for fans of heavy music

for fans of heavy music



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7,829 posts

228 months

Monday 8th August 2011
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derestrictor said:
Somewhere in Time? I remember that album's release and groaning as the 'Maiden by numbers' formula shifted up into warp drive.
yeah,i never said it was the pinnacle of their back catalogue and indeed there is a lot of duplication over the years of maiden just happened to be the first time i encountered them.retrospectively number of the beast is more important,but who moves the game on every single time they release an album?

of the bands i listed above most have had a big influence on metal at the time of a difinutive release.when helmet released meantime it was awesome to a budding guitarist like me.i just hadn't heard anything like it before.(that was ,what, 1991??)

same goes for deftones and korn.when korn jumped into the collective conciousness with their first release it was mental(considering that megadeth and co. were still churning out the rehashes of previous successes)

every single deftones release is superb and they are quite unlike any other artist.

i've definately got rose tinted specs on for the bands of my youth as well but i definately appreciate a lot of what has been going on in the last 20 odd years


18,764 posts

264 months

Monday 8th August 2011
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'Time was 1986.

Funny, feels like yesterday...


39,731 posts

287 months

Monday 8th August 2011
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I never 'got' Iron Maiden, still, they did well and still do I gather. I used to live across the road from this odd little hairy geezer who, on being introduced to him, said "whatever you do, don't tell anyone you know me....I don't want hassled by Maiden fans"

thought he was just another nutter.....turns out he was this guy

Edited by Apache on Monday 8th August 15:09


18,764 posts

264 months

Monday 8th August 2011
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Drove a nice series II Jag, iirc.


39,731 posts

287 months

Monday 8th August 2011
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derestrictor said:
Drove a nice series II Jag, iirc.
your electric mailbox seems broken old chum


18,764 posts

264 months

Monday 8th August 2011
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I've just 'pinged' you; I believe that is the vernacular.


39,731 posts

287 months

Monday 8th August 2011
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30,418 posts

238 months

Monday 8th August 2011
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goldblum said:
Alice In Chains
Stone Temple Pilots
Pearl Jam
Five Horse Johnson

All are either one-offs,or display some originality. None are great,but I quite like some of their music.Much more into other stuff.
With the exception of FHJ (who I will forthwith google...damn, Der's vernacular is rubbing off on me!) and Offspring (who I believe sucked too willingly from the corporate teat), you've just listed some of my favourite bands from my A-Level and Student days.

I'd contend that probably half of them ARE great, in their own field. None (RATM and possibly Nirvana excepted due to KC's death) will leave as long a legacy as some of the 70s & early-80s greats, but that doesn't deny the quality of their music, more the increased competition during their era.

(AIC are still one of my all-time favourite bands, but I acknowledge they will only ever be a bit-part player in the history of alt-rock/metal/grunge/whatever, which is a shame as I think they made better music than Nirvana, they just didn't market themselves as well)


13,857 posts

168 months

Monday 8th August 2011
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CommanderJameson said:
The gore-obsessed stuff is absolutely nothing new.

I bought Leprosy by Death in 1988.

Twenty-fking-three years ago.

>suddenly feels rather old<
How about "Reek of Putrefaction" by Carcass, really took the whole gore / murder lyrics to a new level. Released in 1988, by a band who formed in 1985, by that guys crazy logic, it must be "real" metal!


6,333 posts

253 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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Mastodon2 said:
How about "Reek of Putrefaction" by Carcass, really took the whole gore / murder lyrics to a new level. Released in 1988, by a band who formed in 1985, by that guys crazy logic, it must be "real" metal!
Ah, grindcore. Love it. How about Repulsion? A lot of the tracks on "Horrified" date to 1985/6 when they were known as Genocide, so they qualify smile


22,096 posts

229 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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hornet said:
Ah, grindcore. Love it. How about Repulsion? A lot of the tracks on "Horrified" date to 1985/6 when they were known as Genocide, so they qualify smile
>points at original, now-banned, Symphonies Of Sickness gatefold release<

>and Grind Crusher<


3,829 posts

189 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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havoc said:
With the exception of FHJ (who I will forthwith google...damn, Der's vernacular is rubbing off on me!) and Offspring (who I believe sucked too willingly from the corporate teat), you've just listed some of my favourite bands from my A-Level and Student days.

I'd contend that probably half of them ARE great, in their own field. None (RATM and possibly Nirvana excepted due to KC's death) will leave as long a legacy as some of the 70s & early-80s greats, but that doesn't deny the quality of their music, more the increased competition during their era.

(AIC are still one of my all-time favourite bands, but I acknowledge they will only ever be a bit-part player in the history of alt-rock/metal/grunge/whatever, which is a shame as I think they made better music than Nirvana, they just didn't market themselves as well)
Spot on. Irate SG and AIC as two of the all time best in their field and two desert island bands for me.


54 posts

156 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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militantmandy said:
Spot on. Irate SG and AIC as two of the all time best in their field and two desert island bands for me.
Agreed. And Alice In Chain's last album shows they continue to be outstanding even without Staley. Hoping for another album.


3,829 posts

189 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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SamAlien said:
Agreed. And Alice In Chain's last album shows they continue to be outstanding even without Staley. Hoping for another album.
Would have to disagree on that. I think the new album shows exactly how important Staley was. Just sounds like JC's solo stuff now. All the misery has gone!

Just IMO of course.


39,731 posts

287 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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SamAlien said:
militantmandy said:
Spot on. Irate SG and AIC as two of the all time best in their field and two desert island bands for me.
Agreed. And Alice In Chain's last album shows they continue to be outstanding even without Staley. Hoping for another album.
Black turns to Blue? quality bit of work that, there's some real talent in that mix


10,272 posts

170 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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militantmandy said:
SamAlien said:
Agreed. And Alice In Chain's last album shows they continue to be outstanding even without Staley. Hoping for another album.
Would have to disagree on that. I think the new album shows exactly how important Staley was. Just sounds like JC's solo stuff now. All the misery has gone!

Just IMO of course.
Black only gives a hint as to how good AIC were.It's not a bad album,but not as idiosynchratic as their earlier stuff and far more mainstream.Take one lead singer,

add ten years of smack/crack abuse and a bucketload of talent and you have a recipe for something special.Unfortunately when that lead singer dies...


3,981 posts

190 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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Currently liking The Treatment

Not metal but good old fashioned hard rock & roll.


6,333 posts

253 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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CommanderJameson said:
>points at original, now-banned, Symphonies Of Sickness gatefold release<

>and Grind Crusher<
Original single LP Grindcrusher with the blue and yellow cover? Got that one too smile

> Points at Terrorizer "World Downfall" LP

Happy days.


22,096 posts

229 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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hornet said:
Original single LP Grindcrusher with the blue and yellow cover? Got that one too smile
That's the chappy. Came with a limited edition engraved 7" single.


30,418 posts

238 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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goldblum said:
Black only gives a hint as to how good AIC were. It's not a bad album,but not as idiosynchratic as their earlier stuff and far more mainstream.
Agreed. Which in some ways is good - it's easier to listen to - but it does miss the genuine 'moments of genius' that e.g. Dirt and Jar of Flies showed (esp. Dirt - that is a Desert Island album).

As an aside, while we're on this sort of music, what's the consensus on Black Stone Cherry?