not for the sake of it. It's all about creating a specific sound to feed into that Karnivool soundscape.

I love his overdriven sound which has real clarity.
i haven't watched the second vid tbh.. will take a look later..... yes, he's very soundscape in his approach, which fits that band perfectly....

i'm really enjoying the journey at the moment but i'm very green to it all... sounds ironic as i've been playing guitar for nearly 40 years!... but i have always thought like, and written like, primarily a guitarist....i've gone from just filling in the space behind and below the guitar tracks i create to actually writing guitar tracks with leaving space for the bass to weave in and out rather than just sit underneath..


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228 months

Friday 27th August 2021
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HM-2 said:
I've always been a huge fan of Linus Klausenitzer, previously of Obscura and now in Noneuclid, Obsidious and Alkaloid.

Saw them live a couple of years ago at the Fleece in Bristol and it was absolutely incredible.
pretty impressive hands!!


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228 months

Friday 27th August 2021
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so... the mighty Quicksand ....

i have been listening to the new album on repeat since release now ..... i'd say it's up there with slip from the 90s .. it's that good...

INCREDIBLE body of workclap


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228 months

Tuesday 31st August 2021
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seefarr said:
Approved, that rocks. Thanks for the thread resurrection too, Tuscaneer!


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228 months

Tuesday 31st August 2021
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S100HP said:
New Wage War is shaping up to be pretty special
yeah, i'll have that... pretty solid


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228 months

Wednesday 15th September 2021
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S100HP said:
tuscaneer said:
S100HP said:
New Wage War is shaping up to be pretty special
yeah, i'll have that... pretty solid
Imminence too. The three tracks they've released recently are all exceptional.
i'll have a spotify now pal cheers..


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228 months

Wednesday 15th September 2021
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new comeback kid single released today... can't wait been way to long.... coming to the uk in january with Be Well in chief support... can't wait... comeback kid are one of the best live bands i've seen


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228 months

Wednesday 15th September 2021
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S100HP said:
tuscaneer said:
i'll have a spotify now pal cheers..
using "spotify" as a verb pal biggrin

"i spotify'd the entire 109 album back catologue of frank zappa last week... i haven't finished yet"


imminence sound pretty good tbh... new band to me that...


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228 months

Wednesday 20th October 2021
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saw godflesh in planet x liverpool in 1990.....there were about 11 people in the "crowd"... great show though, they had that prototype drum machine thing and had tellys playing footage from slaughterhouses... christ that was 3 decades ago...


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228 months

Monday 1st November 2021
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new limp bizkit is direlaugh .... a shame for me as i loved their debut album... i saw them in manchester when korn first brought them out.. absolutely bonkers energy they were great...wes borland is a riff machine... but a very " one trick pony" type of band... like with any good joke, once you've heard it a few times it's not funny any more


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Wednesday 8th December 2021
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no major surprises for me tbh..... maybe not having "failure" in my top 5 but then i couldn't see any of the others getting bumped either!

REALLY glad i found " the life and times" this year.. GREAT band.... should be WAY bigger!

quicksand clean sweep in the top songslaugh i speak to walter schriefels over instagram and was telling him that my daughter actually started playing guitar this year because she became infatuated with their new album.. he seemed genuinely happy at that!

Edited by tuscaneer on Wednesday 8th December 10:10


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228 months

Wednesday 8th December 2021
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havoc said:

I like the variety! biggrin
oh mate... that new album.... i don't know how they keep doing it!! .... again... talking to walter and was telling him how insane it is that when they released slip in '93 it changed my life... i was 18 and had been playing guitar since i was 6 ... but my style changed forever after hearing that album....

for my daughter at 14 to have the same reaction to distant populations as i did nearly 30 years ago is insane.... she wasn't a musician but has now picked up a guitar because of it....

that fact seemed to make him genuinely happy.... the most humble and talented guy


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228 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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speaking of drummers......

this fking GENIUS was playing drums for dan tompkins solo tour last month.. i caught up with him and chimp spanner after the show... he's another genius, albeit a guitar one!!


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228 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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Swervin_Mervin said:
I see Sergio Vega has left Deftones. Sounds like a bit of a stty way of treating him that led to it.
really gutted about this... thought he was just as good a fit as chi cheng tbh....


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228 months

Friday 11th March 2022
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mw88 said:
On the upside, I guess this means more Quicksand!


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228 months

Tuesday 22nd March 2022
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Swervin_Mervin said:
The full and original lineup of SikTh are getting back together to play 2 shows later this year! So that's Justin back, Pin back and Dan Foord.

Nov 25th at Manchester Academy 2 and
Nov 26th at London Electric Ballroom

Any fellow PHers fancy going to the Manchester gig?
quick reccy , reckon i'm ok for this one.... be a nice pick-me-up after getting tickets to see helmet at the same venue next month only to have them cancel.. gutted...


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228 months

Wednesday 4th May 2022
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a new one and an old (new ) one....

first up....

the singer from 12 foot ninja alerted me to these boys... fking EPIC band...i've had this album on loop for a month..

then, a band from the 80s released a new album last year.. very much in the dc melodic hardcore vein.. but from california.. they are from the same era as dag nasty, very similar sound... great to see these boys keeping up their end showing out for us old bds!


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228 months

Thursday 16th June 2022
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spikyone said:
Can't believe I've never seen this thread before. Would've loved to have been at that WH show in Camden, they didn't play anywhere near me this time around. London is just a little too far most of the time.

Someone mentioned Cave In too, I'm really enjoying their new album. They're playing a very small gig in Bristol in October as part of their tour, sad that Caleb won't be there of course but that's going to be an incredible gig. It's still not sold out, which seems crazy.
cave in new album is superb... final transmission had some incredible moments...

glad to see them still at it as i kind of guessed final transmission was the end... then when i saw stephen brodsky join quicksand i thought that was DEFO it.... but it seems he was just there for live stuff....


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228 months

Thursday 16th June 2022
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so .... new find time .....

old stuff is a bit pop punky but 2 songs so far from the upcoming ep and its fking incredible.. very much slower and more dour.. but my god these songs get right into your head..i love EVERYTHING about this band


these guys deserve to be MASSIVE